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Introduction Syllabus Highlights.  Part I – learning the concepts of Financial Accounting ◦ “Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself” (old Chinese.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Syllabus Highlights.  Part I – learning the concepts of Financial Accounting ◦ “Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself” (old Chinese."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Syllabus Highlights

2  Part I – learning the concepts of Financial Accounting ◦ “Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself” (old Chinese proverb)  Part II – applying the concepts “What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing” (Aristotle) ◦ This means Homework!

3  To provide you with a working knowledge of ◦ accounting processes and concepts ◦ the content of financial statements ◦ the framework of accounting theory

4  “Do NOT take professor Hornik! In order to do well on the tests you need to do all the homework, read and MEMORIZE all the chapters, and remember everything from previous tests.” (anonymous, 12/14/06)

5  Read your Email: ◦ I use both:  Registered with UCF  WebCourses  Read Discussion Boards and ONLY post within appropriate folder  READ THE WIKI: ◦ Syllabus ◦ Course Schedule ◦ Technology Page  You have 7 Days from a grade being posted to.... ◦ Let me know its not there ◦ Let me know you disagree  You drop the lowest Exam Score so... ◦ NO MAKEUP EXAMS

6  This class is a Marathon ◦ Pace Yourself  Watch my Lectures  Come to class/Watch the class Video  Read the Book  Do the HW  Do as many problems/exercises/quiz questions as you an bear using MyAccountingLab ◦ ASK FOR HELP!

7  Dr. Steven Hornik  email:  Course Webpages: ◦ ◦  Office BA1 432  Phone: 407-823-5739  Yahoo IM: shornik (or meebo me)  Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10-12, Thursday 5-6; and by appointment  Second Life Office Hours: Wednesday 10-11 PM and Friday 10-11 AM and by appointment

8  Ling Huang ◦ E-mail: ◦ Office Hours:  TBD  Rachel Weisman ◦ E-mail: ◦ Office Hours:  Monday and Wednesday 9:00 – 2:00  Anna Dragon ◦ Email: ◦ Office Hours:  Terri Berry ◦ E-mail: ◦ Office Hours:  Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 PM  Saturday 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM  Sunday 3:00 - 6:00 PM

9  Financial Accounting ◦ Harrison & Horngren ◦ Third Custom Edition for UCF ◦ ISBN: 0-536-55644-X

10  Get Accounts for: ◦ Twitter  Used for Extra-Credit ◦ Second Life  Used for Lectures, Virtual Office Hours, Study Groups, HW Assignments and Instruction of Accounting Concepts ◦ MyAccountingLab  Register for ACG2021 Spring - Hornik  Download Software: ◦ Second Life  Or use in Labs on UCF campus ◦ Cmap Tools  Or use in Labs on UCF campus

11  No in-class Lectures  Lectures are available on-line: ◦ Web-based  Via Webcourses or  Via page/screencasts/ page/screencasts/ ◦ Second Life  3 locations on Teaching 4 ◦ iPod or.wmv Video download (still needs to be implemented)  Via Webcourses  Class Time will be used for going over End of Chapter Exercises and Problems  Class is optional and will be video-taped, with streaming available ~1 hour after class ends. ◦ Link to Class-Video is available via WebCourses

12 RequirementsPoints Concept Maps (5 x 5)25 MyAccountingLab (20 x 5)100 Second Life (5 x 10)50 Exam 1: chapter 1-3125 Exam 2: chapter 4-5125 Exam 3: chapter 6-7125 Exam 4: chapter 8-9125 Exam 5: Chapter 11-12125 Total Points675

13 GradeMinimum Points A607 B+587 B540 C+520 C472 D405 F< 405

14  Via WebCourses ◦ You MUST log into via WebCourses (NOT myUCF) ◦ Testing Lab BA2, 104  Multiple Choice ◦ Password may be Required to begin exam  If so, I will e-mail you the password prior to the exam  If not, you will need to click no when asked to provide a password ◦ Tests will occur over multiple days  Starting at 7:00 AM  Ending at Midnight  Multiple versions of the exam will be automatically generated ◦ I will NOT be present  Do NOT attempt to exit and re-take the exam!  NO MAKE-UP Exams will be given  Testing Lab Procedures ◦ Valid UCF ID card required ◦ Allowed Materials  Financial Calculator  Scratch Paper will be Provided ◦ Read All Testing Lab Procedures on Syllabus  Reporting Problems  Acceptable Use  Food & Drink  Unauthorized material There are 5 Exams – Drop the Lowest Score

15  Assignments are described in the Syllabus, Due dates can be found: ◦ Syllabus (Wiki) ◦ Class Schedule (Wiki) ◦ Calendar (Second Life)  Graded Assignments: ◦ Concept Maps (see syllabus)  Due Dates are also found on WebCourses Calendar ◦ MyAccountingLab Problems (see syllabus)  You have 3 Tries, use them All!  Due Dates are also found on MyAccountingLab Calendar ◦ Second Life Assignments (see syllabus)  HW assigned on class schedule (Exercises) are NOT graded ◦ To gauge YOUR understanding of the material  To do well in the class requires.... ◦ Repetition, Repetition, Repetition ◦ HW, HW, HW ◦ Take advantage of the resources provided  Cmaps, Second Life, Meebo (communicate with me), My Accounting Lab, TAs and Me!

16 Technology Used: Second Life, Cmap Tools, Twitter and Meebo

17  Watch Lectures  Interact with 3-D accounting Content  Meet in groups to discuss accounting?  Meet with me to discuss accounting?  Limited to ~40 Avatars at one time ◦ Available 24/7 ◦ Initially we won’t have a schedule  Have Fun!

18  Second Life Getting Started (link on Wiki) Second Life Getting Started  Join Second Life ◦ Pick Avatar Name / Shape  Download Viewer  Find our Class Land ◦ Teaching 4 (59,162,22) Teaching 4 (59,162,22) ◦ Set Home Here  Ctrl-shift-H, takes you home from anywhere in SL  Join the Class Group (needed to access content) ◦ UCFCBA Accounting  Search Groups and Join  Cost $L0  Let me know what your Second Life Name is ◦ Click the Registration board in my office in SL

19  Linden Lab Policies ◦ No Intolerance ◦ No Harassment ◦ No Assaulting  Pushing, Shoving, Shooting ◦ No Disclosure  Residents are entitled to privacy  Me, You and your classmates ◦ No Indecency ◦ No Disturbing the Peace  ACG 2021 Policies ◦ Clothing is Mandatory  Wear anything you wish ◦ Accounting objects will be shared ◦ We share space on an Island with others  Be respectful of other builds  Be respectful of other avatars ◦ Scheduled Events  Show up on Time

20  Adopted for ACG2021 ◦ Engage  Explore responsibly ◦ Use Good Judgment / Witnessing Inappropriate Behavior  There is good and bad in SL, judge whether or not you should proceed  Know how to leave (Ctrl-H) ◦ Protect the name of UCF  You are representatives of UCF ◦ Protect others privacy  Mine, Yours, your Classmates

21  Communication Tool  What are you doing now?  We’ll use for Extra-credit ◦ What’s the first Asset to appear on the Balance Sheet?  Steps to use Twitter: ◦ Get a twitter account ◦ Friend, acg2021 ◦ Turn on Notifications if you want messages on your cell phone ◦ Let me know what your twitter name is  Same place: Second Life registration board

22  Concept Map Tool  Steps to use Cmap: ◦ Download Cmap ◦ Watch the How-To Videos ◦ Do Cmap#1 due 01/20/09

23  Communication Tool  Used for sending IM’s  May be used for group chats ◦ If the need arises  Accessible via the class wiki ◦ You don’t need an IM account ◦ You don’t need a Yahoo account ◦ You can IM me or TA’s whenever/wherever as long as you have Internet Access (and one of us is online)

24  Our WebPage  Syllabus  Schedule  Technology Pages  Un-graded Solutions  PowerPoint's  Use it to watch How-To Videos  Use it to view Student Cmaps  Use it to IM me via Meebo  You don’t need to Join

25  “I did not use it because i did not perceive it as being necessary to learn accounting. People in the past have learned accounting just fine without all of these technologies. My view is KISS, keep it simple stupid”. (Fall 2007)  Don’t worry it’s all pretty easy  If you need help, there are How -To Demo Videos on the WikiHow -To Demo Videos

26  Many Opportunities throughout the semester  One outlet will be Twitter ◦ First n students to Tweet the correct answer will get a set amount of points (2) ◦ Next n students to Tweet the correct answer will get less points (1)  Other vehicles – Research opportunities  Paper  Concept Maps ◦ Must do 1 st 5 before doing Extra-Credit Maps ◦ Extra-credit Maps are worth 2.5 points each ◦ Upload Extra-Credit Maps to Extra-Credit assignment in WebCourses

27  By Monday January 9 th, ◦ Read Syllabus ◦ Read Course Agreement  Get on Course Schedule  Complete Course Agreement via WebCourses, Due 1/20  Watch Chapter 1 Lectures ◦ Cmap #1, Due 01/20 ◦ Problem 1-50 and 1-56, Due 01/27 ◦ Cmap#2, Due 01/27 ◦ Second Life Assignment#1, Due 01/27  Work on End of Chapter Exercises ◦ See Class Schedule

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