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Review of Professional Resource Will Jiang U3039179.

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1 Review of Professional Resource Will Jiang U3039179

2 Selected Professional Resource Is as part of major publication from International Computer Association (ICA). Providing audience the opportunity to scan the academically sound research which reflects the latest social problems involving communications Topics included culture development and preservation, life span development, quality of life, and political communication among political systems and nations Not only the theoretical proposition but also indicated to reveal the policy-related solutions for the urge issues sparked

3 Reviewed articles D OES BLOGGING EMPOWER W OMEN ? E XPLORING ROLE OF AGENCY AND COMMUNITY. M AIN T HEME The strong relationship between self-reporting psychological empowerment benefits for blogging. Relevant psychological empowerment components were associated with blogging type as well as blogging motivation via SOC and /or SOA. I NFORMATION, C OMMUNITY, AND A CTION : H OW N ONPROFITS O RGANIZATIONS USE S OCIAL M EDIA M AIN T HEME The developed newer forms of communication heralded a qualitative change in communicative potential beyond that possible through email or website. The advent of social media has opened up even greater possibilities for interpersonal and organizational communication.

4 Selected Article Information, Community, and Action: How Nonprofit Organizations Use Social Media Kristen Lovejoy, Gregory D. Saxton. Department of Communication, University at Buffal, SUNY

5 Article Summary  This paper investigated Twitter utilization practiced of the 100 largest nonprofits enterprises in the United State.  Concentrates on a central feature of non profit organization’s social media utilization-the actual messages sent by using Twitter.  Non-profit Organizations employ new media for the purposes of information-sharing and dialogic relationship-building.

6 Main Theme The advent of social media has opened up even greater possibilities for interpersonal and for interpersonal and organizational communication. Exam the content of the aggregate set of tweets via original typology of organizational micro-blogging functions. Investigate and classify the organizations based on their relative utilization of the various micro-blogging functions.

7 Main Issues Organizational-level research on social media has not grown as rapidly. Controversies of the profits and weak point of Twitter. Non-profit organizations are heavy reliance on basic information uses as a lost opportunity fir furthering interactivity and dialogue with supporters. Lack of data of how organization use social media to communicate with their stakeholders and general public, therefore author have to adopt fundamental theories from studies of website utilization.

8 Key Findings Social media appears to have created opportunities for interpersonal engagement, interactivity, and dialogue that qualitatively different from traditional website 12 Types of tweets emerged from the coding process. After group by their functions, there are there major categories: Information, Community, and Action. 59% of tweets been sent by non-profit organization were classifieds as informational. Which can connect a broad array of stakeholders to its mission and help to boost accountability and public trust. Dialogue may not be the key form of social media-based organizational communication. But also been dominated by community-building, promotion and mobilization.

9 Social Theory Points Author initiated this report at the social media and organizational communication literature review. According to Kling (1997), Social theoretical works are not ‘reality transcending’ but they are situation transcending.

10 Analytical Reduction Points Author have adopted strictly quantitative social science approach of examining 4,655 tweets been sent between specific period by 73 non-profit organization with Twitter accounts then analyze the result by utilizing an original typology of organizational micro- blogging functions.

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