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Esben Lunde Larsen Deputy Mayor in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality

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1 Esben Lunde Larsen Deputy Mayor in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality
Esben Lunde Larsen Deputy Mayor in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality PhD student at the University of Copenhagen

2 Main points 80 % off all windmills in Denmark are owned by farmers
The system is build to support this: - Make your windmill park, and you are on… - Financial system is present - The public electrical infrastructure is present - Public planning is present The local acceptance is secured due to new law

3 How the industri started

4 Turbine development in size
1982- 1990- 1994- 1996- 2000- Year kW kW kW 1,5-2,000 kW 2–5,000 kW Kapacity

5 Windmill industry in Denmark
Turnover of Danish businesses in Denmark 51.1 billion Danish kroners Global turnover of Danish businesses billion Danish kroners The export of Danish businesses in billion Danish kroners The share of Danish businesses of the total Danish export 8,5 percent The employment in Denmark in persons – in the Municipality 4.000

6 Power purchase agreement
All financial figures in the following are based on a PPA ”Power purchase agreement” of minimum 8,2 EUR cent/kWh, for a period aiming to return the investment

7 Windmills - plan and strategy
To set up windmills is a part of the vision for Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality to become self-sufficient from energy sources by 2020 The Municipality will be an area for renewable energy and environmentally friendly production Besides wind the Municipality is engaged in biogas, hydrogen, wave energy, sun- and geothermal heat

8 Jobs Production of windmills creates jobs
2.000 people are directly employed in the production of windmills in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality Another 2000 people are employed in businesses delivering goods and services to the windmill industry

9 The Seaway West To create business development
To improve infrastructure Expectations of 12 to 20 new businesses in Hvide Sande 460 permanent jobs to the offshore- market in the North Sea A sustainable project with focus on energy, climate and environment Not only for the sake of Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality

10 Leading in wind power development

11 150 metres high turbine In the background smaller turbines, total height 30 metres

12 Law for Renewable Energy
Right to buy The Green-Scheme Loss of Value

13 Value for the landowner/farmer
EUR (prepayment for 30 year rental of the land) each turbine + Annual rent of land EUR ~ 3.000,- each turbine Satisfied neighbours given the possibility to attend the investment.

14 Added value for the landowner
The local parish is given financial possibility to develop Ex. Danish Government, one time fee EUR ,-/MW installed EUR from the governtment Ex. 6 wtg’s of 3 MW each: ”Local Energy A/S” making sure that the power plant will pay EUR ,- annually Ex. Danish developer + EUR ,- annually

15 Participate in the project
All neighbours within a defined distance, will be invited to participate in the project, and will be given financial support to do so Example The 7 neighbours all received a financial support of EUR They could then individually decide wether to invest or not. The amount will depend on number of turbines, and number of neighbours.

16 Present example Locals in the process of building a Village Hall, partially financed from the building of 6 wtg’s of 3 MW

17 The local farmer

18 A new Skindbjerg-project
1996: EUR for a 485 kW windmill 0,31 pr. kWh in 2010 Produces about kWh per year 2010: EUR 5 million for a 3000 kWh windmill 0,60 pr. kWh in 2010 Produces about 11 million kWh per year

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