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TITLE SLIDE Professor Kurt Lambeck, President, Australian Academy of Science.

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1 TITLE SLIDE Professor Kurt Lambeck, President, Australian Academy of Science

2 Science Education Work of the Australian Academy of Science 1.Nova - Science in the news 2.Interviews with Australian Scientists 3.Primary Connections 4.Science by Doing

3 Reasons for involvement? Development of a scientifically literate society. It is not only about ensuring a cohort of future scientists or increasing the numbers enrolled in science courses but also To give all students a basic understanding of science to make sense of their world and to be able to operate successfully in an increasingly scientific and technological world.

4 Primary Connections: linking science with literacy

5 2006 TRIAL Concerns about primary science Science teaching time Australian primary teachers spend less time on Science than all other subjects except LOTE (Language other than English) 41 minutes per week spent on Science on average across K-7 2.7% of total weekly teaching time (Angus et al, 2004)

6 2006 TRIAL Purpose of Primary Connections To improve learning outcomes for primary students in science and literacy by developing a professional learning program supported with curriculum resources that will improve teachers’ confidence and competence for teaching science through developing their science pedagogical content knowledge.

7 2006 TRIAL Primary Connections Professional learning programme supported by curriculum resources

8 2006 TRIAL Underpinning frameworks 5Es teaching and learning model Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate (Roger Bybee, 1997)

9 2006 TRIAL Underpinning frameworks 5Es teaching and learning model Assessment embedded within the teaching and learning model Linking science with literacy Inquiry and investigative approach Cooperative learning strategies

10 2006 TRIAL Science and literacy - a mutually supportive relationship Measuring and recording observations of broad bean seed germination in a science journal Creating a labelled diagram to represent understanding of parts of a germinating broad bean seed

11 2006 TRIAL 2005 Trial of Primary Connections 56 schools, 106 teachers and >3000 students trial schools from all jurisdictions and sectors, metro, regional and rural schools teachers completed 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 days PD taught supplied units in Terms 1 and 3 taught teacher-developed units in Term 2 data gathered by teacher and student questionnaires, case studies, analysis of students’ work samples

12 2006 TRIAL Total self-efficacy score Initial survey (2004) End of summer school Mid Term 1, 2005 End Term 1, 2005 End Term 2, 2005 1-100000 0 11-20 20000 21-30 2010431 31-40 5049525449 41-50 1730333239 A 10 item self-efficacy scale was assembled using items selected from Riggs and Enochs (1990) Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument. Changes to Teachers’ Self-efficacy (n = 89)

13 2006 TRIAL Achievement level and scoreFrequency At start of unit At end of unit (lowest) 1110 2163 3415 438 5115 6022 7015 (highest) 804 Mean score2.54 *5.51 * Achievement Gains: Year 5 Students (n = 72) Duration: 1 term Year 6 Bench mark

14 2006 TRIAL Minutes of science taught per weekPer cent of teachers Before (2004)Using PC (2005) 60 minutes or more33.072.7 Between 30 and 60 minutes39.826.1 Less than 30 minutes23.91.4 Rarely taught science3.40 Changes to Time teaching Science (n = 89)

15 2006 TRIAL Research findings overview Primary Connections was trialled by 106 teachers in 56 schools Australia-wide in 2005. Primary Connections improved teachers’ confidence, self-efficacy and practice increased the amount of science taught and increased the focus on learning rather than managing activities received a very positive response from students according to both teachers and students, increased the quality and amount of learning of science and literacy; and improved the status of science teaching within the school (Hackling & Prain, 2005. Stage 2 Research Report)

16 2006 TRIAL

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