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1 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti Vocational Training as an Alternative Learning Opportunity for Young People in Georgia Eka Gvalia Executive Director, CHCA October 19, 2011

2 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti Introduction 258 000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are settled in Georgia in collective centres and private accommodation State authorities are unable to provide vulnerable IDPs with effective, sufficient and tailor-made public services (health, education, employment) 82,7% of IDP households class their economic situation as hard, very hard or extremely hard (World Bank, Georgia Poverty Assessment, April 2009)

3 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti Key Issues & Challenges IDP label and integration Lack of text-books and basic school equipment Lack of clothing (especially in the regions) Poor infrastructure of access to IDP public schools Limited access to higher education (quality of schooling & private tutoring)

4 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti VET – Alternative Learning Opportunity Goal: To develop vocational skills among IDP adolescents and young people To provide young IDPs with employment opportunities To increase young IDPs participatory development opportunities and self-reliance Approach: Vocational Training and Service Centre Masters Workshops Crafts: Hairdressing, cosmetology, manicure, massage, sewing, weaving, felt making, culinary skills, carpentry, mobile phone repairing, TV/audio repairing, computer repairing, car maintenance, jewelry, etc.

5 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti VET Beneficiaries School drop-outs Youth with lack of higher education Youth with limited opportunities to develop their capacity Youth from extremely vulnerable families Youth unable to find employment or make any self-employment

6 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti VET Geographical Coverage

7 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti VET Interventions 3 to 6 months vocational trainings Free internship opportunities Job counseling trainings Small Business Management Trainings Trainings Distribution of cash grants & Distribution of cash grants & interest free loans (USD 150-300) interest free loans (USD 150-300) Distribution of professional tool-kits (USD 300-600) (USD 300-600)

8 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti VET Lessons Learnt Age Groups Age Groups 15-20 15-25 16-30 18-30 Training Course Duration Employment Mechanisms

9 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti Number of Trainees Attending VET VET Achievements

10 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti VET Achievements Employment Rates of Trainees

11 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti VET Achievements Employment Mechanisms

12 15 years serving conflict affected people Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti Thanks for Your Attention

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