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1. 2 Class Class meets here 7:00 Tuesdays for between 1 and 1.5 hours A Lab immediately follows the class in 143 Baker A second lab is Friday 2-5 in 143.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Class Class meets here 7:00 Tuesdays for between 1 and 1.5 hours A Lab immediately follows the class in 143 Baker A second lab is Friday 2-5 in 143."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Class Class meets here 7:00 Tuesdays for between 1 and 1.5 hours A Lab immediately follows the class in 143 Baker A second lab is Friday 2-5 in 143 Baker The labs are essentially times when you know you can reach me or Mr. Halligan You are NOT required to attend any lab and are free to attend either of them.

3 3 How it works There are NO exams – useless in a course like this There are quizzes and the focus is on terminology and where “stuff” is located in the ArcGIS interface There are weekly assignments …

4 4 Assignments Each week the following assignments are usually made –A module of the ESRI on-line course –The ESRI quiz results are turned in in class the following week –A no-hands-held assignment by me that reinforces the module material –The no-hands-held assignments are turned in 2 weeks later in class In this way the assignments for a specific week overlap ESRI on-line course 

5 5 Texts The main text is ESRI’s on-line course “Learning ArcGIS 9” I is free! (but you need a password) The other text is “Practical Vector GIS”. A reader from the Marshall Mall Copy Center ($10) A suggested text is “Getting to know ArcGIS” but make sure you get the edition for version 9!

6 6 Password? I obtain the course passwords from SU and then email them to you with instructions for getting into ESRI’s Virtual Campus and accessing the course These passwords will be sent to the email address the Registrar gave me (usually a address) so it is important that you either use that address or forward mail to it to the address you do use.

7 7 Doing the on-line course Method 1 –You can do it by having two windows open on the computer ArcGIS Web page with instructions –You then flip back forth (and lose your place) Method 2 –Copy and paste lesson/exercise into word –Print it – now you have a book –You put that next to the computer and check off what you do (and don’t lose your place)

8 8 Where are Assignments found? On the FOR557 schedule that can be accessed from the course web page – lets go there! The schedule is where you will also find: –Lecture topics and PowerPoints –Reading Assignments –Notes

9 9 Where are the rules? On the course web page in the Syllabus Course descriptions Grading Rules about handing stuff in Etc. Note: The only paper handed out in this class is a) Quizzes and b) Grade reports. Everything else is on the web!

10 10 Please Read and check the web pages! –Course Information Details, details, details –Schedule –Links My e-mail is

11 11 E-mail Very important for this class E-mail is the way to contact me E-mail is the way to contact the course HELP system BUT – if matriculated, you MUST either use your College assigned e-mail address OR have SU forward e-mail from that account to your private account that you usually use Not hard…

12 12 Forwarding e-mail If you don’t want to use your assigned to you by the College then go to Click on e-mail address registry And you end up here…

13 13 Forwarding e-mail If you don’t want to use your assigned to you by the College then go to Click on e-mail address registry And you end up here… 1.Click here And you get this 2. Enter email address to which you want mail forwarded 3. Click Submit!

14 14 Easy

15 15 Data Management Data for all exercises is available on the Baker Lab’s Server Academic1 –The ERSI exercise data (also available from the web at ESRI) –The data for my exercises Some of this data is large (megabytes) So this raises the question “where do I store my data?” Media…

16 16 Backing up is YOUR responsibility! First choice of media –64 or 128 meg flash memory stick –These devices plug into USB ports 2nd choice of media –250 meg Zip disk –NOT 100 meg and NOT 750 meg –250 meg seems to be universal on campus The smart person has 2 of either of these! It is very easy to trash the contents of either one!

17 17 Storage of Exercise Data Since Zip disks and flash memory sticks are relatively slow the best solution is… Get in the habit of running exercises from a workspace on C:\ and NOT from your backup storage device! Workspaces left on a cluster machine have about a 99.99% probability of not being there when your come back to the machine (assuming you remember exactly which machine you were using!) That means that you must copy workspaces from C:\ to your backup media and vice-versa.

18 18 Trashing backup media? Very easy to do! XP (and other Win versions) store what is to be written to a flash stick or Zip in a buffer. The buffer is written to the media when a.The device is stopped (USB flash or zip) b.The Zip is properly ejected (Never eject by pushing the eject button on the drive!)

19 19 Trashing backup media? Yup! XP (an other versions) store what is to be written to a flash stick or Zip in a buffer. The buffer is written to the media when a.The device is stopped (USB flash or zip) b.The Zip is properly ejected (Never eject by pushing the eject button on the drive!)

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21 21

22 22 ArcGIS ArcGIS has 3 license levels –ArcView –ArcEdit –ArcInfo Power  License level  ArcView ArcEdit ArcInfo And every license level has 2 programs ArcMap The main GIS software ArcCatalogA data management tool

23 23 We will be using… ArcView 9.0 The lowest license level of ArcGIS The same as ArcGIS but without the full set of tools that the ArcInfo license level has. It is available to students for ~$250 At the end of the course we will also be using ArcView 3.3 …

24 24 ArcView 3.3 An older system similar in some ways to ArcView 9 Why? Because you MAY run into it when seeking a job and you will at least be able to say you have used it. You will have the basic skills anyway, they are just in a different place

25 25 Extensions to ArcMap Allow even more capability in ArcView 9 Spatial Analyst – raster GIS 3-D Analyst GeoStatistical Analyst Business Analyst ArcPress – for making published map files ArcIMS – Internet Map Server And many others

26 26 ESRI? ESRI is not the only company making GIS software. There are others –IntergraphMapInfo –Small WorldIDRISI So why is ESF fixated on ESRI products? –Defacto standard for many states including NY.

27 27 The Schedule The course schedule is kept up to date on the web Since this is almost a new course you can expect changes in the schedule as we work through it so don’t bother to print it! Where is it?

28 28 Course Web Resources The schedule is the key to what is going on. PowerPoints, exercises, etc. can all be downloaded – we hand out very little paper! (quizzes). Notes – sources of information Help at @Help557@rousmail

29 29 The End

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