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SUFC Policy Working Group Update TCIA Hill Day June 17, 2015.

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1 SUFC Policy Working Group Update TCIA Hill Day June 17, 2015

2 What is the Sustainable Urban Forest Coalition?  an assembly of national organizations working to advance a unified urban forest agenda for our nation's communities.  composed of city planners, educators, landscape architects, non-profit leaders, scientists, arborists, foresters, nurserymen and women, and many other professionals who care for, monitor and advocate for trees and our urban forests as a whole.

3 How does the SUFC Define Urban Forests?  SUFC views urban forests as the aggregate of all vegetation and green spaces that provide a myriad of environmental, health and economic benefits for a community  Why is this Coalition Necessary? Although the functions and benefits of urban forests are becoming increasingly clear, there is a lack of understanding about the full range of urban forests within a community’s infrastructure.functionsbenefits  Coalition members work together to educate and advocate for better maintained and expanded urban forests nationwide with a unified national voice.  a unified national coalition strengthens relationships, creates synergy between like-minded organizations, and builds bridges between diverse organizations with overlapping interests.  Together, the SUFC can raise the national profile of urban forests, their benefits, and the people who help keep urban forests healthy.

4 What is the Policy Working Group?  Uses a variety of advocacy tools to increase tangible support for urban forests and green infrastructure on a national, regional and local level;  It seeks to educate diverse audiences about the value and need for healthy trees and green infrastructure in our communities; and  Members network and leverage resources and knowledge among a growing community of organizations to promote healthier, more vibrant cities.  Co-chairs:  Gerry Gray (ACTrees)  Rebecca Turner (American Forests)

5 Highlights from 2014 - 2015  Advocated for $31.3 million for U&CF in FY 2015 and secured an amount larger than President’s request  Conf Report included language supporting UF Research.  Used a new process to develop a broader set of requests for federal programs for FY 2015  Worked with SUFC members to convene first “fly-out” (Rep. Joyce, OH) and explore others.  Developed urban forestry recommendations for President Obama’s Climate Change Action Plan.

6 SUFC Policy Goals for 2015+  Secure more funding for key programs within the federal government that supports urban forests and green infrastructure  Identify and build relationships with potential new urban forestry champions on the Hill  Support key pieces of legislation that enhance urban forests and green infrastructure  Provide consensus-based substantive comments on key regulations  Increase knowledge about SUFC efforts within a variety of federal agencies working on green infrastructure and urban forestry issues  Identify a clear policy agenda to advance research and development

7 Fly-outs in 2015 and 2016  CA  Rep. Valadao – (R-CA21)  Part of Kings and Fresno County  MD  Rep. Sarbanes (D-MD3)  Annapolis and Towson area

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