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Published byFranklin Reed Modified over 9 years ago
EGTEI Methodology Work to update costs for LCP SO 2, NO x and PM abatement techniques 27 June 2013 UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Agenda UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General cost methodology Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Economic assessment of dedusting technologies Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
General information UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution o Draft BREF document should be available by the end of June o NEC Directive proposal should be available at the beginning of Autonm 2013
NEC Directive in preparation UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Targets : reduction of the gap between the Baseline / MTFR for PM2.5 effects of 75 % Other pollutant not yet known, but optimised scenario A5 from IIASA could be the target Ceiling in 2025 or in 2030 Cible en 2025 YOLLOzoneEutrophicationAcidification A375%Baseline A475%50% 55% A575%60%55%65% A675%70%60%75%
Agenda UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General cost methodology Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Economic assessment of dedusting technologies Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
General Cost Methodology Introduction UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General Cost Methodology Total annual cost Annualisation of investment Composition of OPEX Fixed operating cost Variable operating cost P = interest rate | n = equipment lifetime | unit = equipment, reagent and electricity consumption, disposal, etc.
Investment decomposition In an ideal case, costs should include (BREF Economic and cross media effects UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General Cost Methodology Pollution control equipment expenditure Equipment costs, Primary pollution control device, Auxiliary equipment, Instrumention, Any associated freight of equipment, Modification to other equipment Installation expenditure project definition, design, and planning purchase of land general site preparation buildings and civil works (including foundations/supports, erection, electrical, piping, insulation, painting, etc.) engineering, construction and field expenses contractor selection costs and contractor fees performance testing start-up costs cost of working capital Contingency allowance: In estimates of investment expenditure, a sum of money, or ‘contingency allowance’ included to cover expenses that cannot be estimated precisely. These are things that are known will happen but cannot be defined in such detail that they can be valued and added into the estimate.
Investment decomposition In an ideal case, costs should include (BREF Economic and cross media effects) UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General Cost Methodology When literature data are available, such a level of details on what is included or not is rarely provided Comparison of costs is difficult as it is difficult to know what is included or not Questionnaires : total costs have been provided but we do not know exactly what is included (no anwsers to the questions on costs items included.
Investment decomposition In an ideal case, costs should include (BREF Economic and cross media effects) UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General Cost Methodology In US cost estimation tools developed by EPA for FGD for instance, we have: Equipment costs: BMR = Base absorber island cost BMF = Base reagent preparation cost BMW = Base waste handling cost BMB = Base balance of plan costs including: ID or booster fans, new wet chimney, piping, ductwork, minor WWT, etc. BMWW = Base wastewater treatment facility for future use. Total base installed cost BM = BMR + BMF + BMW + BMB The total base installed cost (BM) is then increased by: A1: Engineering and construction management costs at 10% of the BM cost; A2: Labour adjustment for 6 x 10 hour shift premium, per diem, etc., at 10% of the BM cost; A3: Contractor profit and fees at 10% of the BM cost. To obtain the capital, engineering, and construction cost subtotal (CECC)
Investment decomposition In an ideal case, costs should include (BREF Economic and cross media effects) UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General Cost Methodology The capital, engineering, and construction cost subtotal (CECC) is : CECC = BM and the additional engineering and construction fees (A1 + A2 + A3). Additional costs and financing expenditures for the project are computed based on the CECC. Financing and additional project costs include: Owner's home office costs (owner's engineering, management, and procurement) at 5% of the CECC; Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) at 10% of the CECC and owner's costs. The AFUDC is based on a three-year engineering and construction cycle. Escalation is not included in the estimate. The total project cost (TPC) = CECC + additional costs and financing expenditures.
Agenda UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General cost methodology Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Economic assessment of dedusting technologies Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Coal, oil, gas, solid biomass (wood) Detailed and general approach Current Implementation UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads Fuels Fuel approach Boilers, Gas Turbines Plants NO x, SO 2, PM Pollutants NO x : LNB, SCR, SNCR SO 2 : wet FGD, dry FDG, spray dry absorption PM: FF, ESP Technologies
Emission load calculation Approach UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Plant and fuel data input Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads Setting stack emission goals Choice of potential abatement technologies Economic assessment External input Chapter SSB Pollutant specific chapters NO x (AKM), PM (JBV), SO 2 (NA) Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads
Emission load calculation Approach UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Plant and fuel data input Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads Setting stack emission goals Choice of potential abatement technologies Economic assessment External input Chapter SSB Pollutant specific chapters NO x (AKM), PM (JBV), SO 2 (NA) Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads
Emission load calculation required external input UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Plant and fuel data input Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads External input Plant: thermal capacity, annual operating hours, electric efficiency Combustion Characteristics: carbon-in-ash, bottom-to-fly-ash ratio, S- retained-in-boiler, excess air, NO x boiler outlet emission load Fuel: elementary mass analysis (CHONS+ash+moisture) or LHV+S+ash+moisture Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads
Emission load calculation Interface to economic assessment UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Plant and fuel data input Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads Economic assessment Spec. wet flue gas volume [v flue gas λ,wet ]Oxygen correction factor [f O2,corr ] Annual wet flue gas volume [v flue gas λ,wet,year ]SO 2 boiler outlet emissions [load bo SO2,dry ] Spec. dry flue gas volume [v flue gas λ,dry ]NO x boiler outlet emissions [load bo NOx,dry ] Annual dry flue gas volume [v flue gas λ,dry,year ]Dust boiler outlet emissions [load bo ash,dry ] Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads
Agenda UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General cost methodology Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Economic assessment of dedusting technologies Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
guidance with technology and fuel specific „typical“ NO x values from literature Economic assessment for boilers and process heaters Introduction UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Challenge Approach mass balancing is not possible! NO x Boiler outlet emissions according to technology [mg/Nm³] Hard Coal / Bituminous CoalLignite Wall-Fired Tangentially- Fired Wall-FiredTangentially-Fired 1st Gen. LNB600-800500-600300-400 2nd Gen. LNB500-600400-500200-300 3rd Gen. LNB400-500350-400150-200
upgrade of existing LNB to newest generation few data from literature, old EGTEI values Economic assessment for boilers and process heaters Low NO x Boilers (LNB) UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Option Investment no quantification of costs could be obtained => C op,var = 0 Var. Cost Boiler Size1,000 MW th C cap 500,000 €/year Flue gas flow1E+09 Mio. Nm³/yearC op,fix 100,000 €/year Load NOx,dry,O2-ref 800 mg/Nm³C tot = C cap + C op 600,000 €/year New Load NOx,dry,O2-ref 400 mg/Nm³NO x mass abated400 t/year Spec. Investment5 €/kW th Cost per ton NO x 1,500 €/t NO x Total Investment5,000,000 € Illustrative example: 10% p. a. of total investment 2% p. a. of total investment
SCR or SNCR? Economic assessment for boilers and process heaters Secondary Abatement Techniques UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Decision Reference Box - SNCR Efficiency Maximum Achievable SNCR Reduction Rates Plant SizeMax. Reduction < 100 MWth60% 100 - 300 MWth55% 300 - 500 MWth47,5% 500 - 700 MWth40% > 700 MWth35% Sources: -Air Pollution Control Cost Manual, US EPA -SNCR Guidelines, EPRI -Emission Control at Stationary Sources in Germany, KIT -EGTEI Questionnaires 2012 SCR Efficiency: 70-90%
Economic assessment for boilers and process heaters Secondary Abatement Techniques UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Logic Tree Upgrade 1°? Derive new 2° inlet emissions Determine required 2° efficiency Econonmic Analysis SNCR Econonmic Analysis SCR Details SNCR Details SCR current emissions Is SNCR feasible? Yes No
reagent and electricity consumption, catalyst (SCR only) Economic assessment for boilers and process heaters Secondary Abatement Techniques UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Var. Cost cost depending on management strategies, literature values Catalyst few data from literature, old EGTEI values Investment
Economic assessment for boilers and process heaters Secondary Abatement Techniques UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Example analysis: Effect of SCR operation (annual capacity factor) on cost composition (left) and spec. NO x reduction cost (right) of an SCR 1,000 MWth | 80 €/kWth SCR investment | 2% fixed O&M costs | 9% CRF | 6,000 h/a full load hours | SCR inlet emission load: 400 mg/Nm³
Economic assessment for boilers and process heaters Secondary Abatement Techniques UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Example analysis: Effect of plant operation (annual capacity factor) on cost composition (left) and spec. NO x reduction cost (right) of an SCR Calculation Basis: 1,000 MWth | 80 €/kWth SCR investment | 2% fixed O&M costs | 9% CRF | 80% reduction (400 to 120 mg/Nm³)
Agenda UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General cost methodology Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Economic assessment of dedusting technologies Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies Specific cost methodology for Deduster Adapted methodogy from US EPA Air pollution cost control manual Variable operating cost Investment cost Fabric FilterElectrostatic Precipitator f inst 1.741.67 C equip 1.Baghouse compartments 2.Bags 3.Cages (only for Pulse Jet) General equipment C unit 1.Bag replacement 2.Compressed air consumption (only for Pulse Jet) ESP power requirement
General approach for Fabric Filter equipment cost UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Logic Tree Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies Fabric Filter type Pulse jet ? Gas-to-Cloth ratio [m/s] Cages cost (€) Net Cloth Area (m 2 ) Gross Cloth Area (m 2 ) Bag cost (€) Baghouse compartment cost (€) Eq. 4-1 and FF-2 FF-1 Eq. 4-3 Eq. 4-4 and FF-3 Eq. 4-6 FF-6 FF-4 If Pulse Jet = Y YN
Net Cloth Area determination Correlation and graph example UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies T (K)
Evolution of Net Cloth Area as a function of MMDin and T UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies A NC increases when MMD decreases A NC increases when T increases For MMD inlet between 5 and 20 µm and T between 400 and 650 K : 11 500 m 2 < A NC < 16 500 m 2 Over 45 µm, influence of MMD value is insignificant
Cost comparison for Pulse Jet Fabric Filter units Variable input parameters UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies ParameterRange choice Temperature [T] (K)[400-500] Mass Mean diameter [MMDin] (µm) [3-21] Pulse Jet housing{Cartridge ; Modular} Compartement baghouse in stainless steel {Yes ; No} Insulation for compartment baghouse {Yes ; No} Filtering media {PE;CO;PP;FG;NO; RT; P8;TF} Cage size {11,4cm*2,44m; 14,3cm*3,04m} inv min : T=400K ; MMDin=21µm ; Cartridge ; without SS ; without insulation ; PE media ; cage size 2 inv max : T=500K ; MMDin=3µm ; Modular; with SS ; with insulation ; TF media ; cage size 1 inv norm : T=450K ; MMDin=12µm ; Cartridge ; with SS ; with insulation ; RT media ; cage size 2
Cost comparison for Pulse Jet Fabric Filter units Comparison with literature data UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies 2010 (k€/MWth)References 25,15AEP 30,28IEA 22,45World bank 19,48Balcke Durr 27,55EGTEI UNECE
General approach for ESP equipment cost UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Logic Tree Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies Net Cloth Area (m 2 ) Effective Collecting Plate Area (m 2 ) Equipment cost (€) Specific Plate Area (s/m) Effective Collecting Plate Area (m 2 ) Volumetric gas flow (m 3 /s) Factor values MMDin (µm) MMDp (µm) MMDr (µm) T (K) BC ? Particle source BC ? Efficiency Volumetric gas flow (m 3 /s) Efficiency (%) Ref.boxes ESP-1 and 2 Eq. 4-11 to 4-21 And ref. box ESP-3 Eq. 4-22 Eq. 4-10 Eq. 4-23 and ESP-4 Method 1 Method 2
Effective collecting plate area determination from method 2 UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies SCA 1 A ECP,1 SCA n A ECP,n k = 1k = n MMD 1 =MMD in MMD n
Evolution of SCA as a function of MMDin and T UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies T (K) CUECost workbook : 50 s/m < SCA <190 s/m
Evolution of A ECP as a function of MMDin and T UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies T (K)
Evolution of AECP as a function of MMDin and T UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies A ECP increases when MMD decreases A ECP increases when T increases For MMD inlet between 5 and 20 µm and T between 400 and 650 K, A ECP is ranged between 46 700 m 2 to 475 200 m 2 T has a more significant influence on ESP
Cost comparison for ESP units Variable input parameters UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies ParameterRange choice Efficiency [η] (%)[99,0-99,99] Temperature [T] (K)[400-500] Mass Mean diameter [MMDin] (µm) [3-21] ESP specific equipment {Yes ; No} ESP material {Carbon steel; Stainless steel 304; Stainless steel 316; Carpenter; Monel; Nickel; Titanium} inv min : η = 99,0% ; T=400K ; MMDin=21µm ; without equipment ; Carbon steel inv max : η = 99,99% ; T=500K ; MMDin=3µm ; with equipment ; Titanium inv max : η = 99,5% ; T=450K ; MMDin=12µm ; with equipment ; Stainless steel 316 125 M€ < Inv cost,max < 315 M€ Investment cost for 1000 MWth unit (2010 k€) Inv min 6 300 Inv norm 21 900 Inv max 224 700
Cost comparison for ESP units Comparison with literature data UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of Dedusting technologies 2010 (k€/MWth)References 23,39AEP 25,23IEA 19,33World bank 32,35Balcke Durr 6,04 Questionnary Plant B 3,95 Questionnary Plant C 4,47 Questionnary Plant D
Agenda UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution General cost methodology Calculation of boiler outlet emission loads Economic assessment of DeNOx technologies Economic assessment of dedusting technologies Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : questionnaires UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies Boilers Size MWth Fuel and sulphur content Costs €/MWth as provided in questionnaire Total Investment costs M€ Costs € 2010/MWt h Plant A2464 Hard coal 1.2% 77 922 (2008) 19277 922 Plant B632 Brown coal 1% 104 754 (1998) 66.2175 056 Plant C620 Hard coal 0.9% 80 042 (2001) 49.6111 811 Plant D1500 Hard coal 0.6% 66 666 (1998) 99.999111 407
Investment : questionnairesdata in Euro 2010 UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : IEA data UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution PlantCapacity MWe Investments $/kWe (assumed 1995) [IEA] Investments € 2010/kWth Petersburg657317 153 Cumberland1300200 97 Conemaugh1700195 94 Ghent511215 104 Bailly668180 87 Milliken316348 168 Navajo750236 114 Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : IEA data UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : comparison IEA data and questionnaires UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : CUECost model UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Installed process capital cost named A $ 2008 xEquationAB FSFO process equipment MWe (X x 1000 x A x X^ B )/1.3 4456.5-0.6442 ID fans and ductwork Chimney afcm(A x X + B)/1.31.62253 000 000 Chimney Chimney afcm(A x X + B)/1.33.47365 000 000 Support equipment MWe 0.0003 x X^ 3 -1.0667 x X^ 2 +1993.8 x X +1177674) x 1.22 Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : CUECost model UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Installed process capital cost=A General facilities at % of A=B Engineering and home office fees at % of A=C Contingency as % of (A + B + C)=D Total plant cost (TPC)=A+B+C+D Total Cash Expended (TCE)=TPC * adjustment factor1 Allowance for funds during construction (AFDC)=AFDC % input * TPC Total plant investment (TPI)=TCE + AFDC Reproduction costs=F Inventory capital=G Total capital requirement=TPI + F + G CUECost model consider also additional items of costs to derive the total capital requirement: Additional cost items have to be included as follows Total Plant Cost (TPC) - Equivalent to the total installed cost for all plant equipment, including all direct and indirect construction costs, engineering, overheads, fees, and contingency. Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : CUECost model UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Installed process capital cost=A General facilities at % of A=B Engineering and home office fees at % of A=C Contingency as % of (A + B + C)=D Total plant cost (TPC)=A+B+C+D Total Cash Expended (TCE)=TPC * adjustment factor1 Allowance for funds during construction (AFDC)=AFDC % input * TPC Total plant investment (TPI)=TCE + AFDC Reproduction costs=F Inventory capital=G Total capital requirement=TPI + F + G Additional cost items have to be included as follows General Facilities - Includes costs for items such as roads, office buildings, maintenance shops, and laboratories. The indirect cost for these facilities typically ranges from 5 to 20% of the Process Capital. Engineering and Home Office Costs - This indirect cost includes the costs for an architectural/engineering company and for home office engineering expenses by the user’s company. This value typically ranges from 5 to 20% of the Process Capital Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : CUECost model UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Installed process capital cost=A General facilities at % of A=B Engineering and home office fees at % of A=C Contingency as % of (A + B + C)=D Total plant cost (TPC)=A+B+C+D Total Cash Expended (TCE)=TPC * adjustment factor1 Allowance for funds during construction (AFDC)=AFDC % input * TPC Total plant investment (TPI)=TCE + AFDC Reproduction costs=F Inventory capital=G Total capital requirement=TPI + F + G Additional cost items have to be included as follows Contingency - A capital cost included in the estimate to cover the costs for additional equipment or other costs that are expected to be incurred during a project after the detailed design is completed. These are funds that are expected to be spent during implementation of the final project. Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : CUECost model UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Additional cost items have to be included as follows Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFDC) - Represents the time value of money during the construction period Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : CUECost model UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution The CUECost model is able to reproduce IEA data with Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : CUECost model UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution The CUECost model used to estimated costs for different sizes of plants but just the Total plant cost (TPC) as information is insufficiently developed to include other cost items Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : comparison IEA data, questionnaires and CUECost model UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Bad representation of the costs from questionnaire and IEA Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : comparison IEA data, questionnaires and CUECost model UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Better representation if installed capital cost is multiplied by a factor 2 Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : US EPA cost manual chapter 5 UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Equipment costs: BMR = Base absorber island cost BMF = Base reagent preparation cost BMW = Base waste handling cost BMB = Base balance of plan costs including: ID or booster fans, new wet chimney, piping, ductwork, minor WWT, etc. BMWW = Base wastewater treatment facility for future use. Total base installed cost BM = BMR + BMF + BMW + BMB The total base installed cost (BM) is then increased by: A1: Engineering and construction management costs at 10% of the BM cost; A2: Labour adjustment for 6 x 10 hour shift premium, per diem, etc., at 10% of the BM cost; A3: Contractor profit and fees at 10% of the BM cost. To obtain the capital, engineering, and construction cost subtotal (CECC) Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : US EPA cost manual chapter 5 UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution The capital, engineering, and construction cost subtotal (CECC) is : CECC = BM and the additional engineering and construction fees (A1 + A2 + A3). Additional costs and financing expenditures for the project are computed based on the CECC. Financing and additional project costs include: Owner's home office costs (owner's engineering, management, and procurement) at 5% of the CECC; Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) at 10% of the CECC and owner's costs. The AFUDC is based on a three-year engineering and construction cycle. Escalation is not included in the estimate. The total project cost (TPC) = CECC + additional costs and financing expenditures. Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : US EPA cost manual chapter 5 UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Equipment costs: Functions depending on : o Unit size MWE o Retrofit factor complexity, o Gross heat rate o SO2 rate o Type of coal and coal factor Functions tested for plants from 350 MWth to 5000 MWth assuming bituminious coal with a coal factor of 1 and 1 % S content, a plant efficiency of 40 % to derive the total project cost with default parameter for the different cost components to be added to the Total base installed cost Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : US EPA cost manual chapter 5 UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Test for a 500 MWe plant 40 % efficiency, Coal : 1% S, 28 GJ/t Aunit size500MWe Bretrofit factor1 Cgross heat rate8531.6Btu/kWh0.009GJ/kWh DSO2 rate1.7lb/MMbtu1 %S EType of coal0.714Kg SO2/GJ Fcoal factor1 Gheat rate factor0.853 Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : US EPA cost manual chapter 5 UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Test for a 500 MWe plant 40 % efficiency : €2010 Absorber cost 30 588 772 Reagent preparation cost 12 950 446 Waste handling cost 7 181 196 Plant costs including ID, new chimney, piping duct work 58 201 424 Total base installed cost 108 921 837 Engineering and construction management costs10% 10 892 184 Labour adjustment for 6*10 hour shift premium per dien10% 10 892 184 Contractor profit and fees10% 10 892 184 Capital, engineering and construction cost subtotal 141 598 388 Owners costs including all home office costs (owners engineering, management and procurement activities5% 7 079 919 Total project cost 148 678 308 Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : US EPA cost manual chapter 5 UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : US EPA cost manual chapter 5comparison with other sources UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : US EPA cost manual chapter 5 - comparison with other sources UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Test with reduced % of additional cost (+15 % instead of + 35%) Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : comparision with IEA and questionnaires UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : Remarks on IEA data Effect of learning effect UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution IEA data collected probably in the year 1990. Assumed to be 1995 on average According to information provided by IEA costs could have been reduced by 40 % from 1995 to 2000 Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : Remarks on IEA data UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Investment : Conclusions UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution The EPA model is able to represent correctly costs encountered in Europe if some component of costs provided by this methodology are adapted : Proposal : use the EPA model to estimate investment with adapted % for A1: Engineering and construction management costs at 10% of the BM cost; A2: Labour adjustment for 6 x 10 hour shift premium, per diem, etc., at 10% of the BM cost; A3: Contractor profit and fees at 10% of the BM cost. To obtain the capital, engineering, and construction cost subtotal (CECC) Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Operating costs UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution At the previous meeting : Validation of the reagent consumption and waste amount generated. Electricity consumption and water consumption still to be validated Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Electricity consumption UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Electricity consumption has two components in a FGD: o The operating power of the fans to overcome the pressure drop (flue gas handling) o The operating power of other auxiliaries such spray headers, mist eliminators, by products handling, slurry pumps...). From questionnaire s: The average power for all auxiliaries on average of 1.5 % of capacity of the plant. Proposal : take this into account to estimate costs of electricity consumption from auxiliaries. To overcome the pressure drop, the consumption of electricity depends on this pressure drop. Reference [CUEcost] provides an average pressure drop of 6 in H 2 O or 15 mbar for a LSFO unit with an efficiency of 95 %. Proposal: take this factor into account by default for the electricity consumption determination to over come the pressure drop Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Electricity consumption UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Sulphur content of coal Capacity of fans and auxiliaries to be used 1 %1 % of net generation 2.25 %1.5 % of net generation The following data from IEA have to be kept in mind for comparison) Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
Water consumption UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution FGD Efficiency S %m3/hour annual consumption m3/t** reagent Plant A941.2200150000021 Plant B962513552457 Plant C950.925 à 6066300*8* Plant D86.40.626133470024 *Calculated by the secretariat based on 50 m3/h ** Calculated by the secretariat to try to derive parameter easily usable in cost functions Water consumption has not a major impact on operating costs as it is rarely highlighted by the literature. However [IEA] provides one example of 7 m 3 /t reagent. Proposal to take this water demand into account by EGTEI Economic assessment of DeSOx technologies
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