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1 Effective Teaching & Learning Dr. Abida Ahmed Associate Professor Department of Physiology Mymensingh Medical College.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Effective Teaching & Learning Dr. Abida Ahmed Associate Professor Department of Physiology Mymensingh Medical College."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Effective Teaching & Learning Dr. Abida Ahmed Associate Professor Department of Physiology Mymensingh Medical College

2 2 A wise man learns from experience and even wiser man from the experience of others Plato

3 3 Teaching Is an Interactive Process as well as Intentional activity which provides opportunity for learning

4 4 Effective teaching Intellectually demanding Socially challenging A set of skills that can be Acquired Improved extended

5 5 Effective Teaching…. Systematic Stimulating Encouraging Achieves goal Develops positive attitude Develop & nurture thinking abilities Builds self-directive learner

6 6 Learning Constructive & active process Takes new information & builds it on existing knowledge

7 7 Effective learning Objectives clearly understood Scope of frequent practice Reinforcing correct practice Feedback to identify errors Establishing connections within units of knowledge

8 8 Schema Theory Schema activation Existing knowledge structures activated Schema construction New information built on existing knowledge structure Schema refining Review & summarization

9 9 Tell them What you are going to say Say it Tell them what you have said

10 10 How students learn? Students adopt two approaches Surface Approach-Learning the words Deep approach-Comprehend the ideas behind the words

11 11 Surface approach Teaching session Factual information providing Examination Requires regurgitation Adopt surface approach

12 12 Deep approaches Teaching session Promote Thinking ability Examinations Problem-solving Deep approach

13 13 Qualities of Effective Teaching & Learning Helps long term retention of knowledge Discover knowledge, apply logic & develop new insights Able to apply knowledge to solve problems Able to communicate one’s knowledge to others Characterized by wanting to know more by the students

14 14 Qualities of Effective Teaching & Learning… Learner should be ready cognitively, emotionally to meet the demands of learning task There should be a reason for learning Teaching should relate new knowledge to previous one Learners should be active Teacher student relationship Teachers responsibility Environment should be adequate

15 15 Discover knowledge, apply logic & develop new insights Discover something new to learner Perceive relations between old & new knowledge Trying to put pieces together to apply logic Create new insights Perceiving relations between new knowledge one’s own experiences & previous learning developing new insights.

16 16 Able to apply knowledge to solving problems Putting the pieces of data, information, experience etc. together is necessary to solve problems

17 17 Able to communicate one’s knowledge to others Communication of knowledge almost always requires spoken & written work & sometimes skills

18 18 Learner should be ready cognitively, emotionally to meet the demands of learning task Ready ness is an important concept in designing learning programs

19 19 There should be a reason for learning The better the reason, the better the learning Emphasizing relevance & applications of learning- encourage learners to engage in high quality learning

20 20 Teaching should relate new knowledge to previous one Help learner to recover relevant learning experiences from past & build upon it

21 21 Learner should be active during learning If you tell me, I will forget, If you show me, I might remember, but if you involve me, I will learn. Chinese proverb

22 22 Teacher Student relationship Good teacher student relationship is one of the most important factor for effective learning The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness. If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind. Kahlil Jibran

23 23 Teacher’s Responsibility Not to transfer his knowledge but to prepare students for a never ending search for knowledge

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