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Concept Based Teaching SUE FIELD DNP, RN, CNE. Objectives  Participants will  1. Identify 1 or 2 tools developed for teaching concept based curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Concept Based Teaching SUE FIELD DNP, RN, CNE. Objectives  Participants will  1. Identify 1 or 2 tools developed for teaching concept based curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concept Based Teaching SUE FIELD DNP, RN, CNE

2 Objectives  Participants will  1. Identify 1 or 2 tools developed for teaching concept based curriculum that will work with their programs.  2. Identify 1 to 2 “pearls” of wisdom from panel participants to implement in their nursing programs.

3 Notes to Self 1. Questions during presentation 2. “Take Aways”

4 Concepts are Linked within Curriculum (Essentials p. 51-58)  8 Professional Concepts  Our 8 Student learning outcomes  14 Health and Illness Concepts  From the Giddens Book

5 Elsevier made Connections Between Giddens Book and PN Course Books.  Exemplars given and  courses they will be taught in.

6 All Concepts are Taught 3 Times.  Care of Older Adults,  Care of Adults, and  Care of Women/Newborns/Children

7 Syllabi have the Concepts Listed  See Chapter 2 in Workbook  Pages 17-31

8 EACH Health and Illness Concept Explains the parameters for teaching  HEALTH AND ILLNESS CONCEPT / GAS EXCHANGE  Oxygenation Lab  EXEMPLARS: Infectious disorders (pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis); Obstructive disorders (emphysema and chronic bronchitis, COPD).

9  LAB VALUES: Listed in NCLEX-PN-2011: PN: Identify laboratory values: BUN, cholesterol (total), glucose, hematocrit, hemoglobin, glycosylated hemoglobin (HgbA1C), platelets, K+, Na+, ABG’s, WBC, creatinine, PT, PTT & APTT, INR. (Other labs: BMP, GFR, urinalysis).  MEDICATIONS: Antibiotics (penicillin’s, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, macrolides, flour quinolones, monobactams), antimycobacterials, bronchodilators, expectorants and mucolytics, adult immunizations.

10 Nutrition and Pharmacology are interspersed Under Each Concept  NUTRITION: Diet for dyspnea: High calorie, high protein diet, soft diet; small frequent meals.  LAB/THEORY SKILLS: Oxygenation Lab

11 Under Each Unit Objectives are the following categories:  1. Basic Pathophysiology  2. Basic Pathophysiology  3. Diagnostic Tests  4. Lab Values  5. Establishing Priorities

12  6. Unexpected Response and Potential complications  7. Nutrition  8. Safe Use of Equipment  9. Dosage Calculations

13  10. Pharmacology Therapies  11. Pharmacology Expected Action  12. Health Promotion & Cultural Awareness

14 Possible Clinical Assignments related to Concept  There are 14 Health and Illness Concepts  Assign one Concept to each clinical student.  Have them present the concept during post-clinicals  Grade via rubric.  Great review for the final exam for the fall!!!!

15 Two Concept Assignments that can be revised to meet your needs.

16 Concept Teaching Panelists  1. Carolyn Neubauer MSN, RN: St. Cloud Technical Colleg  2. Kathleen Maschka MSN, RN: Southeast Technical College  3. Amy Smith, MSN, RN, CNE: University of South Dakota

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