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Webinar 9: Coaching Call. Summary of Last Week’s Call Engage everybody that will be touched by the checklist with a one-on-one conversation. Ask for people’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Webinar 9: Coaching Call. Summary of Last Week’s Call Engage everybody that will be touched by the checklist with a one-on-one conversation. Ask for people’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Webinar 9: Coaching Call

2 Summary of Last Week’s Call Engage everybody that will be touched by the checklist with a one-on-one conversation. Ask for people’s help with this work. Emphasize to physicians that they are the “leaders” in the OR and that they set the tone. Make sure that you talk to the people that you think will be skeptical before you hold a large meeting.

3 How Did the Homework Go?

4 Homework to Date – Slide 1 of 3 Gather an implementation team consisting of at least one administrator, anesthesia provider, nurse, and surgeon. Designate if your hospital will be participating in the research portion of this project. Schedule a time and venue for a meeting to take place in 8-10 weeks. Read background materials on the checklist and look at website. Create a list using the excel template provided to you of all of the OR staff, physicians, and techs. This template asks for names, titles, and email addresses. If you are part of the research, please send us this spreadsheet. Send us a picture of your checklist implementation team.

5 Homework to Date – Slide 2 of 3 Start/Continue to administer the culture survey. Modify the checklist for your hospital and test it using “table top simulation” and with your checklist implementation team in 1 case for 1 day. Have the same team use the checklist in every case for one day. Modify as necessary and send us your checklist. Work with an additional surgical team to test the checklist in as many surgical cases as you can. Modify the checklist as necessary and send us a copy of your checklist. Use the Surgical Safety Checklist Observation Tool (Tool 4) in the cases that are testing the checklist.

6 Homework to Date – Slide 3 of 3 Members of the implementation team need to complete the web-based training for the teamwork observation tool (Tool 3). Identify departmental meetings to have the implementation team speak at following June 28th. Use the OR Personnel list that you created for the administration of the culture survey and assign members of the implementation team to talk to everybody individually over the next couple of weeks. Identify possible skeptics and make a point to talk to them before you hold a large meeting, if possible. Think about ways to advertize the checklist in your hospital in preparation for the roll-out.

7 Checklist Implementation Teams

8 Today’s Topics Importance of creating a checklist demonstration video for your hospital. Safe Surgery 2015: South Carolina Video Competition. A sample conversation: nurse to nurse. Coaching –Share your experiences with other participants. –Ask questions.

9 Purpose of Coaching Calls Share your experiences with implementing the checklist. We encourage everybody to participate by sharing stories or by asking questions. Everybody participating has learned things about how to do this. Every person on this call can benefit from your experience.

10 Why Make a Video? Having a video from your hospital, with your colleagues, using your checklist is worth a thousand words. Train surgical teams on how to use the checklist with the video. Use it to build momentum for the larger roll-out. Show your video in meetings.

11 Video Guidelines Do not film video over a live patient. Use an empty OR, conference room, or simulator. Shoot the video with a portable camera, phone, or anything that you have available.

12 The Safe Surgery 2015: South Carolina Video Competition Create a checklist demonstration video using your hospital’s version of the checklist and/or a video of a poorly done Joint Commission “Time-Out”. Deadline – July 25 th, 2011 The winning video in each category will be highlighted on the national website and will be incorporated into program presentations. All individuals shown in the video will need to sign a release form.

13 Send Videos and Release Forms (available on website)To: Lizzie Edmondson Harvard School of Public Health Department of Health Policy and Management 677 Huntington Avenue, 4 th Floor Boston, MA 02115

14 Nurse Surgical Tech What does this conversation sound like?

15 Coach Each Other What Have Your Experiences Been?

16 Testing the Checklist

17 Engaging Your Colleagues

18 Administering the Culture Survey

19 Other Topics?

20 This Week’s Homework Continue/Start to administer the culture survey. Continue to talk with your colleagues one-on-one. Create a demonstration video using your hospital’s version of the South Carolina Surgical Safety Checklist. (All hospitals should do this) Finalize your hospital’s version of the checklist. Decide if the checklist will be used in poster or paper form in your ORs. If your hospital will be using posters, look into options to have them made. Optional Homework: If you want to be part of the video competition, create and send your hospital’s checklist demonstration video and/or video of a poorly done Joint Commission Time-Out to our team.

21 ? ? Questions

22 Ask Us a Question By Using the Raise Hand Button

23 Office Hours: Friday 12:00-1:00

24 Next Week’s Call: Preparation for Expanding the Checklist to a Full Implementation

25 Resources Website: Email:

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