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sound discussion about where IT is going in education, about strategic planning, about Web 2.0 (Web 3.0!!!) and the necessity to move in this area else.

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3 sound discussion about where IT is going in education, about strategic planning, about Web 2.0 (Web 3.0!!!) and the necessity to move in this area else kids may be disadvantaged.

4 But before that: Where are we at? What do we value? What do we want to keep? and only then What do we want to add and/ or remove? What ’ s available? How do we move forward?

5 What are the kids like in our schools? What future skills and qualities will they need? What qualities do we want to reinforce? What do we want to change? What do we want to develop that is not currently there? Cmap Link Wiki Link 09

6 Now we know what we value, and we know what is missing currently from our schools and our classrooms. So what is available and how do we get there? Developing a strategic action plan -> What questions do we need to ask ourselves to guide the process?

7 1. Do a reality check - are we doing what we think we are? Gather the evidence and discuss in a staff meeting 2. Define your goals 3. Check what ’ s out there 4. Set your tasks, timelines, personnel, budget and success indicators 5. Provide the PD to staff - and this may mean experimenting and exploring (be those lifelong learners we hear about) 6. Reflect, evaluate, check, review goals.

8 Gather the evidence Teacher interviews - audio files (podcasts) Student interviews - audio or video files Parent interviews or surveys Work samples - display in staff PD room - photograph and create ePortfolios Classroom observations

9 Define your goals Goals TasksPersonnelTime frame BudgetSuccess Indicators To visit effective practice schools to see how they use technology and effective learning pedagogy to enhance student engagement and achievement. To conduct an audit of the school infrastructure and staff capability to inform budget decisions. To explore Web 2.0 tools and their ability to enhance student engagement and achievement, and to globalise teacher and student learning opportunities. (NB - No cost tools!!!!)

10 GoalsTasks PersonnelTime frame B u d g et Success Indicators To explore Web 2.0 tools and their ability to enhance student engagement and achievement, and to globalise teacher and student learning opportunities. Access Netsafe resources and personnel to ensure that we are well informed in all decision-making that affects student safety and opportunity. Access the Time 4 Online and K12 Online Conference resources to begin learning about Web 2.0 tools and their application in the classroom. Conduct three staff meetings per term to upskill in the use of Web 2.0 tools and their application to class programmes. Undertake an audioconference tutorial with TKI to find out about the resources available to staff. All staff to sign up for logins to ICT PD Online and utilise the resources in this area for their own professional learning. Key staff to enrol in.... etc I n fr a s tr u c t u r e P D R e s o u r c e s

11 GoalsTasks Pe rs on ne l Tim e fra me BudgetBudget Success Indicators To explore Web 2.0 tools and their ability to enhance student engagement and achievement, and to globalise teacher and student learning opportunities. Access Netsafe resources and personnel to ensure that we are well informed in all decision- making that affects student safety and opportunity. Access the Time 4 Online and K12 Online Conference resources to begin learning about Web 2.0 tools and their application in the classroom. Conduct three staff meetings per term to upskill in the use of Web 2.0 tools and their application to class programmes. Undertake an audioconference tutorial with TKI to find out about the resources available to staff. All staff to sign up for logins to ICT PD Online and utilise the resources in this area for their own professional learning. Key staff to enrol in.... etc Students will have received internet safety training and be applying to their use at school. Students will be using web 2.0 tools to interact with other classrooms and known experts as part of curriculum programme. Secure Wikispaces will be developed for each class to facilitate home and school communication with the learning programmes, and linked from the school website. Staff meeting minutes and PD resources will be housed in a private wikispace to enable staff to access anytime, anywhere. Outcomes statements!


13 Reflect, evaluate, check, review goals. Are the changes we are making, having any effect on student engagement and achievement? How do we know? How can we plan to know? Teacher inquiry / action research - goals and success indicators and measurable outcomes reviewed regularly Gathering the evidence.

14 Student Voice Te Awamutu Intermediate Time 4 Online - Senior studentsTime 4 Online

15 Rachel Boyd ’ s Yr 2-3 class Time4Online Conference Workshops & Tutorials What ’ s possible in Web 2.0

16 What else do we need to know? What other questions has our inquiry process brought up for us? Where can we find the answers? e.g. How can we as principals lead the school in the development of a thinking and inquiring community of learners? What barriers will we face? What about the new curriculum? e.g. How can we find out about Learning Management Systems E.g. How can we gain the web 2.0 skills that we will need for engaging our students in a global education

17 Jill Hammonds ICT PD National Support Services Facilitator Core Education Ltd Ph 021 344 253

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