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W ELCOME !! Who’s Who? Guess which portrait in the hall is your Shining Star! Use the form found on your child’s desk to guess Hint: It may not be the.

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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME !! Who’s Who? Guess which portrait in the hall is your Shining Star! Use the form found on your child’s desk to guess Hint: It may not be the."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ELCOME !! Who’s Who? Guess which portrait in the hall is your Shining Star! Use the form found on your child’s desk to guess Hint: It may not be the number on your child’s nametag Love Note Take a moment to write a special note to your child. This will be on his/her desk in the morning when they arrive Feel free to use pencils and crayons found in your child’s desk

2 M EET THE T EACHER S EPTEMBER 5, 2013 Mrs. Samford 713-436-8000

3 COMMUNICATION T HE FOUNDATION FOR A SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL YEAR Feel free to send a note with your child if you have any questions or concerns, or call the school. I will return your call within 24 hours. You are may also email me for questions or minor concerns, or to request a phone call. School policy says that I cannot discuss your child’s grades or behavior via email. I do prefer to talk over the phone when the concern is your child. Of course, privacy dictates that I will not discuss any other child in the class with you, just as I will not discuss your child with any other parent.

4 H OMEWORK F OLDER (BLUE) Mondays The Peek current information about what we are learning upcoming events spelling vocabulary words with definitions Your child will need to return their completed homework packet in the homework folder to school on Friday. Should your child not bring their homework folder with completed homework packet then they will receive a work habits mark.

5 HOMEWORK correlates with what we are learning in class designed for the students to practice skills we are learning in class Please work with your child to support them and encourage good homework habits but please do not do their homework for them (will not show me what we need to work on) Homework is a good indication where your child might excel or need improvement Please check over your child’s homework If your child is having trouble with a skill or concept, please note it for me on the packet. I will be keeping track at school as well. The homework is also great study material for weekly tests and quizzes Thank you for supporting your child’s education!

6 READING read 15 - 20 minutes every night This is critical to your child’s success in the second grade give experience with all sorts of texts read age-appropriate books magazines newspapers.

7 T UESDAY F OLDER (R ED ) Tuesday or the 2 nd day at School conduct chart This chart shows your child’s behavior for the previous week. graded papers from the week before information from the school Please sign the behavior chart, remove and review graded papers and keep at home, and have your child return the folder on Wednesday. If they return their folder after Wednesday then they will receive a work habit mark.

8 BEHAVIOR weekly conduct and work habits grade Silverlake Elementary has a silent hallway policy If the student talks or plays on the hallway, it is an automatic mark Each nine weeks your child will begin on E, Grades are based on the following (marked separately for Work Habits AND Conduct) E = 0-8 marks S = 9-14 marks N = 15- 20 marks U = 21 and above marks

9 C ONDUCT R ULES 1. I will pay attention and follow directions given by the teacher. 2. I will stay on task during instruction AND during group or independent work. 3. I will raise my hand for permission to speak. 4. I will keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself. 5. I will NOT be disruptive or disturb others during teaching, working, or study time. 6. I will follow the Silverlake hall expectations: walk silently, stay in line, hands and feet to self. 7. I will follow the Silverlake café expectations: silent in line, whisper voices, seated at table. 8. I will use correct Silverlake restroom behavior: no talking or playing around. 9. I will follow the expectations of the PE, Music, Art, Library, and Computer teachers. 10. I will be respectful of teachers, adults, students, and their belongings at Silverlake.

10 WORK HABITS RULES 1. I will use MY TIME WISELY during class in order to finish my work in a timely manner. 2. I will follow the written directions on papers unless they are changed by the teacher. 3. I will write the correct classroom heading on all assignments. 4. I will be prepared for class. I need to replace: 5. I will turn my class work in on time. 6. I will turn my homework and projects in on time. 7. I will do my work neatly, and I will keep my desk neat and in order. 8. I will return folders, notes, forms, and report cards needing a parent signature on time.

11 POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT Silverlake Silver Dollar system students can receive Silver Dollars from any teacher/staff/faculty for great hallway behavior, doing something nice, being helpful or especially kind “Ticket system” doing what they are supposed to be doing going beyond what is asked of them every Friday your child will have an opportunity to put their tickets in a drawing for a prize coupon Your child may also choose to save their tickets for a “bigger” prize at the end of the year. Extra Recess

12 PROGRESS REPORTS AND REPORT CARDS progress report every 3-4 weeks report card every 8-10 weeks Will receive scale grades Reading Language Arts Math Letter Grades Work Habits & Conduct Handwriting Science Social Studies Please check Skyward to monitor your child’s grade Grading Scale: 100 – 90 A 89 – 80 B 79 – 75 C 74 – 70 D 69 and below F

13 OTHER LUNCH 11:46 – 12:16 You are welcome to come eat with your child Please sign- in at the office PEAMS PE days (Tuesday, Friday and some Wednesdays) tennis shoes Please, no crocs, flip – flops, or sandals with holes On any other PEAMS, your child may wear any dress-code approved foot wear. TRANSPORTATION Please send a note for my records to change how your child is to get home for a day or two If you want to transportation permanently please the office You may also call the office to make a change during the day

14 BIRTHDAYS AND BIRTHDAY PARTIES 20 Students (12 girls, 8 boys) HOW CAN I HELP? Room Parent Copy Cat/Helper Help from home Party Planners

15 Grit is working hard towards challenges, maintaining effort and interest over years despite failure, adversity, and plateaus in progress. But, we want our kids to do this while maintaining integrity and not leaving their hearts behind as they journey towards a goal. We want them to look back and be proud of who they are at the end of their journey. What is GRIT?

16 W EB T OUR How to access Mrs. Samford’s webpagewebpage


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