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©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 1 Discussion Topics Keith G Jeffery President, euroCRIS

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Presentation on theme: "©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 1 Discussion Topics Keith G Jeffery President, euroCRIS"— Presentation transcript:

1 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 1 Discussion Topics Keith G Jeffery President, euroCRIS

2 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 2 Open Access Existing state, Gold & Green –Availability –Costs –Citations and references –Crosslinks to data, software

3 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 3 Open Access Barriers Copyright –Licence to use / publish Peer review Journal colleges Learned societies Free annotation ‘pretty’ publishing

4 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 4 Open Access Repositories Subject based E.g. ArXiv –Community building Institutional –IPR –Curation –Public relations

5 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 5 Publication Quality ISI and its use –Problems by area (e.g. social science) –Problems by coverage within area Other approaches –citeseer

6 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 6 Information value chain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: creation acquisition certification disclosure production distribution dissemination usage (Roosendaal)

7 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 7 OA – in whose interest? Author –Wider access, citation –But maybe less prestigious than traditional route –Effort to deposit Institution –Collection of intellectual property –Check on IPR/patenting –Quality of publication (reputation) Reader –free and electronic ‘scientific freedom versus institutional management’

8 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 8 CRIS + OA Linkage CRIS + OA –CRIS associative scientific management data –R&D primary data –OSS –DC and its problems –Formalised DC to form bridge

9 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 9 Metadata Fundamentally important –E.g. for OAI-PMH Dublin Core –Simple –Qualified –Formal Link to semantic web/grid Link to CRIS

10 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 10 Access Distributed query access –E.g. Z39.50 Harvesting to ‘catalog’ then query on catalog and link to object of interest –E.g. OAI-PMH plus query system –(and in CRIS world EXIRPTS, ERGO)

11 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 11 New Technologies GRIDS –How to use for CRIS and OA –High capacity network –massive compute power –Massive data stores / databases

12 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 12 CRIS+OA= The Route to Research Knowledge on the GRID The GRID OA Repositories (the knowledge) CRISs (the management tool)

13 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 13 CRIS+OA= The Route to Research Knowledge on the GRID CRIS: management of R&D activity through information –better decisions –better technology transfer / innovation / exploitation Open Access: open access to R&D knowledge –easy knowledge availability –Improved R&D quality GRID: A universal computation, information and knowledge surface –The basis for the future of Europe

14 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 14 Science as a process within a Grids environment Submit proposal Prepare experiment Generate results Analyse results Write report Provenance metadata + access conditions data description +++ data location Related material Collecting the metadata can then become part of the experimental support environment CRIS DAIR (Matthews)

15 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 15 Will Researchers Accept Traditional freedom of researchers Institution might have different interest –IPR – exploitation –Quality - reputation Retention of copyright Workflow in institution –researcher has to trade freedom for institutional management objectives

16 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 16 Infrastructure v Frontline US 30% R&D funding in infrastructure UK ~ 15% Other EU countries? Does the investment improve the research done by the frontline researchers by a commensurate amount?

17 ©euroCRIS/Keith G JefferyCRIS Seminar 200409 Brussels 20040921 17 Strategic Partners for this Seminar –ESF –EARMA –ALLEA –CODATA –ERCIM And, of course, the EC euroCRIS has collected together some of the key organisations

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