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Advancement Via Individual Determination The Road to College: Rigor, Readiness, and Retention.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancement Via Individual Determination The Road to College: Rigor, Readiness, and Retention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancement Via Individual Determination The Road to College: Rigor, Readiness, and Retention

2 The Challenge Of 100 White Kindergarteners...

3 The Challenge EdTrust, 2005 93 graduate from high school 33 obtain at least a bachelor’s degree Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. March Current Population Surveys, 1971-2001, In The Condition of Education, 2002.

4 The Challenge Of 100 African American Kindergarteners...

5 The Challenge EdTrust, 2005 87 graduate from high school 18 obtain at least a bachelor’s degree Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. March Current Population Surveys, 1971-2001, In The Condition of Education, 2002.

6 The Challenge Of 100 Hispanic Kindergarteners...

7 The Challenge EdTrust, 2005 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. March Current Population Surveys, 1971-2001, In The Condition of Education, 2002. 63 graduate from high school 11 obtain at least a bachelor’s degree

8 AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. The Mission of AVID

9  A structured, college preparatory system working directly with schools and districts  A direct support structure for first-generation college goers, grades 4-12  A schoolwide approach to curriculum and rigor adopted by nearly 4,500 schools in 45 states and 16 countries  A professional development program providing training throughout the U.S. What is AVID?

10 Students With Academic Potential  Average to high test scores  2.0-3.5 GPA  College potential with support  Desire and determination Meets One or More of the Following Criteria  First to attend college  Historically underserved in four-year colleges  Low income  Special circumstances The AVID Student Profile

11 What’s necessary for successful implementation: 1.AVID student selection 2.Voluntary participation 3.AVID elective class offered during the school day 4.Rigorous course of study 5.Strong, relevant writing and reading curriculum The 11 Essentials

12 6.Inquiry to promote critical thinking 7.Collaboration as a basis of instruction 8.Trained tutors 9.Data collection and analysis 10.District and school commitment 11.Active interdisciplinary site team The 11 Essentials (continued)

13 WICR Writing  Writing Process: Prewrite through Final Draft  Class and Textbook Cornell Notes  Quickwrites  Learning Logs & Journals Inquiry  Skilled Questioning  Socratic Seminars  Discussions  Critical Thinking Activities Collaboration  Group Projects  Study Groups  Jigsaw Activities  Collaboration Activities  Tutorial Reading  SQ5R (Survey, Question, Read, Record, Recite, Review, Reflect  KWL (What I Know; What to Learn; Learned  “Think-alouds”  Text Structure

14 Daily or Block Schedule AVID Curriculum includes:  Writing Curriculum  College and Careers  Strategies for Success AVID Tutorials Include:  Collaborative Study Groups  Writing Groups  Socratic Seminars A Sample Week in the AVID Elective MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday AVID CurriculumTutorialsAVID CurriculumTutorialsBinder Evaluation Field Trips Media Center Speakers Motivational Activities (within block) Combination for Block Schedule Combination for block schedule

15 To help all students do rigorous work and meet or exceed high standards in each content area, we must help students:  Develop as readers and writers.  Develop deep content knowledge.  Know content specific strategies for reading, writing, thinking and talking.  Develop habits, skills, and behaviors to use knowledge and skills. Meeting the Challenge

16  Places AVID students in rigorous curriculum and gives them the support to achieve;  Provides the explicit “hidden curriculum” of schools;  Provides a team of students for positive peer identification; and  Redefines the teacher’s role as that of student advocate. Why AVID Works

17 Over 28 years, AVID has become one of the most successful college-preparatory programs ever for low-income, underserved students, and today reaches more than 400,000 students in nearly 4,500 schools in 45 states and 16 other countries. AVID: 28 Years of Success

18 Completion of Four-Year College Entrance Requirements 2010 AVID students complete university entrance requirements at a much higher rate than their non-AVID peers.

19 New Hanover County AVID Graduates 2010  100% plan to enroll in a college or university  68% plan to enroll in a four-year university (97% accepted)  32% plan to enroll in a two-year university  60% of parents have less than a four-year college degree  55% Free/Reduced Lunch  58% Minority

20 The Students’ Viewpoints: “I used to really not care about education, to tell you the truth, I didn’t care about school but I found out that education can help me to get a good job, nice house, and all; AVID made me a better person.” “AVID helped (my) mind state and made me think about school and life…and thinking about getting out of my situation.” “The AVID program did a lot because it gave me a close-knit group of people that I could interact with and a teacher that I could talk to when I needed help.” “If it wasn’t for (the AVID elective teacher), I probably wouldn’t be applying to any colleges.” “AVID gave me the confidence to know I could do well if I tried.” “Every African American male that I know that has been in AVID has gone to college…they got positive outlooks on education…there is a mind state that they are going to do good academically.” AVID Senior Video: 5ab81

21 Overcoming Obstacles  Implementation with fidelity and consistency from school to school  District coordinator  Elective teacher selection  On-going professional development  “Buy-in”  Data supporting initiative  Professional Development  Budget  Supporting what works

22 Contact information New Hanover County Schools Jessica Eliot

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