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Trade Effluent: Settlement and Configuration of Premises Workshop 18 th August 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade Effluent: Settlement and Configuration of Premises Workshop 18 th August 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade Effluent: Settlement and Configuration of Premises Workshop 18 th August 2015

2 Objectives Describe new features in pre-Vendor MAP which support - Trade Effluent settlement - Complex embedded Trade Effluent sites Pose some specific questions in respect of: - Trade Effluent settlement - Site configurations - Any new features / information required in Operational Terms - Any new market data items - Confirmation we can now reasonably capture all site configurations QA – indicate a small correction to Trade Effluent equations

3 How we will achieve this Brief review of measured settlement Describe logical set up for Discharge Points Pose specific detailed questions re TE settlement Show new option for DPID settlement Pose a further specific question Introduce metered networks, and a complex embedded site Pose two general questions about information and site configurations Finally, show the small correction to be made re TE

4 Background Brief review of measured settlement for - Water, Sewerage and Trade Effluent Contributions to measured volume arise from - Meters - Volumetric Adjustments (water, sewerage, trade effluent) - Calculated Discharges (trade effluent) Focus today is on the metered contribution

5 Background A taxonomy of meters Service Component Potable Water Non Potable Water Foul Sewerage Trade Effluent Meter Type Potable Water XXX Non-Potable XXX Private Water XX Sewerage XX Private Trade Effluent xX The table shows how volumes measured by meters of different types are used in calculating volumes for various service components We will return to this box later. It was not in MAP 3, it was introduced in pre-Vendor MAP in special circumstances.

6 Background How volumes are calculated Sections A1-A6 of CSD 0207 describe the estimation of fluid volume through a meter DV d daily volume through the meter DDV d derived daily volume = DV d or = the net volume when the meter is a main meter in a meter network Estimates depend on Meter reads YVE d an estimate provided by a Wholesaler or Retailer must be provided for Private Water, Sewerage and Private Trade Effluent Meters optional for Potable Water Meters and Non-Potable Water ILE d is a fall back for Potable Water Meters and Non-Potable Water meters. Depends on Water Chargeable Meter Size and the Industry Lookup Table

7 Background Water and Sewerage Volume Calculation W W S S Case 1: SDDV d = DDV d × RTS d DDV d Case 2: SDDV d = DDV d × 100% Premises or Return to Sewer Allowance Simple typical premises Case 1: a single water meter; and Case 2: a single water meter; and a single sewerage meter RTS is set for the meter; not for the premises

8 Background – Logical Setup Water and Sewerage Volumes W W Water Meter: RTS = 0%; Sewerage Meter: RTS = 100% (always) S S SDDV d = DDV d × RTS d Sewerage Case 1: Case 2: DDV d Water W W SDDV d = DDV d × 0% Sewerage DDV d Water SDDV d = DDV d × 100% Sewerage

9 Background Water and Sewerage Volumes Multiple meters at a Supply Point - Add volumes from each meter of the same class RTS is owned by the Sewerage Wholesaler - RTS is set per meter, and can vary with time - When a Potable Water or Non-Potable Water Meter is installed by the Water Wholesaler, RTS takes the default value provided by the Sewerage Wholesaler - RTS can vary with time As noted, other volumetric adjustments can be added in - Water, sewerage and trade effluent adjustments are all independent of each other

10 Background Water, Sewerage and TE Volumes W W TEDDV d = f(DDV d ) DDV d SDDV d = Domestic Allowance or SDDV d = DDV d × RTS d Premises Production and Evaporation Allowances Sewerage Charges DPID Simple typical premises with a single water meter TE charges are separate to standard sewerage charges; Volumes are charged as sewerage or TE but not both TE Charges

11 Logical Setup for Trade Effluent Calculation of TE Volumes W W DPID We create association between meters and DPIDs The meters on the left can be any of the types which are allowed to contribute to TE volumes. TE DPID PW DPID 2 W W In general the associations can be many to many DPID 1

12 Any meter type Logical Setup TE Volume M M DPID Association For every meter-DPID association MDVOL – a percentage of meter volume associated with the DPID Frequently 100%, but can be less if only some of the volume goes to the discharge point; or volume goes to multiple discharge points 0% can also be useful Production allowances PA and FA as PA – percentage allowance FA – fixed allowance (specified as an annual number) Domestic Allowance DA specified as an annual number or as None if there is no domestic allowance

13 TE Volume Schematic set up W W TEDDV d = f(DDV d ) DDV d Premises Sewerage Charges DPID If you imagine the premises logically as above: TE Charges Production and Evaporation Allowances SDDV d = DA or SDDV d = DDV d × RTS d MDVOL% × DDV d

14 TE Volume MAP 3 Calculation W W DDV d DPID Association Which leads to: TEDDV d = (MDVOL% × DDV d ) × (100% - PA%) – [DA] – FA If multiple meters associated with the DPID, the sum over all the meters is taken; Contributions from ‘calculated discharges’ or ‘volumetric allowances’ also need to be added in. MAP 3 equation DA and FA need divided by days in year to make daily numbers. Division by DIY is suppressed in slides for clarity. TEDDV d DA shown in [] because it is optional

15 TE Volume MAP 3 Calculation W W DDV d DPID Association Which leads to: TEDDV d = (MDVOL% × DDV d ) × (100% - PA%) – [DA] – FA If DA is None – no domestic volume removed from sewerage calculation; Sewerage calculation: SDDV d = DDV d × RTS d DA has a value Sewerage calculation: SDDV d = DA MAP 3 TEDDV d

16 TE Volumes Question 1 W W DPID Association TEDDV d = (MDVOL% × DDV d ) × (100% - PA%) – [DA] – FA or TEDDV d = (MDVOL% × DDV d - [DA]) × (100% -PA%) – FA For the avoidance of doubt This change was made in pre-Vendor MAP MAP 3 Pre-Vendor MAP Question 1: Should we take off the Domestic Allowance before we apply the Percentage Allowances and the Fixed Allowance This change which was made for pre- Vendor MAP was supported by the meeting.

17 Domestic Allowance Question 2 MAP 3 and preVendor MAP SDDV d = DA (DA is a sewerage volume) or SDDV d = DA × RTS (DA is water volume) Question 2: Should the Domestic Allowance be treated as a ‘sewerage’ volume or a ‘water’ volume. For the avoidance of doubt NO change was made in pre-Vendor MAP Proposal Discussion Points: Accuracy of estimating DA Materiality of change What RTS – RTS is set per meter. Do you use the Wholesaler default. This proposal was supported by the meeting, where RTS is the sewerage Wholesaler’s default RTS

18 TE Volumes Production and Evaporation Allowances W W DDV d Premises Production and Evaporation Allowances MDVOL% × DDV d - [DA] Focus on the production and evaporation allowances This now revised

19 Production and Evaporation Allowances Question 3 MAP3 preVendor MAP If: (MDVOL% × DDV d - [DA]) TEDDV d = V × (100% -PA%) – FA or TEDDV d = (V – FA)× (100% -PA%) proposal Question 3: How should we apply the Percentage Allowance and Fixed Allowance Discussion Points Both can give exactly the same results Definition of FA slightly different in each case Does one method better model ‘real production’ better than another For the avoidance of doubt NO change was made in pre-Vendor MAP This proposal was supported by the meeting.

20 Background TE Meter Example W W DDV d Case 1: SDDV d = DDV d × RTS d or Case 2: SDDV d = DA Premises Sewerage Charges DPID TE

21 Background – Logical Setup TE Meter Logical Setup – Case 1 W W DPID value or None DA = FA = 0 PA = 0 SDDV d = DDV d × RTS d TE Association MDVOL = 100% Domestic Allowance has no effect of TE Meter DDV d

22 Background – Logical Setup TE Meter W W DPID DA = value FA = 0 PA = 0 SDDV d = DA TE Association MDVOL = 100% Domestic Allowance has no effect of TE Meter DDV d Association MDVOL = 0% Association of Water Meter with DPID with MDVOL at 0% No contribution from water meter to DPID volumes Sewerage calculation replaced by Domestic Allowance Logical Setup – Case 2

23 Background TE Meter – third option W W DDV d Premises Sewerage Charges DPID TE Can we subtract the TE volumes from the sewerage volumes Case 1: SDDV d = DDV d × RTS d Case 2: SDDV d = DA Case 3: SDDV d = DDV d × RTS d - TE volume

24 DPIDs option introduce pre-Vendor MAP Sewerage Volume Adjustment Method (SVAM) Sewerage calculationAllowable values for Domestic Allowance (DA) NONE RTS method for any associated water meters None DA Domestic Allowance is applied to associated water meters value SUBTRACT TE volume used as a negative sewerage volume None New feature in pre-Vendor MAP

25 A taxonomy of meters Service Component Potable Water Non Potable Water Foul Sewerage Trade Effluent Meter Type Potable Water XXX Non-Potable XXX Private Water XX Sewerage XX Private Trade Effluent xX Remember one of the first slides ….. New in pre- Vendor MAP The SUBTRACT option is the ONLY time sewerage volumes pop up on a TE Meter.

26 DPID – Subtract Option Logical Setup W W DPID DA = None FA = 0 probably PA = 0% probably SVAM = SUBTRACT SDDV d = DDV d × RTS d TE DDV d We don’t associate the DPID with the Water Meter; Negative sewerage volume turns up on the TE Meter TEDDV d = (MDVOL% × DDV d ) × (100% - PA%) – FA It may be unlikely that FA and PA are applicable, but currently we don’t constrain them – and they appear in the TE Volume equation We have chosen not to apply them to the sewerage volume New in pre- Vendor MAP

27 DPID – Subtract Option Logical Setup PW DPID DA = None FA = ? PA = ? SVAM = SUBTRACT We can also use the subtract option with other meter types … TEDDV d = (MDVOL% × DDV d ) × (100% - PA%) – FA The consensus at the meeting was that this option was not required. Similar functionality is provided via the ‘extended’ meter network functionality below.

28 TEDDV d = (MDVOL% × DDV d ) × (100% - PA%) – FA SDDV d = - (MDVOL% × DDV d ) TE Meter – Subtract Option Question DPID DA = None FA = 0 probably PA = 0% probably SVAM = SUBTRACT TE Question 4: What negative sewerage volume should we associate with the TE meter in respect of the sewerage. Pre-Vendor MAP PW DPID DA = None FA = ? PA = ? SVAM = SUBTRACT This change which was made for pre-Vendor MAP was supported by the meeting.

29 Background Meter Networks DDV W1 d = DV W1 d – DV W2 d SDDV W1 d = DDV W1 d × RTS W1 d W2 DDV W2 d = DV W2 d SDDV W2 d = DDV W2 d × RTS W2 d W1 Premises 1 Premises 2 RTS of meter 1 is used for sewerage calculation at Premises 1 (including for subtraction of meter 2) RTS of meter 2 is used for sewerage calculation at Premises 2 for meter 2. Water supplied by Wholesaler to both Premises Both meters would be ‘Potable Water’ (or Non-Potable Water)

30 User Example (simplified) Embedded Premises B Premises A W W PW Premises A – pays Wholesaler for all the Water Premises A – pays Wholesaler for ‘their share’ of the sewerage Premises B – pays Premises A for the water Premises B – pays Wholesaler for ‘their share’ of the sewerage Extensions to meter networks in pre-Vendor MAP deal with the above situation

31 Meter Networks option introduced pre-Vendor MAP DDV W1 d = DV W1 d SDDV W1 d = DDV W1 d × RTS W1 d = (DV W1 d – DV W2 d ) × RTS W1 d PW2 No water charges SDDV W2 d = DDV W2 d × RTS W2 d W1 Premises 1 Premises 2 Water supplied by Wholesaler to both Premises 1 Premises 1 resales water to Premises 2 Both Premises pay sewerage to the Wholesaler W1 -> Potable Water PW2 -> Private Water Meter Water Sewerage

32 Meter Networks option introduced pre-Vendor MAP DDV W1 d = DV W1 d SDDV W1 d = DDV W1 d × RTS W1 d = (DV W1 d – DV W2 d ) × RTS W1 d PW2 No water charges SDDV W2 d = DDV W2 d × RTS W2 d W1 Premises We also allow networked Private Meters to be introduced on the same site Can be useful in conjunction with a TE set up Although some such cases can be dealt with via the ‘SUBTRACT’ option Water Sewerage This meter network option was considered to be sufficient and the option at the third bullet above was considered unnecessary.

33 User Example which can be handled in pre-Vendor MAP Embedded Premises B Domestic Waste water (20% of PW supply) Wastewater from Premises A (abated by estimated annual wastewater volume from Embedded Premises but excluding Calculated Discharge) Premises A W W PW Trade Effluent (80% of PW + CSW Calculated Discharge

34 Complicated Sites Question 4 Embedded Premises B Domestic Waste water (20% of PW supply) Wastewater from Premises A (abated by estimated annual wastewater volume from Embedded Premises but excluding Calculated Discharge) Premises A W W PW Trade Effluent (80% of PW + CSW Calculated Discharge Do the Operational Terms processes address all situations: Should the forms allow for the collection of more information which could describe complicated sites; or does this come from a site visit: Are there any additional market data items needed? Yes Considered No as the site visit will provide any further information required; text of Operational Terms to be reviewed MOSL to review market reports of relationships

35 Complicated Sites Question 5 Question 5: Do we now have all the flexibility that is needed to reasonably model real scenarios No other issues were raised by the meeting in relation to site configurations. It was noted that processes G7 – G9 on metering matters may be more appropriate in Part B of the Operational Terms.

36 Quality TE Correction Within this equation Look at the Ammonia, X, Y, Z terms, eg using ammonia

37 Quality TE Correction The Heaviside term only takes the value 0,1 It should be 0if the term (At d – Am d )/As d is negative (At d – Am d )/As d if the term (At d – Am d )/As d is positive We will use a different function to achieve this. Pre-Vendor MAP Change for Post-Vendor MAP Noted by the meeting

38 Conclusions Discussed new features in pre-Vendor MAP - TE settlement - Complex embedded sites Reviewed specific questions in respect of settlement and data

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