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Humberside Regional Event Robert Upton – Deputy Chair Mark Wilson – IPC Case Leader Tom Carpen – IPC Case Leader 8th September 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Humberside Regional Event Robert Upton – Deputy Chair Mark Wilson – IPC Case Leader Tom Carpen – IPC Case Leader 8th September 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Humberside Regional Event Robert Upton – Deputy Chair Mark Wilson – IPC Case Leader Tom Carpen – IPC Case Leader 8th September 2010

2 independent, impartial, inclusive A better planning process for national infrastructure projects –A simpler process –Faster decisions –A fairer approach –Engaging people and communities –Independent professional judgement –Cutting costs

3 independent, impartial, inclusive National Policy Statements (NPSs) – Overall energy policy* – Renewables* – Fossil* – Electricity networks* – Oil and gas* – Nuclear* – Ports* – National networks – Airports – Water supply – Waste water – Hazardous waste

4 independent, impartial, inclusive Future reform Commitment by Government to an efficient and democratically accountable fast-track process for major infrastructure projects. –Energy NPSs to undergo further consultation –New primary legislation – Localism Bill –A new Major Infrastructure Planning Unit as part of the Planning Inspectorate (Spring 2012) –The expertise, processes and special character of the IPC will be retained –Secretary of State to make final decisions –Existing procedures remain during transition.

5 independent, impartial, inclusive Proposals

6 independent, impartial, inclusive Humberside Projects –Hull Biomass Power Station (Autumn 2010) –Brigg Gas Power Station (Feb 2011) –Marine Energy Park, Killingholme (March 2011) –Hornsea Offshore Windfarm (July 2012) –Triton Knoll Offshore Windfarm (Dec 2012) –Dogger Bank Offshore Windfarm (2012) –A160 Highway Improvement (TBC)

7 independent, impartial, inclusive The role of the IPC Pre-application: –Outreach –Advice to all parties –EIA - Screening and scoping –Effective consultation Acceptance Examination: –Preliminary meeting –Written representations –Inquisitorial hearings Decision/Recommendation: –Report of justification

8 independent, impartial, inclusive How our process works Pre-application advice to applicant and others. Outreach activity to raise awareness and encourage effective consultation. 28 days to decide whether to accept Initial assessment of principal issues and Preliminary Meeting. Procedural decision on how application is to be examined. Up to 6 months to carry out examination, principally through written representations. Hearings led by Commissioner on specific issues, and open-floor hearings. 6 week window for legal challenge Pre- Application Acceptance Pre- Examination Examination Decision Post Decision IPC Chair appoints Panel or Single Commissioner IPC has 3 months to make recommendation. Secretary of State has 3 months to make final decision.

9 independent, impartial, inclusive Pre-application: effective community and organisational engagement developer IPC other organisations general public potential interested parties statutory consultees government depts & NPSs local authorities land owners & neighbours

10 independent, impartial, inclusive Total application –Driven by applicant –Effective engagement with communities and LAs –Have regard to consultees –Development of draft DCO –Very limited scope to make changes post submission –Comprehensive EIA/ES No shocks and no surprises

11 independent, impartial, inclusive Acceptance –Has the applicant met its pre- application obligations? –Does the Consultation Report demonstrate that consultation was effective? –Local authorities’ adequacy of consultation representations? –Is the application in the correct form, including necessary documentation? –Has applicable guidance been followed, and if not, why not?

12 independent, impartial, inclusive Post application: effective gathering of evidence and decision making IPC Commissioners IPC professional services other organisations potential interested parties statutory consultees government depts & NPSs local authorities land owners & neighbours general public developers

13 independent, impartial, inclusive Pre-examination –Applicant required to publicise an accepted application –IPC moves to centre stage –Appointment of Examining Authority –Stakeholders register as interested parties –Relevant representations –IPC makes its initial assessment of principal issues –Preliminary meeting –Procedural decision –Timetable for examination

14 independent, impartial, inclusive The examination –Examination to be inquisitorial rather than adversarial –Statements of common ground –Local Authority produces Local Impact Report –Written representations –Hearings –Open floor –Specific issue –Compulsory purchase –IPC may appointment an assessor

15 independent, impartial, inclusive Local authority leadership –Statutory Consultee –Special Role – facilitating the process –Taking part at all stages of the process –Representing the Community –Providing objective technical evidence –Enforcement –Resources - PPA?

16 independent, impartial, inclusive Statement of Community Consultation –Developer must consult local authority on draft SoCC –Published in the local press –Developers must do what they say! –LA comments to IPC on adequacy of consultation

17 independent, impartial, inclusive Local Impact Report (LIR) –Local authority decides form and content –Focus on the economic, environmental and social issues –Submitted at examination stage to deadline set by Commissioner –Important to start work before application –IPC advice note\infrastructure

18 independent, impartial, inclusive Key Statutory Deadlines for Consultees –Scoping Opinion Consultation (28 days) –LA comments on draft SoCC (28 days) –Pre-application consultation and publicity (min 28 days responses) –LA adequacy statement within 14 days of submission. –Submission of relevant representation following application acceptance (min 28 days) –Local Impact Report (approximately 6 weeks from Preliminary Meeting) –Submission of detailed written representations (min 21 days)

19 independent, impartial, inclusive Contact us Hull Biomass Power Station and Marine Energy Park, Killingholme Mark Wilson: 0303 444 5062 e: Brigg Gas Power Station Tom Carpen: 0303 444 5064 e: Hornsea Offshore Windfarm and A160 Highway Improvement Owain George: 0303 444 5053 e: Triton Knoll Offshore Windfarm and Dogger Bank Offshore Windfarm David Cliff: 0303 444 5063 e:

20 independent, impartial, inclusive Contact us Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) Temple Quay House Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6PN 0303 444 5000

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