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PIG Final Review Day 2. Education Support of Common Core The Common Core Standards prepare students for a competitive global economy Provide national.

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Presentation on theme: "PIG Final Review Day 2. Education Support of Common Core The Common Core Standards prepare students for a competitive global economy Provide national."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIG Final Review Day 2

2 Education Support of Common Core The Common Core Standards prepare students for a competitive global economy Provide national continuity in education Designed to build upon the best standards so that even states with successful standards will be taking a step forward in education

3 Education Support of Common Core The standards are also based on international benchmarks and incorporate the newest educational thinking. They build upon successful elements already employed in many of the leading states – Helps those states that are struggling improve and those that are succeeding to build and grow

4 Education Support of Common Core Students will be able to think critically about the world around them, and possess applicable skills, making them well-rounded.

5 Education Support of Common Core Content is balanced The CCS are geared toward college and career readiness, and competition in the global economy.

6 Education Opposition to Common Core The Common Core Standards do not guarantee improvements in testing on the global scale The Common Core Standards straddle the middle ground of education – either better than some states or worse than others The Common Core Standards is a program pushed by the government – Adopt the program or no money

7 Education Opposition to Common Core Not every nation with common core standards do well testing States understand more so than the federal government on the population being taught – they should decide Adequate testing of the CCS has not been completed – difficult to assess if this will work CCS does not take in to account ESL students, students with learning disabilities, or poverty stricken student’s difficulties

8 Education Opposition to Common Core Focuses more on the higher-order thinking skill than emphasizing the basics from which this thinking pattern grows. Need to develop basics first. Push is connected to international competition, not necessarily improving skills Standardizing education limits possibility Increased focus on testing

9 Foreign Policy Support of Waging War Against ISIS If unchecked, these terrorists could pose a growing threat beyond that region - including to the United States. - Barack Obama ISIS constitutes a new level of horror – If unchallenged, its regimen of beheadings, burnings and crucifixions will continue and grow

10 Foreign Policy Support of Waging War Against ISIS ISIS is determined to build a caliphate. That affects directly the interests of more moderate Arabic forces that are allies of ours. It even threatens non-Arabic countries way beyond its borders – It has already taken up the forcible expansion into countries that are ruled by non-Muslims.

11 Foreign Policy Support of Waging War Against ISIS So much US effort has gone into building a new Iraq: to see it dissipated so quickly raises questions about why all that sacrifice was necessary; and not fighting on lets down those who fought before. – The United States military lost over 4000 soldiers as casualties of the Iraq war, and sent home at least 32,000 more who were physically and mentally damaged.

12 Foreign Policy Support of Waging War Against ISIS The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cost at least $1.26 trillion from start to finish (and the overall "war on terror" maybe $8 trillion): so to see the Iraqi "democracy" that was left behind - not to mention its army - disintegrate so rapidly before the ISIS onslaught, is simply too much for many to bear

13 Foreign Policy Support of Waging War Against ISIS We broke it. We own it. We cannot walk away now. ISIS is a global force.

14 Foreign Policy AGAINST Waging War Against ISIS We inflate ISIS by attacking it. – ISIS is a regional force. We only make it global by fighting it. As with Al Qaeda before it, a military response by the United States falls directly into the ISIS play book.

15 Foreign Policy AGAINST Waging War Against ISIS Going to war with ISIS gives terrorists too much influence over American foreign policy. – ISIS knows that its status is improved in radical Islamic circles if it is attacked by the United States – We let ISIS's exploitation of social media determine our foreign policy

16 Foreign Policy AGAINST Waging War Against ISIS Do not want to endure a series of endless wars – To attack ISIS in the manner proposed by the President effectively opens up our third Middle Eastern war in less than two decades – War in Afghanistan is not a success nor was invasion of Iraq

17 Foreign Policy AGAINST Waging War Against ISIS This is not our fight alone, nor is it our fight to lead. – Ideological war – America must watch, not fight – Not a major threat to the United States

18 Progressive Taxation Progressive tax is a tax where the tax rate increases as your income increases Tax payers are divided into categories based on income levels

19 Pros For Progressive Tax A tool for redistributing income from upper class to lower and middle class Those who earn more pay more into the federal government Helps keep income gap from growing wider between rich and poor

20 Pros For Progressive Tax Morally right that those who can afford to pay more in taxes should do so Those who have little income should be helped Progressive tax allows government to collect money from those who can afford to pay and use it to fund education, medical services, housing assistance and other welfare programs for those who need

21 Pros For Progressive Tax Collecting more money from higher income earners allows the government to earn more revenue Government can provide more services than they could if everyone paid the same

22 Arguments Against Progressive Tax Does not promote equality Discriminates against the wealthy in the United States Inflation may push an individual into a higher income bracket with no actual income increase May discourage business investment if additional profit means higher taxes

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