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Anxiety Disorders : Causes:Symptoms: Treatments : Misc: 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Anxiety Disorders : Causes:Symptoms: Treatments : Misc: 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anxiety Disorders : Causes:Symptoms: Treatments : Misc: 100 200 300 400 500

2 Category A for 100 What does GAD stand for?

3 Answer to Category A for 100 Generalized Anxiety Disorder

4 Category A for 200 What disorder has intrusive thoughts and persistent impulses?

5 Answer to Category A for 200 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

6 Category A for 300 On what Axis is “Anxiety Disorders” found?

7 Answer to Category A for 300 Axis 1

8 Category A for 400 What is the fear of open spaces and to leave the house?

9 Answer to Category A for 400 Agoraphobia

10 Category A for 500 What are psychodynamic perspectives of phobias?

11 Answer to Category A for 500 Expressions of wishes, fears, and fantasies that are unacceptable to the patient.

12 Category B for 100 What causes an Anxiety Disorder?

13 Answer to Category B for 100 “Depends on what you believe.” -Ben

14 Category B for 200 What is the Biological Perspective on the cause of Phobias?

15 Answer to Category B for 200 Genetic or biological preparedness may explain the origins of some fears or phobias.

16 Category B for 300 What is the behavioral and cognitive perspective of the cause of OCD

17 Answer to Category B for 300 The obsessive-compulsive behaviors that are developed reduce anxiety.

18 Category B for 400 What can cause PTSD?

19 Answer to Category B for 400 Exposure to an extremely stressful or traumatic life event.

20 Category B for 500 What would Freud say about the cause of OCD?

21 Answer to Category B for 500 The compulsions are an attempt to fend off sexual impulses.

22 Category C for 100 Worry, excessive anxiety, apprehension, and edginess are symptoms of what anxiety disorder?

23 Answer to Category C for 100 Generalized Anxiety Disorder

24 Category C for 200 List three symptoms of PTSD.

25 Answer to Category C for 200 -Re-expieriencing a traumatic event -recursive and intrusive memories -sleep disturbance -temper outbursts -bad dreams -increased arousal in normal situations -easily frightened by loud noises -constantly on edge

26 Category C for 300 What are 2 somatic symptoms?

27 Answer to Category C for 300 -heart palpitations -difficulty breathing -dizziness -sweating

28 Category C for 400 What disorder has an excessive concern about losing control?

29 Answer to Category C for 400 Panic disorder

30 Category C for 500 What is the main symptom of Trichotillomania

31 Answer to Category C for 500 Pulling out hair

32 Category D for 100 What is the drug of choice for an anxiety disorder?

33 Answer to Category D for 100 Anti-depressants, SSRI

34 Category D for 200 What can you treat with exposure therapy?

35 Answer to Category D for 200 A phobia

36 Category D for 300 What anxiety disorder is commonly treated with exposure therapy?

37 Answer to Category D for 300 Phobias

38 Category D for 400 Which behavioral treatment uses computer stimulated environments that can stimulate presences in the real world?

39 Answer to Category D for 400 Virtual reality

40 Category D for 500 What two anxiety disorders can be treated in group therapy sessions?

41 Answer to Category D for 500 Panic disorder and PTSD

42 Category E for 100 What is arachnophobia?

43 Answer to Category E for 100 Fear of spiders

44 Category E for 200 In which disorder is microphobia commonly found?

45 Answer to Category E for 200 OCD

46 Category E for 300 What is etiology?

47 Answer to Category E for 300 The study of cause

48 Category E for 400 Can you have compulsions without having obsessions in OCD?

49 Answer to Category E for 400 NO!

50 Category E for 500 The three sub-types of panic disorder are…?

51 Answer to Category E for 500 1.Situationally bound 2.Situationally predisposed 3.Unexpected/uncued

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