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Wisconsin Network for Health Research (WiNHR) How to Market Your Network Dr. Howard Bailey, Faculty Head of WiNHR Deb Kruser, Director of WiNHR.

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Presentation on theme: "Wisconsin Network for Health Research (WiNHR) How to Market Your Network Dr. Howard Bailey, Faculty Head of WiNHR Deb Kruser, Director of WiNHR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wisconsin Network for Health Research (WiNHR) How to Market Your Network Dr. Howard Bailey, Faculty Head of WiNHR Deb Kruser, Director of WiNHR

2 WiNHR: Partner Sites WiNHR provides an opportunity to conduct multi-site research across the entire state of Wisconsin by collaborating with the four founding partner sites:


4 2004-2008-Critical funding, infrastructure, relationships of trust, and mechanisms for efficiency and communication established 2009- Nesting of WiNHR within ICTR establishes further commitment to opportunities for collaboration 2010- Strategic and Marketing Plans, Logic Model and associated Metrics developed 2010-2011- Execution of plan for ongoing quality, efficiency, and network growth

5 WiNHR Growth To date, the WiNHR has enrolled a total of 1404 subjects in completed and ongoing research studies to include 558 subjects in 7 completed studies (2004-2008) and an additional 846 subjects in 4 active studies (two ongoing from 2008 and two initiated in 2010). Four industry sponsored studies, one investigator initiated study, and two federally funded studies (NHLBI) are proposed for initiation in the next six months and will include the recruitment of a total of 729 additional subjects. Seven federal grants (2 NHLBI, 2 NINR, 1 NINDS, 1 NIAID, and 1 NCI) and one industry study incorporating a WiNHR collaboration are also pending a funding decision at this time Other grants, sponsor relationships, and community collaborations are also in various stages of development

6 Strategic Planning/Marketing Concepts Consider whether your network is poised for the execution of a growth plan as this can take many years to establish Determine your internal (investigators, other networks and institutional partner site groups) and external stakeholders (collaborators and funding sources) Consider the features, advantages, and benefits of your network from the perspective of your identified stakeholders Create a strategic marketing plan with priorities/timelines/metrics Review your plan regularly to assess progress and revise as necessary based on available resources, ROI, state and national priorities, and other variables that may be unique to your network

7 7 WiNHR University of Wisconsin Gundersen Lutheran Marshfield Clinics Aurora Health Care CUPH WREN UW-M Foundations Clinical Units Community Hospitals Industry Sponsors Pharmacies Community Coalitions Pharmacy Benefit Managers Managed Care Government Payers State Government Private Donors Federal Funding Agencies

8 How to Execute your Growth Plan Create tools (marketing brochures, posters, website, etc) that clearly outline the features, advantages, and benefits of your network Share approved quotes from WiNHR collaborators and sponsors Seek venues for educating stakeholders Faculty Department Meetings Grand Rounds Opportunities Local Research Conferences State and National Conferences Meetings with Community Groups, Company Representatives Remember to “sell” your network to your potential collaborating investigators, groups, and funding sources Be a helpful resource to your stakeholders Create a post-utilization survey for Quality Improvement

9  Thank you

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