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Special Ed. Directors’ Meeting September 17, 2009 Graciela Pizzini.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Ed. Directors’ Meeting September 17, 2009 Graciela Pizzini."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Ed. Directors’ Meeting September 17, 2009 Graciela Pizzini

2 Welcome and Introductions Gracie Pizzini Welcome Laura Cantu Lynn Dodge New Staff Directors District News

3 ESC Sped Website CTL Contacts “Opportunity” VIDEO“Opportunity” VIDEO


5 TCASE Updates Updates ESC-2 Representation Norma Alvarez

6 Access to General Curriculum Differentiation Special Populations Universal Design for Learning

7 Assistive Technology PEIMS CodingECT

8 Time for your 3 o’clock … How does your district ensure student special education data is reported accurately on PEIMS?

9 Autism 18 th Annual Texas Autism Conference December 3-5 American Bank Center Autism Training Series October 6-7 October 15-16 January 5-7 Register Online

10 Behavior/Discipline Discipline Data base Program SWD & CPI

11 Evaluation & FIEP Update on FIEP Evaluation Advisory Team

12 Bil/ESL Exiting Exiting criteriaPrior to testing

13 Dropout/Completion Rates Steps to Recovery School Start Window 9/25/09

14 Time for your 6 o’clock … How is your district addressing the Dropout/Completion rate issue?

15 Vision Services Annual VI PicnicJOIN the FUN!

16 State Assessment TAKS-M field testingTAK-Alt training

17 SPP Determinations Determination levels Technical Assistance Document (TAD)

18 Funding IDEA NOGAs Sept. 5 extension ARRA Reporting requirements Finance Training Modules

19 Time for your 9 o’clock … What is one of the biggest obstacle you face as a director?

20 SPP 7, SPP 11 and SPP 12 SPP 7 Early Childhood Outcomes SPP 11 CHILD FIND SPP 12 EC Transition

21 SPP 13 Accessed through TEASE: Closing date for online application was Aug. 31, 2009. Questions on data entry technical support should be addressed to the SPP Mailbox or call TEA at 512.463.9414SPP Mailbox Content questions related to training, the checklist and folder reviews call Val:361.561.8517

22 SPP 14 Closing date : August 31, 2009 Survey info must be entered electronically: Districts/Charters have received information on required sampling procedures.

23 Special Education Continuous Improvement Plan Posted on website ESC-2 SECIP Data driven Based on regional needs PROGRAM Improvement

24 Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System ISAM Interventions posted 9-12-09 Training Opportunity October 15 Regional Findings Participation TAKS/TAKS Accom. Special Ed. Representation LRE 6-11 Discretionary ISS

25 Systemic Issues of Noncompliance 1. Parent participation in ARD meeting 2. Parent participation in IEP and Eligibility determinations 3. IEP not providing meaningful benefit 4. IEP not having all required components appropriately documented BIG 7 5. IEP not implemented as written 6. Patterns of services and LRE 7. Provision of service by certified personnel

26 Adequate Yearly Progress Data Review Plan of Action Positive outcomes!

27 Time for your 12 o’clock … NEXT STEPS……..

28 Next Steps! Student Recovery Plan Fall Snapshot Date Review ISAM interventions started as soon as possible Names of 3 potential stakeholders Post questions on the door

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