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Marketing. Start up What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘marketing’? How has the Internet changed marketing? How would you start marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing. Start up What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘marketing’? How has the Internet changed marketing? How would you start marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing

2 Start up What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘marketing’? How has the Internet changed marketing? How would you start marketing a product or idea you had? What’s the difference between marketing and advertising?

3 Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers, for the purpose of selling the product or service.

4 Marketing is a critical business function for attracting customers.

5 Marketing is the link between a society’s material requirements and its economic patterns of response.

6 Marketing satisfies the needs and wants through exchange processes and building long term relationships.

7 Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service through positioning to customers.

8 Marketing can be looked at as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, delivering and communicating value to customers, and managing customer relationships in ways that also benefit the organization and its shareholders.

9 Marketing is the science of choosing target markets through market analysis and market segmentation, as well as understanding consumer buying behavior and providing superior customer value.

10 Note the use of the following sentence connectors

11 for the purpose of Idioms: on purpose (intentionally; deliberately. to good purpose (with good results) to little/no purpose (with few or no results) Marketing is the process of communicating …, for the purpose of selling the product or service.

12 As an example, As an example, a firm may conduct research in a target market, after selecting a suitable market segment.

13 For example, For example, a start-up car manufacturing firm would face little success should it attempt to rival Toyota, Ford, Nissan, Chevrolet, or any other large global car maker.

14 In contrast, (different from) As an example, a firm may conduct research in a target market, after selecting a suitable market segment. In contrast, marketing research relates to all research conducted within marketing.

15 Thus, (as a result or consequence of this; therefore) (in the manner now being indicated or exemplified; in this way) Thus, market research is a subset of marketing research.

16 Generally speaking, Generally speaking, an organization's marketing planning process is derived from its overall business strategy.

17 Accordingly, (in an appropriate manner; suitably; so; consequently; in accordance; correspondingly; therefore; in due course) Accordingly, a plan is required in order to effectively manage such products.

18 Evidently, (without question; clearly; undoubtedly, to all appearances; obviously; according to the evidence available) Evidently, a company needs to weigh up and ascertain how to utilize its finite resources.

19 Moreover, (beyond what has been stated; besides; in addition to what has already been said; furthermore) Moreover, a product may be reaching the end of its life-cycle.

20 Note the expressions It is the process of communicating the value of a product or service through positioning to customers. The process involves forging a plan for a firm's marketing activities.

21 Class assignment Divide into groups of three to four. Summarize the text Marketing and discuss the following: Marketing research Market and marketing research Marketing planning Marketing strategy

22 Write three to five YOUR S ONLY!!!!!! sentences about each item. Use the following sentence connectors: for the purpose of as an example for example, in contrast, thus, generally speaking, accordingly, evidently, moreover,

23 Do or Make collocation quiz: What do you __________ for a living? Have you __________ your homework yet? Have you __________ a decision yet? Amber __________ badly in her geography exam. The children __________ a mess in the kitchen.

24 We are having guests tonight, so please __________ your bed. I __________ only one mistake in my English test. I'd like to ask you to __________ me a favour. My husband __________ the grocery shopping. Please excuse me while I __________ a phone call.

25 Comprehension 1. The purpose of marketing is to sell a product or a service. T / F 2. According to experts, market research and marketing research are synonyms. T / F 3. Marketing research provides management with relevant information on how well a product is being sold. T /F 4. The choice of a firm’s marketing strategy depends on its overall business strategy. T / F 5. Marketing strategy and marketing tactic are synonyms. T / F

26 Internet Homework Assignment Search the Internet and find an example of one of the most successful marketing campaigns. Discuss.

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