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Innovative Projects for Collaborating with Faculty Friday, September 26, 2014 Presented by: Todd Conaway, Instructional Designer Teaching & eLearning Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative Projects for Collaborating with Faculty Friday, September 26, 2014 Presented by: Todd Conaway, Instructional Designer Teaching & eLearning Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative Projects for Collaborating with Faculty Friday, September 26, 2014 Presented by: Todd Conaway, Instructional Designer Teaching & eLearning Support Stacey L. Hilton, Dean Computer Technologies & Instructional Support

2 Introduction Computer Technologies & Instructional Support Division Teaching & eLearning Support Department (TeLS) was established in 2006, although it was around much longer under different names. (Distributed Learning, Distance Education, Technology Enhanced Learning Services) Department consists of 4 full-time staff that support faculty, staff and students districtwide.

3 Department Overview

4 Session Resource

5 TeLS Overview New Faculty Orientation First year probationary faculty are required to complete a comprehensive year long orientation program. TeLS contributes to the content and training for first year faculty.

6 TeLS Overview Teaching Online Workshop Introduces instructors new to online learning the best practices and basic skills needed to be effective in the online environment.

7 TeLS Overview Student Orientation to Online Learning & Digital Literacy Workshops Workshops targeted to assist students new to online learning and technology.

8 TeLS Overview TeLS Webletter Web based resource for current topics in education and a place to share TeLS support and information.

9 TeLS Overview 57 Second Blackboard Tip Weekly tips distributed to all college faculty targeting the use of the Blackboard LMS.

10 TeLS Overview TeLS Media Studio/Video Creation TeLS provides a state of the art media studio for audio and video creation.

11 Collaborative Projects Summer & Winter Institutes The institutes focus on best practices in the classroom, as well as technology topics for enhancing the student learning experience.

12 Collaborative Projects Teacher Academy A full day workshop designed for K-12 community educators.

13 Collaborative Projects EDU 255: Fundamentals of Educational Technology Emphasis on systematic processes for designing, developing, evaluating and implementing technology effectively into instruction and the impact emerging technologies have on the educational environment.

14 Collaborative Projects Quality Matters Although the landscape of teaching and learning has been expanding through the advent of emerging technologies, the core principles of excellence in teaching and learning remain constant.

15 Fall Connections 9x9x25 Challenge Faculty were challenged to write 25 sentences about teaching and learning per week for nine weeks.

16 Spring Connections March for Best Practice A two week event that asked faculty to create short “Best Practice” videos shared on YouTube and Webletter.

17 Overview If interested in any of these projects, the TeLS team is happy to discuss further with you. Contact Todd Conaway ( or Stacey Hilton ( for more Questions?

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