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Mission Possible: Graduation and Beyond Class of 2014 Advisement This advisement program supports the state of Georgia BRIDGE Law Advisement and Graduation.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission Possible: Graduation and Beyond Class of 2014 Advisement This advisement program supports the state of Georgia BRIDGE Law Advisement and Graduation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission Possible: Graduation and Beyond Class of 2014 Advisement This advisement program supports the state of Georgia BRIDGE Law Advisement and Graduation Plan

2 Focus of 10 th Grade Advisement  Advisement and Impact of BRIDGE Law  GACollege411 including My411 Student Portfolio Information  PSAT Results for Students Who Took Test

3 Advisement and BRIDGE Law Information

4 BRIDGE Law Mandated Advisement Legislation  Law regarding advisement that began during the 10-11 school year.  This law mandates that certain tasks be completed on GACollege411 to support all students career planning and decision making.  Students must have a GACollege411 account (My411), complete career interest inventories, complete their graduation plan, explore 3 careers, and be provided with information about College Credit Now/Dual Enrollment.

5 Promotion to Grade 11  In order to be promoted to the 11 th grade, your student must have earned 11 credits.

6 HOPE GPA  Please remember that a HOPE gpa is calculated on a 4.0 scale, and the focus is on academic courses completed.  Non-academic elective courses do not count.  Thus, a numeric GPA of 83.4%, does not necessarily mean that the HOPE gpa will be 3.0 or higher.  Currently, your student can monitor his/her HOPE gpa via your GACollege411 account.

7 Summary of HOPE Changes Document

8 What will happen for your student in Infinite Campus (our student information system) regarding their advisement and course requests plan????

9  Teachers will request courses for English, Math, Science, Social Studies, & 2 nd or 3 rd year pathway courses  Students will complete the Advisement/Registration plan listing their elective choices.  Students have already requested electives during Classroom Guidance this month.  The IC Course Request List will be available for review before the end of this school year.

10 Advisement Planning  With your student during classroom guidance, we reviewed:  11 th Grade Requirements  Electives  Career Cluster and Pathway Information  Georgia High School Testing Requirements  Georgia High School Writing Test  EOCTs or GHSGT in English, Math, Science and Social Studies  Important career planning websites: 

11 AP and Honors Information  Applications will be available February 27.  You can find the link to AP and Honors information on the Hiram High School website.

12 Career Clusters and Pathways  Counselors spend time with students completing career interest inventories and linking those results to one of the 11 Career Cluster areas.



15 Work-Based Learning (WBL) How can I benefit from WBL?  Put your book knowledge to use and gain hands on experience in your career.  Earn school credit in your career area during your Junior and Senior year.  Earn money while learning (excluding some internships).

16 Work-Based Learning (WBL) Opportunities Include :  Youth Apprenticeship  Cooperative Education  Internship  Employability Skills Development Ask your WBL Coordinator, Mrs. Debbie Routt, or Counselor for an application.

17 Credit Recovery Courses  If your student is needing to take a credit recovery course due to failing a course, the counselor can help him/her determine if this option is a good choice.  Credit recovery courses are taken via E2020 and PLATO. There is an approval process for taking these courses.

18 Additional Options Presented to Students During Classroom Guidance to Consider as a Junior or Senior

19 College Credit Now Accel Gateway to College Articulated Credit Residential Programs Move On When Ready Early College Hope Grant

20 A process by which high school students take courses from a state public or private postsecondary institution while still enrolled as a high school student and receive credit both at the high school and at the postsecondary institution. College Credit Now/ Dual Enrollment Defined

21 Dual Enrollment Quick Reference Guide Explains the following for all programs on previous slide: Who is eligible College admission requirements Full-time or part-time status Available courses Campus attendance Earned credits Who pays

22 Strategic Goals For the GaDOE and the State Board of Education

23 Accel District-wide a few high school students participate in this program. It is for students that wish to take college level coursework for credit towards both high school and college graduation requirements. It is available to 3 rd and 4 th year high school students.

24 Accel Continued  Accel courses may be taken, if offered, on the high school campus or on the college campus. Students may be a part time or full time student on the college, university or technical college campus. Eligible students must meet certain criteria and participate in an advisement conference with a counselor.

25 Accel Link on GAcollege411 _Planning/Scholarships/Grants_and_Sch olarships/Accel_Program.aspx

26 Move On When Ready  Move on When Ready is Another College Credit Now/Dual Enrollment Option for Students  Junior Year (3 rd Year)  Senior Year (4 th Year)


28 MOWR and Testing Requirements Students must meet all state assessment requirements  End of Course tests or Georgia High School Graduation Tests  Postsecondary admissions testing requirements 

29 MOWR-Who Pays for…?  Tuition, Fees, materials  Books  Food/Lodging/ Transportation Provided through FTE, as arranged by the GADOE Students and Parents/guardians

30 Additional MOWR (Move on When Ready) Information A. Georgia’s eligible college institutions are participating. B. Students can participate in secondary extracurricular activities and competitions. C. EOCT and GHSGT testing is still required. D. Course information regarding this program must be communicated to all students and parents by April 1.

31 Full-Time Status 1) There is a MOWR requirement of being a full- time student at the college, university, or technical college. 2) Full time status must be maintained at the post secondary level all semester. 3) Student returns to high school full time if they drop below full-time status at college.

32 College Credit Now/ Enrollment Credit Secondary credit for pre-approved postsecondary courses will be awarded according to the following conversion: One to two semester hour credits =.5 high school unit credit Three to five semester hour credit = 1 high school unit credit

33 Dual Enrollment opportunities require..  Advisement conference with the counselor prior to each semester of 3 rd and/or 4 th years.  Approval of parent/guardian  Admissions requirements met at an eligible post-secondary institution  Documentation completed for final approval

34 Testing  Georgia High School Graduation Tests or End of course tests  SAT and/or ACT

35 SAT Test Information testing/sat/calenfees.html


37 ACT Test /dates.html

38 ACT Testing 2011-12


40 Junior and Senior Year Your student should:  Focus on academics  Take rigorous/relevant courses which include Advanced Placement and honors courses  Keep organized  Research options  Use  Career exploration  Post-secondary schools exploration  Scholarship information  Planning and application information  Keep HOPE Alive!!!!!

41 Post-secondary Plans   Important website with career interest inventory information  College, university, and technical college information

42 This Important Website  GACollege411(My411 Account is set up.)  Student’s individual profile  Student’s HOPE gpa information  Student’s career interest inventory information  Student’s high school graduation planning process…BRIDGE Graduation Plan  Student’s career planning and decision making  Student’s post secondary/college planning process

43 PSAT Test Results Source: The College Board

44 PSAT Test  The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude test provides a standardized view of a student’s scholastic skills, regardless of the school attended, and helps students compare themselves with other college-bound students nationwide.

45 4 Major Parts of Your PSAT/NMSQT Results Your Scores Your Skills Your Answers Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Skills Understanding Your PSAT/NMSQT Results Next Steps 3 Test Sections

46 Your Scores Percentile If you are a junior, your scores are compared to those of other juniors. If you are a sophomore or younger student, your scores are compared to those of sophomores. Score You can see your projected SAT score online in My College QuickStart ( Score Range

47 National Merit Scholarship Corporation Information The Entry Requirements section displays information you provided on your answer sheet. The Percentile compares your performance to that of other college-bound juniors. The Selection Index is the sum of your critical reading, mathematics and writing skills scores. If it has an asterisk, you do not meet all of the eligibility requirements for the competition.

48 See how you did on each skill. The same skills are tested on the SAT. Your Skills You can try hundreds of practice questions, organized by skill, online in My College QuickStart (

49 Your Answers You will get your test book back with your PSAT/NMSQT results, so that you can review the questions. You can also review each test question in My College QuickStart.

50 Your Answers: Student-Produced Responses Some of the math problems required you to grid in answers instead of selecting an option. For these questions, you will see the correct answer(s) written out.

51 What’s next? Use the access code on your report to log in to My College QuickStart, a personalized college and career planning kit. There you can: Search for colleges Get a personalized SAT study plan Take a personality test to find majors and careers that fit you Next Steps

52 My College QuickStart

53 My Online Score Report Projected SAT® score ranges State percentiles You can filter questions Questions and answer explanations

54 My College QuickStart My SAT Study Plan™ Personalized skills to improve SAT practice questions An official SAT practice test

55 My College QuickStart My Personality Personality test Description of your type Tips for success Majors and careers that might be a good fit for you

56 My College QuickStart My College Matches Starter list of colleges Criteria to customize search Ability to save searches

57 My College QuickStart My Majors & Career Matches Major you chose Related majors Related careers

58 My College QuickStart Log in to your personalized account at

59 Professional School Counselors support all students! Thank you for attending the Class of 2014 10th Grade Advisement Opportunity!

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