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The New Testament: “And the Word became flesh, and dwelled among us…” John 1:14.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Testament: “And the Word became flesh, and dwelled among us…” John 1:14."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Testament: “And the Word became flesh, and dwelled among us…” John 1:14

2 Intro: “Who Do You Say That I Am?”

3 Homework (done in class on Tues., 1/29) VT groups: Period 3: /groups/subscribe/90668/d31be496a/ /groups/subscribe/90668/d31be496a/ Period 6: /groups/subscribe/90669/965b0aa93/ /groups/subscribe/90669/965b0aa93/ Period 9: /groups/subscribe/90670/044f69dc9/ /groups/subscribe/90670/044f69dc9/

4 Homework (due Weds., 1/30) Read pp. 2-5 RQ’s & “Examining” exercise, p. 5 Refl., p. 5 Print out PPt notes (3 slides/page w/ lines)

5 Homework (due Thurs., 1/31) Absent students join VT group (links on slide #3) View and comment on VT: “Proofs for God?” (due Fri., 2/1) Read 6-8 RQs p. 8 Refl.: box, p. 7 and Refl. p. 8

6 Homework (due Mon., 2/4) Read 9-11 RQs p.11 and Refl. P. 11 (due Tues., 2/5) Read p.12-15 RQs p.15 and any “For Refl.”, p. 15

7 Homework (due Weds., 2/6) Read p.16-19 RQs p.19 and any “For Refl”, p. 19 (due Mon., 2/11) Study for TEST Review (dueTues., 2/12) Study for TEST: Introduction Chapter

8 Offering a Son Jesus’ identity… who is he? Some: a prophet, a misguided teacher (rabbi), a false king Peter: “You are the Christos (messiah/ anointed one), the Son of the Living God”

9 Offering a Son God’s love for us is so great that He sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to live among us and to give his life for us and for our sins (Jn 3:16)

10 Coming to Know God/Jesus “The desire for God is written in the human heart because man is created by God and for God.” -CCC,27

11 We can know God through… 1.Human reason Our discovery of God 2.Divine Revelation God manifesting (showing) Himself to us

12 Proofs for God? “Proofs” =tests –Probare (Latin)= to test, probe –Evidence to be put to the test… of reason

13 1. Cosmological Argument God = “Unmoved Mover” or “First Cause” of everything There must be a source from which all else exists

14 2. Ontological Argument God = Ultimate Perfect Being There must be “that than which nothing greater can be thought,” a.k.a. “God”

15 3. Teleological Argument “Argument from design” The universe has an order or design; there must be a designer, a.k.a. God

16 4. Moral Argument Morality exists objectively, ie. apart from our opinions Where did we get this sense of right & wrong? God = Creator of the Moral Law

17 We can know God through… 1.Human reason Our discovery of God 2.Divine Revelation God manifesting (showing) Himself to us

18 Divine Revelation God is known by human reason, but… God took first step/initiative in revealing Himself to man… so… God makes Himself known and we are able to know Him

19 Divine Rev.: Why Necessary? Need for God to show what reason can’t arrive at on its own (eg. Trinity) Need for God to give certitude about things reason can arrive at (eg. that killing is wrong)

20 Divine Rev.: Where is it found? Depositum Fidei (“Deposit of Faith”)= 2 places where God’s revelation (what He has done & said) is “deposited”: 1.Sacred Tradition (traditio= pass on) 2.Sacred Scripture (Bible)

21 Divine Rev.: What is it? God communicates Himself to man, making known His plan Story of it (in Scripture)= Salvation History Fullness of it = Jesus Christ, God Himself revealed in the flesh

22 The Incarnation The core Catholic teaching that the Son of God took on human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ… that… … God has become man!

23 “Quick Huddle Offense” 1.Groups of 4; students “number-off” in group. 2.Quick huddle review of RQ’s 3.Books closed 4.I ask each RQ; 30 sec huddle to discuss 5.I call #; all with that # stand & answer… ALL must be correct for points!

24 Purpose of the Incarnation 1.Reconciles us w/ God by overcoming sin, which separates us from God 2.Reveals God’s love fully to us 3.Shows us perfect example of holiness: Love 4.Makes it possible to share God’s nature

25 Find Someone Who Knows… 1.YOU ask & write answers; the other guy initials the answer. 2.When done, sit down & review… then same w/ group 3.When all seated, review together, check for correct answers, etc. (collaborate w/ other groups) 4.# off, 1-4 5.I’ll call a #, and quiz… if all correct, all win!

26 Names &Titles for Jesus JESUS Yeshua, or Yehoshua’ (“YHWH saves”) The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) 1 st to use “Jesus” as a baptismal name

27 Names &Titles for Jesus CHRIST:

28 Names &Titles for Jesus SON OF GOD: Not “offspring” Jesus is “consubstantial” with, or “One in Being” with the Father Jesus “comes forth from” God, and IS God.

29 Names &Titles for Jesus LORD: Kurios (Gk., Lord) Adonai (Heb., Lord) Both used only for YHWH or God Himself

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