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Where do the next few years take the American Institute of Architects?

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2 Where do the next few years take the American Institute of Architects?

3  The Strategic Plan sets the overall tone for the Institute  It is not only our grand vision, it guides our decision making

4  The Placemat  The Weave  The Cube, the Sphere... the Rhombicubeoctrahedron?  ?????

5  Design does matter  Design is the unifying principle around which the Strategic Plan is oriented  Design more than just matters, Design is the centerpiece of the Institute

6  Contractors build – and do it better than Architects  Managers manage – and for the most part do it better than Architects  Accountants control cost – and do it better than most Architects

7  Show me the Manager, Contractor or Accountant who can create this....

8  Use the tools at hand  Engage... Components, Associates, Affiliates, Emerging Professionals  Focus not on developing the vision but on implementing the vision as it stands

9  We have the tools  We have the vision  We have the visionaries  We need a Secretary with demonstrated problem solving and implementation skills to pull it together

10  All of the necessary parts are at our disposal and we have to choose which way to go  We can assert a leadership position within our established vision or endlessly rework the vision  Which way will it be?

11  My perspective on the Future of the Institute  My vision for AIA is your vision for AIA... implemented as effectively and efficiently as possible  My name is Frederick Butters, and I thank you for taking the time to review this presentation.  Fredrick F. Butters, FAIA, Esq.

12  I pledge to answer any and all inquiries regarding my candidacy and the manner in which my service as Secretary would further the objectives of the Institute  Contact me anytime at; Frederick F. Butters Frederick F. Butters PLLC 26677 West 12 Mile Road Southfield, Michigan 48034 (248) 357-0831 (248) 514-4694 (cell)

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