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Skills-based health education including life skills Making the links Unicef, New York Also go to

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2 Skills-based health education including life skills Making the links Unicef, New York Also go to

3 What is the link? F.R.E.S.H. Skills-based health education Child Friendly Schools Life skills Health Promoting Schools

4 Child Friendly Schools Quality learners: healthy, well-nourished, ready to learn, and supported by their family and community Quality content: curricula and materials for literacy, numeracy, knowledge, attitudes, and skills for life Quality teaching-learning processes: child-centred; (life) skills-based approaches, technology Quality learning environments: policies and practices, facilities (classrooms, water, sanitation), services (safety, physical and psycho-social health) Quality outcomes: knowledge, attitudes and skills; suitable assessment, at classroom and national levels And gender-sensitive throughout

5 Inclusive of children Effective for learning Healthy and protective for children Involved with children, families, and communities Gender-sensitive Child-seeking and Child-centred

6 What is FRESH ? Focusing Resources on Effective School Health A partnership: UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO, WORLD BANK

7 FRESH Core intervention activities Effective health, hygiene and nutrition policies for schools Sanitation and access to safe water facilities for all schools Skills based health, hygiene & nutrition education School based health & nutrition services Supporting activities Effective partnerships between teachers and health workers Effective community partnerships Pupil participation

8 What is skills-based health education ? part of good quality education not just for health issues not just for schools

9 Skills-based health education... - has behaviour change as part of programme objectives - has a balance of knowledge, attitudes and skills - uses participatory teaching and learning methods - is based on student needs - is gender sensitive throughout

10 Content Methods The content areas of skills-health education The methods for teaching & learning

11 Content Knowledge Attitudes Skills (life) What topic? What issue? About what? Towards what? For what? Learning Outcomes Methods

12 (Life) Skills Values analysis & clarification skills Communication skills Decision making skills Coping & stress management skills Content knowledge attitudes

13 Methods for teaching & learning better - child-centred - interactive & participatory - group work & discussion - brainstorming - role play - educational games - debates - practising people skills

14 Who can facilitate? - teachers - young people (peer educators) - community agencies - religious groups - others... Just about anybody!

15 What settings can be used? - school - community - street - vocational - religious - existing groups or clubs - others... Just about any setting!

16 % adolescents ever had sex (at ages 13, 15, 19) % adolescents with STIs % adolescents addicted to intravenous drugs HEALTH & DEVELOPMENT GOALS % adolescents infected with HIV (15-19; m:f) % adolescents able to resist unwanted sex BEHAVIOURAL OUTCOMES ANTECEDENTS: PROTECTIVE & RISK FACTORS % adolescents who know how to protect themselves % adolescents using intravenous drugs Effort required School, community plus... policies, health services, community partnerships... School, community, national plus... media campaigns, national policies, health & social services School... Skills-based health ed plus... Expected outcomes Output depends on input

17 Evaluation Session/classroom level - immediate KAS outcome Behaviour level - behavioural outcome Epidemiological level - health outcome

18 Barriers to the life skills approach - poor policy support - poor and uneven implementation - poorly understood - competing priorities

19 3 main ways to implement in schools 1. carrier subject 2. separate subject or unit of work (long term option) (short term option) 3. infusion/integration (not recommended) Fast Track Slow Track

20 Priority Actions Away from…Towards…. small scale………………. national coverage isolated education programs……………….... comprehensive - FRESH integration………………..Single carrier subject creating new materials…. better use of what is generic programs……….specific (health and social) outcomes HIV/AIDS & life skills as an add-on………………..dedicated staff, training & support over time

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