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Table of Contents 2 nd slide- Electricity31 st slide- Freezing Point 3 rd slide- Waves32 nd slide- Boiling Point 4 th slide- Electromagnetic Waves 33 rd.

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Presentation on theme: "Table of Contents 2 nd slide- Electricity31 st slide- Freezing Point 3 rd slide- Waves32 nd slide- Boiling Point 4 th slide- Electromagnetic Waves 33 rd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table of Contents 2 nd slide- Electricity31 st slide- Freezing Point 3 rd slide- Waves32 nd slide- Boiling Point 4 th slide- Electromagnetic Waves 33 rd slide- Sublimation 5 th slide- Color34 th slide- Condensation 6 th slide- The Eye35 th slide - Light 7 th slide- Conductors and Insulators 8 th slide- Lightning 9 th slide- Force 10 th slide- Physical and chemical change 11 th slide- Mixtures 12 th slide- Solute and Solvent 13 th slide- Physical and chemical properties 14 th slide- Kinetic and Potential Energy 15 th slide- Newton's Laws 16 th slide- Solid 17 th slide- Liquid 18 th slide- Gas 19 th slide- Homogenous 20 th slide- Heterogeneous 21 st slide- Compound 22 nd slide- Element 23 rd slide- Infrasound 24 th slide – Ultrasound 25 th slide- Reflection 26 th slide- Parts of an Atom 27 th slide- Opaque 28 th slide- Translucent 29 th slide- Transparent 30 th slide- Melting Point

2 Electricity is the movement of electrons. We use electricity is everyday things and is a vital source of power that we need. Examples is a house, light bulb, and to power other appliances.

3 Waves transfer energy with or without a medium. Examples are putting on bed sheets, an earthquake and a flag being blown in the wind.

4 Electromagnetic waves transfer energy without a medium. Examples are radio waves, X-rays, infrared rays and visible light.

5 Color has 7 different wave lengths that is in visible light. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Black absorbs all wavelengths and white reflects all wave lengths.

6 The eye has two different types of cells that are called rod cells and cone cells. Rod cells let us see shades of gray and cone cells lets us see primary colors. It has the cornea, optical nerve, the retina, and the iris.

7 A conductor is a substance that allows electricity and heat to pass through. Examples is copper, iron and metal. An insulator doesn’t allow electricity and heat to pass through. Examples is rubber, plastic and wood.

8 Lightning first starts inside a cloud that starts to build up protons and electrons. They then are separated and the protons are on top and the electrons are at the bottom. Lastly, the electrons create an electric charge and is released onto the Earth.

9 This is what we everyday people use to move or stop objects. In order stop an object, a force is required to stop it.

10 A physical change is when you change an objects appearance and examples are folding paper, and writing on paper. A chemical change is when you change a object and it becomes a new substance and examples are burning paper and moss on rock.

11 These are when two or more objects are physically combined. The particles are able to be seen. Examples are salad, salsa, and rocks w/ water.

12 A solute is the object that is being dissolved and examples are M&M’s, tongs, and skittles. A solvent is the object that is doing the dissolving and examples are water, acid and juice.

13 Physical is something that describes an object and examples is a red door and a blue pen. Chemical properties is something that describes a chemical change. They are three properties that describe a chemical change and that is flammability, combustion, and reactivity.

14 Kinetic energy is energy that are in motion. Examples is swimming, and someone that is sliding off hill. Potential energy is that is being stored, Examples is someone getting ready to dive and someone getting in position to run.

15 Newton’s first law is anything that is moving can be stopped by applying force. Newton’s second law is the more mass something has the more force you need to apply. Newton’s third law is something has an equal and opposite reaction when you use force.

16 A solid is one of the three states of matter. The particle arrangement in a solid are tightly packed together and not moving. Examples of solids are a desk, a chair and a wall.

17 A liquid is one of the three states of matter. The atoms of a liquid are that they’re close together but they are still moving. Examples is water, milk and juice

18 A gas is also on of the three states of matter. The particle arrangement in a gas is that they’re spread far apart and they are moving. Examples of gas is helium, smoke and air.

19 A homogenous is a mixture when you can’t see the particles. Examples is soda, milk, juice and tea.

20 Heterogeneous mixtures are mixtures when you can see the particles. Examples is salad, salsa and rocks w/ water.

21 A compound is two or more elements chemically combined. Compounds are found everywhere. Examples are water, humans, a computer and a desk.

22 An element is a pure substance that is made up of its own atom. Elements are naturally made but they can be man- made. Examples are oxygen, helium and gold.

23 Infrasound are very low sounds that cannot be detected by the human ear. Animals that use infrasound are whales and elephants.

24 Ultrasound are very high pitch sounds that cannot be detected by humans. Animals that use this ability are bats, cattle and dogs.

25 Reflection is when light waves reflect off an object. Examples are some ponds in water and mirrors.

26 There are three types of an atom it is the proton, neutron, and electron. The proton is in the nucleus and is a positive charge. The neutron is also in the nucleus and it is both a positive and a negative charge. The electron is outside the nucleus and is a negative charge.

27 Opaque is when you cannot see through an object. Examples are a door, a table and a computer.

28 Translucent is when you can only see the shape of an object. Examples are a fog, frosted class and vinegar.

29 Transparent means that you could see through an object. Examples are a window, a mirror and water.

30 A melting point is when a solid is melted into a liquid. Example is ice melting into water.

31 This is when a liquid is turned into a solid. Example is water freezing into ice.

32 This happens when a liquid is turned into a gas. Examples is water boiling and turning into steam.

33 Sublimation is when a solid is turned into a gas. Example is dry ice turning into carbon dioxide.

34 Condensation is when a gas is turned into a liquid. Example is a cold drink on a hot, sunny day.

35 Light is something that makes things visible for other objects such as a light bulb. There are many different kinds of light like X-rays, infrared rays, UV rays, and visible light. Like waves, light has wavelengths but they are not specifically considered waves but instead they are considered electromagnetic waves.

36 This assignment is the longest PowerPoint that we’ve done so far. It’s really a lot of work that Mr. A. has taught us just for one semester. All these slides that I have done isn’t even all the work that Mr. A. has done. I really learned a lot of stuff this semester some of it was so much that I don’t even remember. I have to give credit to Mr. A for all the stuff that he planned for us for just one semester,

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