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LAMAR UNIVERSITY Non-Returning Students: Spring 2006 to Spring 2007 Notes: Though graduate data are available, these data are for undergraduates. Excluded.

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Presentation on theme: "LAMAR UNIVERSITY Non-Returning Students: Spring 2006 to Spring 2007 Notes: Though graduate data are available, these data are for undergraduates. Excluded."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAMAR UNIVERSITY Non-Returning Students: Spring 2006 to Spring 2007 Notes: Though graduate data are available, these data are for undergraduates. Excluded are spring 2006 students who graduated (unless they re- enrolled), masters, doctoral, post-bacs, TALH & dual credit HS students. These numbers reflect student retention, not admission as few FTICs enroll for spring semesters. Goal is to identify segments of the spring 2006 population that appear “at- risk” so retention programs & resources can be focused efficiently. First the bad news, 2,154 spring 2006 students did not return & 1,675 of them were in (reasonably) “good academic standing”; i.e., were not suspended. These students chose to leave. If LU had retained even a quarter of those non-suspended, the university would have seen an increase in headcount enrollment.

2 LU UNDERGRADUATE RETURNEES/NON-RETURNEES * Spring 2006 to Spring 2007 12TH DAY By Classification: Class Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total Freshman10891224231347.1%33514.5% Sophomore5481256180430.4%814.5% Junior2911135142620.4%362.5% Senior22674497023.3%272.8% Total21544359651333.1%4797.4% *Undergraduates only: excludes graduate students, post-bacs, those who graduated & did not re-enroll, TALH, dual-credit Red=>total %, Green <total %


4 FRESHMAN (FTIC) GRADES, SAT & RETENTION Previous LU research has revealed a sharp and predictable relationship between SAT, GPA & retention. The retention % for 1100+ SAT was 75.7%; for 900-1090, 65.6%; for700-890, 54.2% & for <700, 53.9% The retention rate for top H.S. 25% was 71.7%, 2 nd quarter was 58.1%, 3 rd quarter was 47.9% & 4 th quarter was 42.4% The mean GPA at the end of the first semester for retained students was 2.74 The mean GPA for non-retained students was 1.97 The correlation between SAT & GPA for retained students was.82, while that for non-retained was.27 Retained FTIC’s averaged 12.1 hours vs. 10.7 for non-retained (F01-03 combined file)

5 FY 2002FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006 CohortRetainedRateCohortRetainedRateCohortRetainedRateCohortRetainedRate Coho rtRetainedRate Fall 2001Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Low-$ 3-Cnty198135 68.18 %277191 68.95 %316201 63.6 1%352201 57.10 %240140 58.33 % Low-$ Other- TX9658 60.42 %189130 68.78 %252162 64.2 9%391213 54.48 %429226 52.68 % Low-$ Out- State600.00%85 62.50 %50 0.00 %117 63.64 %74 57.14 % Total300193 64.33 %474326 68.78 %573363 63.3 5%754421 55.84 %676370 54.73 % Non Low-$ 3- Cnty589428 72.67 %578417 72.15 %574397 69.1 6%544376 69.12 %623417 66.93 % Non Low-$ Other-TX13487 64.93 %202127 62.87 %219137 62.5 6%282165 58.51 %328195 59.45 % Non Low-$ Out-TX95 55.56 %53 60.00 %86 75.0 0%1510 66.67 %72 28.57 % Non Low-$ Other Ctry87 87.50 %32 66.67 %93 33.3 3%108 80.00 %73 42.86 % Total740527 71.22 %788549 69.67 %810543 67.0 4%851559 65.69 %965617 63.94 % Total1040720 69.23 %1262875 69.33 %1383906 65.5 1%1605980 61.06 %1641987 60.15 % TUITION/FEES 12 SCH $1,234 $1,354 (SP)$1,354 $1,626 (SP) $1,62 6 $1,917 (SP) $1,9 17 $1,992 (SP) PERCENTAGE INCREASE > 9.7%> 20.1%> 17.9%> 3.9%


7 FT/PT Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total Full-Time14523436488829.7%3637.4% Part- Time702923162543.2%1167.1% Total21544359651333.1%4797.4% By Enrollment Status:

8 Ethnicity Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total White11182626374429.9%1644.4% Black7571087184441.1%26114.2% Hispanic12228240430.2%256.2% Asian5113618727.3%52.7% Am. Ind.14324630.4%48.7% Foreign10405020.0%00.0% Unknown8215623834.5%208.4% Total21544359651333.1%4797.4% By Ethnicity:

9 Sex Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total Male8591833269231.9%1947.2% Female12952526382133.9%2857.5% Total21544359651333.1%4797.4% By Gender:

10 Residence Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total Jefferson9972050304732.7%2086.8% Harris29148677737.5%9912.7% Hardin23547270733.2%355.0% Orange21849271030.7%344.8% Jasper6512418934.4%147.4% Liberty3810113927.3%85.8% Chambers28649230.4%77.6% Galveston27588531.8%1214.1% Tyler16466225.8%23.2% Newton12374924.5%48.2% Other Texas18436054433.8%519.4% Other U. S.34 6850.0%57.4% Foreign9354420.5%00.0% Total21544359651333.1%4797.4% By Residence:

11 Age Group Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total 17 & Under11213234.4%26.3% 1839655094641.9%13013.7% 19-219202115303530.3%2106.9% 22-24333731106431.3%595.5% 25-3024546470934.6%446.2% 31-358417225632.8%114.3% 36-5014727542234.8%204.7% 51+18314936.7%36.1% Total21544359651333.1%4797.4% By Age:

12 College Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total A&S8411564240535.0%1938.0% BUS295747104228.3%545.2% EDU22659582127.5%516.2% EGR12046658620.5%254.3% FAC16641858428.4%366.2% GU506569107547.1%12011.2% Total21544359651333.1%4797.4% By College/General Studies:

13 A&S Dept Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total ADS32560.0%00.0% BIO7813321137.0%209.5% CHPH8324020.0%00.0% CS31609134.1%99.9% ENG408712731.5%86.3% ESS5121729.4%00.0% HIS16728818.2%66.8% LA346610034.0%99.0% MTH237395.1%12.6% NUR33151284339.3%698.2% POLS326910131.7%76.9% PPRF9118127233.5%207.4% PSY7813020837.5%188.7% SSCJ9217126335.0%269.9% Total8411564240535.0%1938.0% By Arts & Sciences Departments:

14 BUS Dept Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total ABL5915020928.2%73.3% E&F228010221.6%11.0% ISA13931545430.6%367.9% M&M7520227727.1%103.6% Total295747104228.3%545.2% By Business Departments:

15 EDU Dept Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total FCS3612215822.8%127.6% HKN6512919433.5%157.7% PED12534446926.7%245.1% Total22659582127.5%516.2% By Education & Human Development Departments:

16 EGR Dept Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total CE19688721.8%33.4% CHE17829917.2%33.0% EE2311213517.0%32.2% EGR45944.4%111.1% IE318211327.4%108.8% ME2611714318.2%53.5% Total12046658620.5%254.3% By Engineering Departments:

17 FAC Dept Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total ART349713126.0%53.8% CDDE16506624.2%46.1% COM6815722530.2%188.0% MTD4811416229.6%95.6% Total16641858428.4%366.2% By Fine Arts & Communication Departments:

18 GU Dept Non- ReturnersReturnersTotal % of TotalSusp. % of Total CGSA489561105046.6%12311.7% GUNV1782568.0%312.0% Total506569107547.1%12611.7% By General Studies:

19 Using the modal categories of these demographic and academic characteristics, those undergraduates with the greatest risk for non-retention are 18 year old, African-American females from Harris County who are part-time students in General Studies, while the least risk is for 20 year old, international males who are full time engineering students.

20 Retention Recommendations: Invest retention efforts & $ where they are most needed Targets: Admission criteria, grades & cost remain critical Lower-division students, especially traditional (18 yr old) freshmen (as many of our programs do) Part-time students (perhaps encouraging them with incentives/counseling to become full-time, distance ed opportunities) African-Americans (appear especially at risk and also appear to face academic problems) Males vs. females is a “wash” (don’t target one or the other) Students from outside 3-counties (CV programs) General Studies students

21 I have names/addresses/telephone numbers so we can survey the non-returnees. Upside: Additional and more specific information (financial, transfer ?, Rita problems, future plans, even a p.r. + for LU) Downside: Costly, time consuming, low response rate, results of questionable validity, will we really use the results & if we do will retention be improved?

22 NEW INITIATIVES FOR FALL 2007 Degree completion efforts with 2-year campuses “LU GEEKER SEEKER”--Electronic “cyber-recruiter” Admissions Representative to target prospects Sell, sell, sell Cardinal Village IV Revising transfer admissions to include an “individual approval” category Report on low enrollment courses & encourage new scheduling to better serve demand (off-campus, lower division, undergraduate, on-line offerings) “Free” Tuition/Fee for Low Income Students

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