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Understanding and supporting the student experience Jan Stewart Manager - Student Learning Support Services Victoria University of Wellington.

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1 Understanding and supporting the student experience Jan Stewart Manager - Student Learning Support Services Victoria University of Wellington



4 “ It’s not about us: it’s about them” More students Diverse b’gds Do not have knowledge of uni processes/structures Different levels of preparedness High fees and student loans creates high expectation and demand

5 University environment Highly complex Fragmented Process driven Piecemeal Atomistic Historically driven

6 Student services research – Holistic models Chickering (1969, 1993) Students are “not just degree seekers and test takers” Introduced the developmental models including social and emotional elements

7 SS research continued ….. ACPA (American College Personnel Assoc) (1995) Student learning and development –key focii SS staff should …”attempt to make seamless what are often perceived by students to be disjointed, unconnected experiences by bridging organisational boundaries and forging collaborative partnerships with Faculty and others to enhance student learning”

8 SS research continued …. Consolvo (2002) Pass the buck or Share responsibility ? Key benefits of collaborative links Enhanced contact between students and staff More knowledgeable staff to help connect students Better service uptake Reduced stigma Better student outcomes

9 Whole uni approach – Beatty-Guenter Retention Strategy Model (Johnston,2001)  Induction/First year Orientation  Student Activities  Peer Mentoring  Personal tutors/guides Supporting  Student Union  Student Services  Access Funding  Staff Development  Curricular redesign/assessment  Teaching & Learning innovations  Research & Policy Transforming the Institution Sorting  Interviews  Pre-testing  Admission criteria  Bridging Courses Connecting Transforming the Student  Study Skills  Developing Active Learners  Academic& Career Advice

10 B-G model –your thoughts….. Where is the library? and the various library services ? Where would you put it?

11 Issue of Plagiarism

12 Your thoughts …. Do you see the library here ? Where? How? What doing ?

13 Working with others to support the student experience Key words : student centred holistic integrated transformational synthesis seamless engagement Key shifts staff thinking processes delivery environments planning goals attitudes

14 3 stage continuum of collaboration Engstrom and Tinto,2000 Stage 1- Student services as the “clearing house” of information Stage 2 – Co-operation with faculty where traditional roles remain Stage 3- Collaboration – equal, shared and recognised roles and experiences

15 Your thoughts …. Where are you on the continuum? What is needed to get to stage 3 ?

16 VUW case study –Library & SLS collaboration Regular meetings between staff groups and managers Shared planning goals and projects Shared staff development Specific collaborative work plan objectives for all staff Shared spaces – learner focussed, visible and accessible

17 Final reflection It takes a whole institution to educate [and retain and support ] a student Professor Sally Kift, ALTC (With apologies to Hillary Clinton and african proverbs ! )

18 References American College Personnel Association. (1994). The Student Learning Imperative: Implications for student affairs. Washington, DC: American College Personnel Association Chickering, A., & Reisser, L. (1993). Education and identity. Second Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Consolvo, C. (2002). Building Student Success through Enhanced, Coordinated Student Services. Journal of College Student Development, 43(2), 284-287. Cook, J.H. and Lewis, C.A. (eds) (2007) Student and Academic Affairs collaboration: The divine comity, USA: NASPA Johnston, V. (2001). Developing Strategies to Improve Student Retention: Reflections from the Work of Napier University’s Student Retention Project. Paper presented at the SRHE 2001 Annual Conference: Excellence, Enterprise & Equity, University of Cambridge. McInnis, C. (2002). Making the Transition: What Schools and Universities Can Do to get Students in Second Year Successfully. Paper presented at the NAPSA, Adelaide. Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Weaver, M. (ed) (2008) Transformative Learning Support Models in Higher Education, London: Facet Publishing..

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