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CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Lecture 18 Parallelism.

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1 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Lecture 18 Parallelism

2 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Motivation for Parallel Databases Extremely large data sets –Special application needs: computer-aided design, World Wide Web Queries that have large data requirements –Decision support systems, statistical analysis Inherent parallelism in data –Set oriented nature of relations Commoditization of parallel computers –2 or 4 SMPs are commonplace –Clustering software for multiple SMPs is freely available –Weak point in the argument in light of mainframe OSes

3 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Motivation for Parallel Databases 2 Major reasons for parallel databases that we learned on the previous slide Large data sets, application and query –Because we need it Parallel computers and feasible application domain –Because we can

4 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Motivation Reality Check Have always needed parallel DBs –DBs have always stretched the capabilities of computer architectures –Enterprises have always grown to a DBs capabilities Distribution cannot really solve the problem –Replication and latency concerns As we learned from the paper last week –Isolation problems Fault and performance isolation One big computer is more powerful than 2 equivalent small computers –Parallel machines look like 1 big computer from the outside

5 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Parallelism Theoretically, the execution of a task T onto the computer system P n should be n times faster than processor P 1 PnPn P1P1 P2P2 PnPn N processor system T T1T1 T2T2 TnTn Tasks of equal sizes

6 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Parallelism Hardware Parallelism –Parallelism “available” as a result of the existing resources –Egs: multiprocessors, RAIDS, etc. Software Parallelism –parallelism that could be "discovered" in an application –Egs: parallel algorithms, programming style, compiler optimization

7 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Speedup, Efficiency, and Scaleup Definition: –T(p,N) = time to solve problem of size N on p processors Speedup: –S(p,N) = T(1,N)/ T(p,N) –Compute same problem with more processors in shorter time Efficiency: –E(p,N) = S(p,N) / p Scaleup: –Sc(p,N) = N / n with T(1,n) = T(p,N) –Compute larger problem with more processors in same time Problems: –S(p,N) close to p or far less ? -> Sub linear speedup

8 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Scale up Two kinds: –Batch scaleup: –The size of the task increases –E.g: size of database increase, sequential scan is proportionately increased –Transaction scaleup –Rate of submission of task increases –Each task may still be short lived

9 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Scaleup, Speedup sublinear speedup linear speedup resources speedspeed T s -- T l sublinear scaleup linear scaleup problem size

10 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Factors against parallelism Startup –Thousands of processes may influence startup costs Interference –synchronization, communication –Even 1% contention limits speedup to 37x Skew –Efficiently load balancing –At fine granularity, variance can exceed mean time to finish one parallel step

11 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing When is parallelism available? Good if, –Operations access significant amount of data for e.g joins of large tables, bulk inserts, aggregation, copying, queries, etc –Symmetric multiprocessors –Sufficient IO bandwidth, under utilized or intermittently used CPUs Bad if, –Query execution/transactions are short lived –CPU, memory and IO resources are heavily utilized Software parallelism should utilize hardware parallelism

12 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Parallel Architectures Stonebraker’s simple taxonomy for parallel architectures: –Shared memory : Processors share common memory –Shared disk/Clusters: Processors share a common set of disks –Shared nothing: Network sharing –Hierarchical: Hybrid of architectures above

13 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Shared Memory M P P P P Processors share common memory Common in SMP systems

14 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Shared Nothing Pros –Cost Use inexpensive computers to build such a system –Extensibility Promotes incremental growth –Availability Redundancy can be introduced by replication of data Cons –Complex Distributed database concepts in parallel setup –Difficult to achieve load balancing Relies on software parallelism

15 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Shared Disk P P P P M M M M Processors share a common set of disks Common in clusters Networked attached I/O protocols make more readily available

16 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Shared Disk Features –Shared disk access but exclusive memory access –Global locking protocols are needed Pros –Cost Lower as standard I/O interconnects can be used –Extensibility Interference is minimized by exclusive memory cache –Availability Degree of fault tolerance in both processor subsystem and disks Cons –Highly Complex –Shared-disk as a potential bottleneck

17 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Shared Nothing P P P P P M M M M M Network sharing only Parallelism available without any hardware support

18 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Shared Memory Pros –Fast processor to processor communication No software primitives required –Simplicity Meta and control information shared by all Cons –Cost Expensive interconnect –Limited extensibility The shared memory soon becomes a bottleneck Limited to 10-20 processors –Cache coherency –Low availability Availability depends on the robustness of memory

19 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing So far… Parallelism and its measures Problems with parallelism… Parallel architectures…

20 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing I/O and Databases What’s important about I/O –Reminder: the performance measure for all DBs is the number of I/Os. –For the most part, it is the only thing that matters Why is I/O inherently parallel? –Even a machine with 1 processor has multiple disks –Placement of data on these disks greatly effects performance What does this tell us about parallel DBs? –Parallelism is not necessarily about supercomputers, but occurs at many levels in computer systems –Every system has some degree of parallelism, can be between scheduling the different processing units in a CPU

21 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing I/O or Disk Parallelism Partition data onto multiple disks –Most frequently horizontal paritioning –Conduct I/O to all disks at the same time Techniques –Round-robin: send i th tuple to disk i mod n in an n-disk system –Hash partitioning: send tuple n to disk f(n) where f is a uniformly distributed random function –Range partitioning: break tuples up into contiguous ranges of keys, requires a key that can be ordered linearly –Multi-dimensional partitioning strategies: used for spatial data, images, other mutli-dimensional sets much recent work

22 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Workloads Several important/expected workloads –Scanning the entire relation –Locating a tuple (identity query) –Locating a set of tuples based on attribute value Range query, e.g. 100<a<200 Find all people whose names start with A –Note this is not an identity query

23 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Range partitioning Parition requires a partitioning attribute A usually the primary key A vector of dimension n partitions A –Vector {v0,v2,…,vn-1} Each tuple t goes into: –Partition 0 if t[A] < v0 –Partition n-1 if t[A] > vn-2 –Partition k if t[A] > vk-1 and t[A] =1 Simple range paritioning #disks = #partitions Combined with round robin #disk*k = #partitions –Has some benefits of avoiding variance in any one partition

24 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Some Practicalities Disk blocks are what we partition –Block size is generally a tradeoff between I/O performance and utilization bigger blocks are better for performance, more I/O bigger blocks fragment data, leading to poor space utilization – Blocks are generally set to the page size bigger than we would like often lots of space fragemented (> 50% in file systems) What is the problem with larger blocks? –Small relations don’t get placed on as many disks, less parallelism What is the problem with small blocks? –Well pages are what OSes read? –Performance suffers Some applications with known large data use larger block sizes –Paricularly scientific applications

25 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Workloads Round Robin Ups –Good for scans, sequential, parallel, entirely load balanced –What about unfairness in the tail (if you start on the same block all the time) randomize start block use a next block policy Downs –Identity queries search n blocks (n/2 if item always exists and is a key)(n blocks if not a key or to establish it is not found) –Range queries search n blocks, there is not relationship between key value and placement

26 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Workloads Hash Partition Ups –Good for identity queries isolates query to a single disk –Good for sequential scans low variance in hashing \Omega(log t) for relations with cardinality t essentially d (number of disks) times speedup over a single disk system (actually d/(1+\Omega(logt)) Downs –Bad for range queries, search n blocks –Bad for identity queries on non-partitioning attributed e.g. partition/hash on SS# and lookup by last name

27 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Workloads Range Partition Ups –Good for identity queries isolates query to a single “data” disk/block must generally read another block to read range information, which hash partitions do not require –Indices can be large Ambiguous-es –Range queries good performance when queries access few items –Isolates queries to one or few disks –Allows other queries to run in parallel on other disks Bad when accessing lots of data items – Can localize traffic to few disks, creating a hot spot Really the good outweighs the bad here

28 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Handling Skew Attribute value skew – when lots of tuples are clustered around the same (or nearly same value) –Occurs in range partitioning –Imagine a relation with 2 values of an attribute and k disks Only two will be used Partition skew – load imbalance when there is no attribute skew –O(log t) for t tuples in hash partitioning, no problem –From poorly constructed range vector

29 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Constructing a Range Vector Balanced range partitioning vector can be constructed by –Sorting existing tuples – but incurs I/O costs when sorting and does not keep the partitioning balanced as new inserts arise –Using a B-tree, but this limits occupancy of tuples in disks blocks, which ultimately limits I/O performance –Statistics – keep counts of values based on buckets of values, but this has problems of AV skew within buckets and estimation (Histogram)

30 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Virtual Processor Technique Create many virtual processors and map ranges to virtual processors Assign the virtual processors to real processors –This eliminates skew, because each processor is accessing many virtual processors, which are more likely to have close to mean load Allows a system to use a “poor” range partition and not have problems with skew –Generally DBs use histograms with VPs

31 CS 600.416 Transaction Processing Lessons Learned Parallelism is important, even for single machines Disk based parallelism is the most important kind of paralellism –I/O is the bottleneck in databases –Not really entirely true, networking is starting to be the bottleneck in distributed TP applications Know thy data

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