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MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL Y4 Summer 1 2015 MATHS In In Maths this term children will be exploring capacity and mass by checking intervals, reading.

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1 MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL Y4 Summer 1 2015 MATHS In In Maths this term children will be exploring capacity and mass by checking intervals, reading from scales, converting units of weight and applying their knowledge and understanding through word problems. Towards the end of this term, pupils will interpret and construct bar graphs, whilst identifying the mode, median and mean. Pupils will be asked to recall multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12. Prior learning involving decimals and fractions will be consolidated and extended. Websites that can support your child: read/1/ SCIENCE Science this term will involve children learning about Living things and their habitats. We will be looking at the characteristics of living things and grouping them according to these characteristics. We will look at the habitats (where they live) of animals and insects, we will go on to look at how the climate and environment changes are effecting animals and insects. ENGLISH In English this term Year 4 will be reading the book ‘ Krindlekrax’ by Philip Ridley. In this unit we will be writing a variety of both fiction and non-fiction texts including a character description, newspaper report, and a non chronological report. We will also be looking at different aspects of punctuation and grammar including personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, idioms, complex and compound sentences, conjunctions and adverbial phrases which the children will use and apply in their writing. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Reading a variety of other books included ones by the author mentioned above, reading with your child everyday and encouraging them to use their writing skills frequently. Comprehension exercises which can be found online. Websites that can support your child: Geography This half term in geography we are looking at the Mediterranean. We will be looking at and comparing Greece, Spain, Libya and Morocco to the UK. We will look at the climate differences and similarities, as well as how the climate (weather) influences the people who live their (jobs, food, clothes) POWER OF READING BOOK PHYSICAL EDUCATION This term for P.E. the topic will be, During the outdoor sessions children will learn the game rules for tennis and how to use the equipment correctly Please ensure you provide children with an outdoor P.E. Kit. This will include outdoor waterproof tracksuit bottom, full sleeved top or jacket and outdoor trainers. PE DAYS- Wednesday and Thursday. DT In DT this term the children will be looking at Mediterranean foods. We will be making a frittata from Spain, a Greek salad from Greece, and couscous dishes from morocco and Libya. We will be using knives and children will learn a safe technique for cutting. HOMEWORK Year 4 homework will be set and handed out on Fridays, this will include English, Maths, Spellings and towards the end of term Topic work. Please ensure homework is returned completed by Wednesday at the latest. Reminder: Please can all parents ensure their children come to school dressed in the correct school uniform. Children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school. Only studs and jewellery worn for the purpose of religious significance. COMPUTING This term Year 4 will be looking at keeping safe when using computers (e-safety). We will be looking at and producing branching data bases and linking these to what we do in science. MUSIC This term Year 4 will be learning about how to use body movements to show the shape of a song and perform pulse/rhythm. EDUCATIONAL VISITs Trip to Manchester to look at a Jewish museum and to find out about the history of Jews and investigate their place of worship. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION In R.E. children will be looking at various religious and philosophical questions which we will explore from a variety of perspectives. The children will be exploring and responding to puzzling questions which are at the heart of religion: e.g. What is the purpose of life? MFL Children will be exploring how to ask somebody's age. They will practising how to ask if they have brothers or sisters. They will also learn and rehease rhymes in French

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