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Child Protection and Child Welfare Services in Malaysia Beijing High Level Meeting November 4-6, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Protection and Child Welfare Services in Malaysia Beijing High Level Meeting November 4-6, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Protection and Child Welfare Services in Malaysia Beijing High Level Meeting November 4-6, 2010

2 Presentation Outline Child Protection System Challenges Way Forward: South-South Cooperation

3 Child Protection Systems Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Reservations and withdrawals Formation of MWFCD in 2004, followed by the Child Division under the Dept of Social Welfare (2005) Child Act 2001, Child Protection Policy and National Child Policy, Social Work Competency Standards 10 MP Commitment to Child Protection and Child Well-Being

4 Child Protection Systems Working with Civil Society Child and Family Welfare and Juvenile Justice Reforms Social Workers Act Service Delivery – Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

5 Challenges Shortfalls in certified professional staff to handle primary, secondary and tertiary interventions. Legal and policy frameworks inadequately capture current realities of a changing society Current service structures are inadequate to handle complex issues faced by women, family and children. Inter-ministry linkages require strengthening

6 South-south cooperation: What Malaysia can offer to the region Establishment of a portal on child protection (system) to share best practices on the development of the social workers sector. To learn from other countries how they are able to promote efficient inter-ministerial collaboration. Provision of social workers education/accreditation for the EAP region.


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