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© 2011 Body language. © 2011 Body Language Vocabulary Facet: n. part or phase of something Demeanor: n. conduct or behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2011 Body language. © 2011 Body Language Vocabulary Facet: n. part or phase of something Demeanor: n. conduct or behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2011 Body language

2 © 2011 Body Language Vocabulary Facet: n. part or phase of something Demeanor: n. conduct or behavior Articulate: adj. Spoken clearly Optimism:n. the belief that goodness pervades reality Enthusiasm: n. lively interest Charisma: n. personal power to influence and charm Poise: n. dignified, self-confident manner Charm: n. power of pleasing or attracting Congruent: adj. agreeing Bias: n. preconceived opinion about something or someone

3 © 2011

4 NONVERBALBEHAVIOR 1.Brisk, erect walk 2.Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly 3.Arms crossed on chest 4.Hands clasped behind back 5.Tapping or drumming fingers INTERPRETATION Confidence Boredom Defensiveness Anger, frustration, apprehension Impatience

5 © 2011 Effective usage of Body Language: Mind the Body-Talk Be Careful with the handshake Establish good eye contact We must be ourselves Graceful movement You need to pause your conversation if you notice: Folded arms Heavy sighs A repositioning of the body away from you A lack of eye contact Drumming of fingers Repeated glances at wrist watch or clock Slumped shoulders Rolling of the eyes.

6 © 2011 A defensive person A disinterested person

7 © 2011 Don’t fidget

8 © 2011 Slouch

9 © 2011 A nervous person

10 © 2011 A confident person.

11 © 2011 Good posture communicates, 'I am listening and paying attention'. Slouching communicates, 'I'm so not interested in being here'.

12 © 2011 If you roll your eyes you might as well say, 'I'm so over what you're saying'. Pleasant, direct eye contact is maintained by looking at the area between the nose and mouth and occasionally to the eyes. Staring is confrontational. It will quickly make the speaker lose their confidence. Looking down suggests the person is not confident or may not know how to express their opinions. Respect cultures where direct eye contact is considered rude.

13 © 2011 Pointing - aggressive and confrontational Open hand gestures - illustrate your point. Clenched fists and frowning - angry A single, open hand gesture - take a seat.

14 © 2011 Correct. Although the communication is non-verbal, it is aggressive, assertive, passive.

15 © 2011 Is he saying hello, goodbye, or stop?

16 © 2011 Withdrawn and insecure Confident and inviting

17 © 2011 Emphasize a point

18 © 2011 Directing towards Directing away

19 © 2011

20 You need to pause your conversation if you notice: folded arms heavy sighs a repositioning of the body away from you a lack of eye contact drumming of fingers repeated glances at wrist watch or clock slumped shoulders rolling of the eyes.

21 © 2011

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