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Israelology Class 13 A Dispensational Israelology Israel present (Part V)

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1 Israelology Class 13 A Dispensational Israelology Israel present (Part V)

2 Kingdom of God = God ’ s Realm of Rule There are three interrelated ideas which must be considered in establishing a biblical concept of the term “The Kingdom of God” Right to RuleRealm of RuleReality of Rule There are two aspects of the Kingdom of God TemporalEternal ScopeOn EarthIn Heaven NaturePhysicalSpiritual TimingAt PresentIn the Future AdministrationHuman MediatorGod 5 Facets of the Kingdom of God Program The Theocratic Kingdom The Universal Eternal Kingdom The Spiritual Kingdom The Mystery Kingdom The Millennial Messianic Kingdom

3 Israel Present The Unconditional Covenants Although a covenant is made, signed, and sealed at a certain point of history, this does not mean that all the promises or provisions go immediately into effect. Abrahamic CovenantSeed,Land,Blessings Davidic CovenantSeed Palestinian CovenantLand New CovenantBlessings

4 The Church’s Relationship to the Unconditional Covenants Physical promises limited to Israel, the church partakes of the Spiritual. Ephesians 2:11-16, 3:5-6 The Death of Jesus ratified, signed, and sealed the new covenant The provisions of the new covenant cannot be fulfilled in, by, or through the church only in, by, and through Israel. The Physical blessings belong to Israel Church is a partaker of the Spiritual blessings of the new covenant The blessing of Salvation The blessing of the forgiveness of sins The blessing of the indwelling Holy Spirit

5 The Mosaic Covenant and the Law of Moses Israel present The unity of the Law of Moses The Bible views the Mosaic law and the Mosaic Covenant as one unit The three fold division Moral, Ceremonial, Legal (10 commandments 603 Laws) The OT word Torah, & NT Nomos (Law) is singular but contains 613 commandments

6 The Law of Moses has been Rendered Inoperative Rom 10:4 For Christ is the end (Telos) of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Telos the conclusion of an act or state of termination Gal 3:19 What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator.

7 The Law of Christ is our law of life today Gal 6:1-2 Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. 2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Rom 8:1-2 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

8 Summary and Conclusions The day of the Sabbath has never been changed There is no obligation to keep the Sabbath today Jewish and Gentiles are free to keep or not to keep the Sabbath We are free to keep the Sabbath in any form you chose The body must meet Corporately

9 The Sabbath The Sabbath was the sign, seal, and token of the Mosaic covenant. Once the Mosaic covenant became inoperative the Sabbath law ended. There is no NT commandment for keeping the sabbath The Sabbath was Saturday not Sunday, day of rest not corporate worship

10 Israel and the Church A. Evidences for the distinction of Israel and the church First the Church didn’t exist before Pentecost, entrance into the church is by Spirit Baptism. Second Events of the Messiah were prerequisites to the establishment of the Church The death of Messiah The Resurrection of the Messiah The Ascension of the Messiah Third The mystery Character of the Church The Mystery of the body of Christ being Jews and gentiles The Mystery of the truth of Christ indwelling in you The Mystery of the church being the Bride of Christ The Mystery of the Rapture of the church Forth The church is called the one new man Fifth Distinguished from each other in 1Cor 10:32 Sixth The term Israel is never used of the Church

11 Sunday Worship Was universal by the 2 nd century Pre - Constantine Sunday was a day of worship Post- Constantine church councils to call Sunday the Sabbath applying Sabbath rules Sabbath 7 th Day commemorates the Creation rest of God a finished creation Sunday 1st Day commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ a finished redemption No Christian Sabbath / No Jewish Sunday

12 Israel Today

13 Israel Today Two world wide regatherings of the Jews

14 Israel Today Two world wide regatherings of the Jews One in unbelief to prepare for judgment, (the tribulation)

15 Israel Today Two world wide regatherings of the Jews One in unbelief to prepare for judgment, (the tribulation) Second in faith to prepare for blessings (Messianic Kingdom)

16 Introduction Romans 9:1-11:24 The Remnant of Israel, and the Olive Tree

17 Introduction Romans 9:1-11:24 The Remnant of Israel, and the Olive Tree 1Peter 2:1-10 he is writing to the Hebrew believers

18 Introduction Romans 9:1-11:24 The Remnant of Israel, and the Olive Tree 1Peter 2:1-10 he is writing to the Hebrew believers Romans 9-11

19 Introduction Romans 9:1-11:24 The Remnant of Israel, and the Olive Tree 1Peter 2:1-10 he is writing to the Hebrew believers Romans 9-11 Previous chapters 1-3 all fall short and have sinned,

20 Introduction Romans 9:1-11:24 The Remnant of Israel, and the Olive Tree 1Peter 2:1-10 he is writing to the Hebrew believers Romans 9-11 Previous chapters 1-3 all fall short and have sinned, 4-8 Salvation of God past, present, future.

21 Introduction Romans 9:1-11:24 The Remnant of Israel, and the Olive Tree 1Peter 2:1-10 he is writing to the Hebrew believers Romans 9-11 Previous chapters 1-3 all fall short and have sinned, 4-8 Salvation of God past, present, future. 9-11 Nothing can separate us from the love of God

22 Three questions

23 Three questions Why so few Jews being saved when the Gospel is to the Jew first ? Comfort is found in the remnant today Comfort is found in the acceptance of the gentiles Comfort is found in the future salvation of all Israel

24 Three questions Why so few Jews being saved when the Gospel is to the Jew first ? Comfort is found in the remnant today Comfort is found in the acceptance of the gentiles Comfort is found in the future salvation of all Israel How do Gentiles know they can trust God when His promises to Israel have not be fulfilled ? Israel’s failure due to spiritual pride and self-sufficiency Israel’s rejection is not complete or total some Jews believe Israel’s rejection is not final the nation will be saved

25 Three questions Why so few Jews being saved when the Gospel is to the Jew first ? Comfort is found in the remnant today Comfort is found in the acceptance of the gentiles Comfort is found in the future salvation of all Israel How do Gentiles know they can trust God when His promises to Israel have not be fulfilled ? Israel’s failure due to spiritual pride and self-sufficiency Israel’s rejection is not complete or total some Jews believe Israel’s rejection is not final the nation will be saved Has the Gospel nullified God’s promises to Israel ? NO, NO, NO

26 Three questions Why so few Jews being saved when the Gospel is to the Jew first ? Comfort is found in the remnant today Comfort is found in the acceptance of the gentiles Comfort is found in the future salvation of all Israel How do Gentiles know they can trust God when His promises to Israel have not be fulfilled ? Israel’s failure due to spiritual pride and self-sufficiency Israel’s rejection is not complete or total some Jews believe Israel’s rejection is not final the nation will be saved Has the Gospel nullified God’s promises to Israel ? NO, NO, NO Romans 9-11 answers the question in 3:1 What advantage then hath the Jew ?

27 The Theology of Israel’s rejection 9:1-29 9:1-5Paul’s sorrow and Israel’s privileges 9:6-13Israel’s rejection in light of Biblical History Believing Israel, Unbelieving Israel Isaac Ishmael JacobEsau 9:14-29 Israel’s Rejection in light of biblical principles Is there unrighteousness with God ? Why does God find fault ?

28 Explanation of Israel’s Rejection 9:30 - 10:21 9:30-33The stumbling of the people 10:1-11Israel’s ignorance in the Channel of Salvation 10:12-13Israel’s ignorance of the universal Character of Salvation 10:14-21Israel’s ignorance of the universal preaching the Gospel

29 The Consolation of Israel’s Rejection 11:1-24 11:1-10The Rejection of Israel is not in total 11:11-15The Purpose of Israel’s Stumbling 11:16-24The Olive Tree

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