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Ms. LaPointe Kindergarten Class Argyle Elementary School Orientation

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1 Ms. LaPointe Kindergarten Class Argyle Elementary School Orientation
August 2015 Hello. My name is

2 Meet the Teacher My Name is Lynn LaPointe and I have
been teaching for 14 years. This is my 11th year teaching in Clay County. I have taught Kindergarten as well as 2nd grade. I am thrilled to be teaching Kindergarten again this year. I have been teaching at Argyle since it opened in I have two daughters. Zoe and Alexandria. My oldest is 23 (just graduated from FSU last year!) and my youngest is 17. I have a dog named Lola and two cats named Simba and Nala. Can you guess which animals the kiddos named?

3 Daily Schedule 8:30-8:40 Morning Meeting 8:40- 9:00 Skills Block
9:00-10:00 Literacy Block 10:00-10:45 Writer’s Workshop 10:45-11:20 Resource 11:30-12:00 Lunch * 12:00- 12:30 Recess 12:30-1:30 Math 1:30-2:15 Science 2:15 Prepare for Dismissal * Lunch can be purchased for $1.75

4 Reading At the beginning of Kindergarten, we will be focusing
on letters, their corresponding sounds, and how those sounds blend to form words. During our literacy block, students will be read a story and then be asked to discuss the story with me and their peers. Kindergarteners are expected to retell the story in their own words and make connections to the story. After we have discussed the story, students will move into literacy centers where they will practice both their comprehension and phonics skills .

5 Math During the first nine weeks of Kindergarten,
we will be focusing on using one to one correspondence as we count sets of objects up to 9, writing numerals 0-9, and comparing quantities to one another by using the terms “more” and “less”. We will also be exploring various manipulatives or objects and becoming familiar with the calendar.

6 Social Studies During the beginning of Kindergarten we will
concentrate a great deal of time learning how to get along with one another and building our classroom community. We will learn how to respect and how to work with one another in order to foster a positive learning environment. Community will be our Theme!

7 Social Studies We will spend the first part of the year
using and exploring with our 5 senses. We will use our senses as we conduct simple yet amazing experiments. We will learn how to ask questions about the world around us. And more importantly, how to work with each other to answer them.

8 Special Classes Students will visit four special classes each
week. Our schedule is as follows: A Library B Music C Computer Lab D P.E. On P.E. days, please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and dresses appropriately. If not, your child will not be able to participate.

9 Behavior Management In class I use a behavior clip chart that gives students the opportunity to move their clothespin up or down based on their choices in class. Each student begins the day “ready to learn” and moves up or down according to his/her behavior. This allows me to reward positive behavior and allows the students to adjust their behavior in order to end the day positively. At the end of each day, I will stamp a color on your child’s behavior calendar. I ask that you please initial this calendar daily so I that I know you have seen it.

10 Communication Every child will be given a S.T.A.R. folder. Students taking academic responsibility. In this folder you will find your child’s sight words, important papers, and behavior/ communication card. Please make sure you check and your child’s folder everyday. Please use the clear pouch to transport important notes or money to school.

11 Homework Your child will be responsible for completing the following homework: Weekly Reading Log: students should be reading for at least 15 minutes each night and filling in his/her weekly reading log. Reading logs will be checked weekly and are a part of your child’s reading grade. Your child is expected to read Monday-Thursday and complete the response sheet on their favorite story from the week. Your child will turn in his/her reading log each Friday. Math Practice Sheets: Math worksheets will be sent home on an “as needed” basis. They should be returned the following school day.

12 Parent Involvement Volunteers are needed for at-home and school projects. There is also a great need for volunteers for the Fall Festival. If you would like to volunteer in the classroom or for the festival, please fill in the “Volunteer Form”. Please make note of specific days that you would like to come in.

13 Stay Connected Newsletters will be sent home weekly. Please check your child’s folder. My My phone number: ext.2253

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