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El Primer Día. Señor Knepp -L-LVC (Español y psicología) y Millersville (Deportes) -10 años a Palmyra (MS y HS) -E-Entrenador de basquetból -3-3 hermanas.

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Presentation on theme: "El Primer Día. Señor Knepp -L-LVC (Español y psicología) y Millersville (Deportes) -10 años a Palmyra (MS y HS) -E-Entrenador de basquetból -3-3 hermanas."— Presentation transcript:

1 El Primer Día

2 Señor Knepp -L-LVC (Español y psicología) y Millersville (Deportes) -10 años a Palmyra (MS y HS) -E-Entrenador de basquetból -3-3 hermanas y 4 hermanas (Lo siento!) -A-Actividades Favoritas: Los Phillies El Basquetból Deportes

3 1. Be Respectful to yourself and others 2. Be here on time and prepared! 3. Ask before you get out of your seat! 4. Use positive language! (All Languages!) 5. Keep Cell Phones off and away! 6. Wait for me to dismiss you! (No lining up!) 7. No Food or Drinks in class except water!

4 - Tarjetas Amarillas y Rojas - Detention - Una llamada telefónica a casa - Office Referral - Conferences (con Parents & Administration)

5 1. Stickers 2. Homework Passes 3. Weekly Raffles? 4. Food Day 5. Others….

6 1. Un Cuaderno (Notebook) 2. El Libro (Covered Books) 3. El Lapíz o El Bolígrafo (Pencil or Pen) 4. Un Diccionario (Spanish- English Dictionary) - Each student is required to purchase and bring a Dictionary to class every day! I have $2 dictionaries for sale on a first come first serve basis. Un Actitud Positivo (Positive Attitude)

7 1. If you come in late- quietly go to your seat and start working! 2. Do not disturb me or others upon arrival 3. Make sure you have a pass! IF ABSENT: 1. See me before school to find out what you missed (not in class). 2. Ask friends for notes and work missed (not to copy) 3. Return all due work by its assigned date (1 day for each absence) 4. If not turned in- late deductions will begin 5. If I find out copying is going on- all students involved will receive a O. I am not a babysitter- I will not be chasing after you to make up work or quizzes. It is your responsibility to do so on your own and in the appropriate time frame or face the consequences (0).

8 1. Go before class if possible! 2. Sign out before you leave (always) 3. Go and get back (no walks!) 4. One person out at a time 5. If you’re not working- you’re not going! If you can’t follow the guidelines- HOLD IT!

9 Cell Phones: - In class use when directed! Otherwise- KEEP IT AWAY! - Vibrate or Off! - Confiscation or Referral to Office - I will be out on Cell Phone Patrol…. Sorry! Dress Code - Follow this motto: “If you don’t want to see it on me- I don’t want to see it on you!”

10 - Any Questions? My Expectations: 1.Strong Effort 2.Positive Attitudes 3.Fun Classes 4.High Achievement

11 Video Clip….

12 Classwork -Work in Class -Overheads Tarea - Expect it every night - 2 pts per assignment (not make-up-able) - Other assignments collected = various points - If you receive an A on a quiz, you are excused from “Tarea” until the next quiz or project. - Tarea Pass after every 10 consecutive completions

13 Examencitos -Expect 1 a week (20-40 pts) -All translation/ fill in the blank (NO MC / Matching) - Spelling =.5 pt (Don’t act surprised!) Proyectos -Various Projects throughout Semester -Some take place of quizzes -Points ranging from 25- 100

14 Credíto Extra -Various opportunities available during semester -Check class sites for additional opportunities - All work must be completed to be eligible for EC Final -4 partes (1 – Writen/ Verbs/ MC & Matching/ Reading Comprehension) -20% of final grade

15 If you fail a quiz/test…… 1.You have 1 week to retake a similar quiz 2.You must show me a parent signature on failed quiz/test. 3.Highest grade on a retake is 60% (D) 4.Taken outside of class (before/ after school) 5.Your responsibility to take care of this!

16 If you do not have your assignment ready:  20% Deduction for 2 class periods  After 3 rd day- 50%  Will be given a pink slip to complete (additional consequences if not done) For all projects : - 50% deduction - If not ready on day 2= 0 - Not make-up-able/ No exceptions!

17 1. Present Tense Verbs 2. Basic Phrases and Conversation Tools 3. Cultural Differences Breakdown: 6 th Grade StuffFoods and Drinks Likes and DescriptionsFamily & Clothes School Stuff & TimeHouse Items Vacation ThingsBody Parts and Illnesses

18 Las Actividades de la clase: 1. Lecture & Practice (Lo siento!) 2. Computer Lab Time 3. Días de Español 4. Proyectos En Casa: - Class Sites-Study - Tarea-Various Activities

19 Any questions on anything we’ve discussed ? Ask now or forever hold your doubt!

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