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+ Verbal Communication It’s all in your WORDS… Verbal Communication Words Language Speaking.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Verbal Communication It’s all in your WORDS… Verbal Communication Words Language Speaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Verbal Communication It’s all in your WORDS… Verbal Communication Words Language Speaking

2 + Question #1 1. What is this…

3 + Question #2 2. What does the word “book” mean?

4 + Question #3 3. How do you FEEL about the following words: - snakes - vacation - college

5 + Question #4 4. What do the following words mean? - dope - pig - rap

6 + Question #5 5. Write a definition or identify what area of study the following words relate to: - Price elasticity of demand - Proscenium

7 + Question #6 6. Where would you go to get a drink of water in the school hallway?

8 + Question #7 7. Using the following consonants and any vowels that you want (in any order that you wish)– - B - H - N - S - Make up a word that you know is NOT in the English languageor any other language. Define the word in a phrase and write a sentence using the word so its meaning is exemplified. * Make it classroom appropriate.

9 + Question #1: What is this… NOT the actual state of Missouri– a SYMBOL of the state Words= symbols that represent things but NOT things themselves Think about the following words: blood, pus, incision, childbirth If you get squeamish it’s because you are reacting to the WORDS as if they are the real thing! What are words?

10 + Questions #2 & 3: What does the word “book” mean? How do you feel about the following… Draw a TREE on your paper. Look at the tree the person in front of you drew. Look at the tree the person behind you drew. Do they all look the same?? Denotative meaning: definition found in the dictionary Connotative meaning: an individual’s emotional or personal response to the word What do you think of when you hear: New York City What are the meanings of your words?

11 + Question #4: What do the following words mean… Language changes Meanings are in people… the world changes so language changes Think of: cell phone, cd rom, laser surgery lemon= fruit or car? chill= cold or relaxed?

12 + Question #5: Identify the area of study for the following words… price elasticity of demand= economics proscenium= theater What kinds of language do you use? Technical language: relates to a particular subject * Choose a topic & jot down 5 of its technical terms: -football- music -ballet- cooking -chess- photograpy

13 + Question #6: Where would you go get a drink of water… What kinds of language do you use? Regionalism: speech common to a particular geographical region - If you traveled to different parts of the US– are there terms that are different? soda (south) OR pop (north) Did you say… A drinking fountain, a water fountain, a cooler or a bubbler?? Cultural terms: related to a particular background or group of people - Based on: religion, customs, foods, etc. Slang terms: informal, nonstandard vocabulary unique to a particular group - Teens use slang the most

14 + Question #7: Use the following to create a word… B-H-N-S What kinds of language do you use? For example: I made gelbs in my cooking class. gelbs (noun)- a crunchy biscuit Go around room and read the SENTENCE you wrote using your new word. Class will guess what your word means. We gather meanings from the CONTEXT in which words are used… Semantics: The study of the relationship between words & their meanings

15 + Consider the following… 1. What are words? 2. What are the meanings of your words? 3. Why does the language change? 4. What kinds of language do you use/choose?

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