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Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy CHAPTER 18 APES Ms. Miller CHAPTER 18 APES Ms. Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy CHAPTER 18 APES Ms. Miller CHAPTER 18 APES Ms. Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy CHAPTER 18 APES Ms. Miller CHAPTER 18 APES Ms. Miller

2 Key Concepts  Improving energy efficiency  Types and uses of solar energy  Types and uses of flowing water  Uses of wind energy  Types and uses of biomass  Use of geothermal energy  Use of hydrogen as a fuel  Decentralized power systems

3 The Importance of Improving Energy Efficiency  Energy efficiency Fig. 18-3 p. 381  Net energy efficiency

4 Incandescent lights Least Efficient  Incandescent lights

5  Nuclear power plants

6 Currently in Wisconsin, there are three nuclear power plants. Point Beach and Kewaunee nuclear power plants are currently operational. The LaCrosse Boiling Water Reactor in Genoa is owned by the Dairyland Power Cooperative and was permanently shut down in 1987. The two units at Point Beach are located near the city of Two Rivers, in Manitowoc County. Florida Power and Light (FPL) purchased the plant from Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO) in 2007. It has a total capacity of approximately 1,030 megawatts (MW). The Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant (Kewaunee) is a single unit of approximately 575 MW located near the city of Kewaunee. It was purchased by Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. (Dominion) from Wisconsin Public Service and Wisconsin Power and Light in 2005. Nuclear power in Wisconsin produces approximately 20 percent of the state’s electricity on an annual basis.

7  Internal combustion engine

8 Everyone loves a good muscle car

9 Energy Efficiencies (Fig. 18-5 p. 381)

10 Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency  Cogeneration—production of two useful forms of energy from the same fuel source

11  Efficient electric motors

12  High-efficiency lighting—use fluorescent lighting instead of incadescent lighting

13  Increasing fuel economy—trend in buying large fuel inefficient vehicles

14  Plug leaks—about 1/3 of heated air escapes through closed windows and holes and cracks  Insulation—in homes (Green Building Council)

15  Alternative vehicles—hybrids, fuel cells or fuel saving cars

16 The OS House at 1761 Main St., Racine WI has been selected for one of the 2011 Housing Awards from the American Institute of Architects.

17 Hybrid and Fuel Cell Cars  Hybrid electric-internal combustion engine Fig. 18-9 p. 385

18  Fuel cells: Combines hydrogen and oxygen gases to make electricity and water

19 Using Solar Energy to Provide Heat  Passive solar heating—absorbs and stores heat from the sun directly within the structure  Active solar heating—absorbs energy from the sun by pumping heat-absorbing fluid through collectors (used mainly in highly sunny areas) Fig. 18-16 p. 391

20 Solar Energy

21 Using Solar Energy to Provide High- Temperature Heat and Electricity  Solar thermal systems—collect and transform energy from the sun into heat which can be converted to electricity  Photovoltaic (PV) cells—solar cells convert solar energy into electricity Fig. 18-20 p. 394

22 Producing Electricity from Moving Water  Large-scale hydropower—high dams built across a large river to create reservoir which flows through pipes at controlled rates in order to turn turbines

23  Small-scale hydropower—low dam with no reservoir built across small stream; stream water flow turns turbines for energy

24  Pumped-storage hydropower—pumps use surplus electricity to pump water from low to high reservoir, when more energy needed, water goes back to low

25  Tidal power plant—use of the differences between low and high tide to produce energy Although the technology required to harness tidal energy is well established, tidal power is expensive, and there is only one major tidal generating station in operation. This is a 240 megawatt station at the mouth of the La Rance river estuary in France.

26  Wave power plant—uses the force of waves to create energy Wavegen's first wave powered electricity generating power station.

27 Large-scale Hydroelectric Power: Trade-offs Fig. 18-22 p. 396

28 Reviewing the Trade-offs of Hydropower Dams Fig. 15-9 p. 313

29 Producing Electricity from Wind Fig. 18-23 p. 396Fig. 18-24 p. 397





34 Producing Energy from Biomass  Biomass and biofuels

35  Biomass plantations (a) As trees in the energy plantation grow, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. (b) During photosynthesis the trees store carbon in their woody tissue and oxygen is released back to the atmosphere. (c) At harvest, woodfuel is transported from the plantation to the heat or power generating plant. (d) As the wood is burned at the heat or power generating plant the carbon stored in the woody tissue combines with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, this is emitted back to the atmosphere in the exhaust gases.

36  Crop residues USDA Highlights Missouri Biomass Plant

37  Animal manure The world’s largest biomass power plant running exclusively on chicken manure has opened in the Netherlands. The power plant will deliver renewable electricity to 90,000 households.

38  Biogas (60% methane/40% CO 2)

39  Ethanol (corn and grain)

40  Methanol (coal and biomass)

41 Geothermal Energy  Geothermal heat pumps— used to heat or cool buildings due to temp differences between surface and underground

42  Geothermal exchange or geoexchange—using buried pipes filled with fluid to move heat in or out depending on the season (cool in summer heat in winter)

43  Dry steam—reservoir having water vapor but no droplets  Wet steam—reservoir with mixture of vapor and droplets

44  Hot water—reservoir with hot water trapped in fractured or porous rock in Earth’s surface SOCORRO – Geoscientists at New Mexico Tech are to resume a project that was put on hold in 2006 to tap into a reservoir of hot water deep beneath the base of ‘M’ Mountain.

45  Molten rock (magma), hot dry-rock zones and warm-rock reservoir deposits are three nearly nondepletable sources of geothermal energy

46 The Hydrogen Revolution  Extracting hydrogen efficiently from water and compounds  Storing hydrogen due to flammability: incompressed tanks, as a liquid, in metal hydride compounds, absorbed by other compounds  Fuel cells for electricity  Environmentally friendly hydrogen

47 The Hydrogen Revolution Fig. 18-31 p. 403

48 Entering the Age of Decentralized Micropower  Decentralized power systems — going from large power plant systems to dispersed, smaller micropower systems  Micropower systems —microturbines, fuel cells, solar panels and solar roofs: produce 1-10,000 kWatts of electricity Fig. 18-32 p. 405

49 Solutions: A Sustainable Energy Strategy Fig. 18-35 p. 407

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