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1 TojikInfo National adaptation of DevInfo in Tajikistan Current Status and Way Forward Access to Data Farhod Khamidov M&E Officer, UNICEF.

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Presentation on theme: "1 TojikInfo National adaptation of DevInfo in Tajikistan Current Status and Way Forward Access to Data Farhod Khamidov M&E Officer, UNICEF."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 TojikInfo National adaptation of DevInfo in Tajikistan Current Status and Way Forward Access to Data Farhod Khamidov M&E Officer, UNICEF Tajikistan 19 March 2009 IDEAS GA meeting

2 History Series of DI user seminars, trainings and presentations in 2004-2005 DevInfo resource center in Goscomstat in 2007 MOU was signed between UNFPA, UNDP & UNICEF in June 2007 on DevInfo National Roll- out In May 2008 agreement was signed with SCS for the ownership of DI databases Launch of TojikInfo in 2008 2

3 3 Coordination among donors UNICEF and UNCU are providing technical and financial support till end of 2009; TojikInfo is part of the WB supported 5 years project on Improving the Statistical Infrastructure; TojikInfo is a part of ADB supported PRS monitoring system (trends and dissemination) TojikInfo is a part of HMIS supported by EC;

4 4 Role of Resource Center Easy access to quality data for evidence based policy making; Monitoring of National and Global commitments (PRS, MDG) at national, regional and local levels; Advocacy and wide dissemination of the data; Establish an internal and external data sharing coordination mechanism; Regularly updating the database for the data to be used for current analyzes and planning;

5 5 Current status National databases MICS Tajikistan 2000-2005 (all indicators Eng-Rus-Taj) TLSMS 2007 (Eng-Rus) Gender Info (48 indicators Eng-Rus) Tajikistan Development Database (48 Eng-Rus) Covering 4 Geographical level Data from 1995 to 2008 Primary data sources, National & Global reports

6 6 Second Part of Presentation (online presentation)

7 Key challenges and drives for success Challenges Resistance; Human factor and personal interests; Capacity; Ownership; Drivers of success Demonstrate the full capacity and results; Exchange of experience (Serbia); Involving of other players (donors, government); 7

8 8 Next Steps Focus on use and dissemination; Improve electronic data exchange culture; Advocate through thematic monitoring reports; SCS as a key player in coordination (data users vs. data administrators); Better ownership and integration TojikInfo to other MIS systems;

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