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THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM ABUSE AND NEGLECT IN SERBIA Jasmina Ivanovic, Head of Department for Development of Social Protection Ministry of Labour,

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Presentation on theme: "THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM ABUSE AND NEGLECT IN SERBIA Jasmina Ivanovic, Head of Department for Development of Social Protection Ministry of Labour,"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM ABUSE AND NEGLECT IN SERBIA Jasmina Ivanovic, Head of Department for Development of Social Protection Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy September 2012, Sarajevo

2 Where is our data? Data systems Justice system: Republican Institute for Statistics (record on criminal offences and offenders) Police: Ministry of Interior, Analytical section Social Welfare system: Republican Institute for Social Protection (from centres for social work) and data system of Ministry Health system : (no national data; data available at level of health institution) Education system : – data available at regional level – level of Regional Education Offices

3 What does our data say? Children victim of abuse and naglect Year 200 5 200620072008200920102011 Total per year 2,275 2,771 2,260 3,158 3,321 3,341 3,392 Social Protection System

4 What does our data say? (Cont.) Social Protection System Dominantni oblik zlostavljanja2008200920102011 Fizičko nasilje 914 878 828 837 Psihološko nasilje 1,307 1,381 1,433 1,041 Seksualno nasilje 100 92 122 87 Zanemarivanje 780 855 856 1,418

5 What does our data say? (Cont.) MINISTRY OF INTERIOR Grupe krivičnih dela do 18 godina Pokrenuti postupci 20102011 Krivična dela protiv braka i porodice 567475 Krivična dela protiv života i tela 471406 Krivična dela protiv polne slobode 289276 Pojedina krivična dela protiv čovečnosti 4335

6 What does our data say? (Cont.) Education system (draft) Nasilje III nivoa skolska 2010/2011 i 2011/2012 Ukupno 187 fizicko113 verbalno22 kombinovano30 seksualno4 psihicko18

7 Types of abuse and neglect – The Institute of Mental Health

8 H ow does our system work? L egislation : The Constitution Criminal Code Family Law Social Welfare Law Law on Education System (and by-law on prot. of children from violence in schools) Police: Instruction for conduct with children Law on juvenile offenders and protection of minors in criminal justice proceedings

9 Strategies and Action Plans Strategy for Protection of Children from Violence with accompanying A ction plan (many other strategies have protection from violence integrated…)

10 How our system works? (or how it is suppose to work) General Protocol for Protection of Children from Abuse and Neglect (2005) Special protocols for: Health Education Residential institutions in social welfare (needs to be revised…) Police Justice system

11 What does this mean in practice?

12 Some promising signals Court Decision: Penalize school for not implementing protocol Ombudsman recommendations to Centres for Social Work National Protocol for Protection of Women/Victims of Domestic Violence (child victim) National preventative mechanism NGO independent monitoring New by-law on prohibited conduct for all service providers in social welfare and new system of evidence for all social providers

13 Challenges: No national coordination mechanism Protocols are no being implemented fully in all municipalities Cross sectoral cooperation

14 Opportunities: New Government in place EU integrations New and coordinated capacity building approach – parallel capacity building in health, education and social welfare; bringing systems together in four towns

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