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Roman Historiography Republican.

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1 Roman Historiography Republican

2 Syllabus PURPOSE: This course is about Latin, History and Historiography. Our subject will be Sallust's Bellum Catilinae. Our object, first and foremost, is to further your ability to read and translate Latin with careful attention given to grammar, syntax and style. To provide necessary context for Sallust and the BC, we must also familiarize ourselves with the political history of the Late Republic. Our final objective is to examine the art of classical historiography and to analyze Sallust's distinctive contribution to Roman Historiography.

Ramsey, Sallust's Bellum Catilinae  (Oxford University Press; 2007)   our primary text copious notes on grammar & syntax current annotated bibliography maps

McGushin, Sallust: Bellum Catilinae (Duckworth Publishers; 2002) vocabulary copious historical commentary notes on grammar & syntax VOCABULARY

5 Syllabus This course is not just about translating Sallust, it’s about Roman political history and historiography. To that end the Ramsey edition is essential and the McGushin commentary invaluable.  Please obtain copies of both.

Taylor, Party Politics in the Age of Caesar (University of California Press; 1961) Sather Lectures a classic work on political life at the end of the Republic discusses the evolution of Roman politics easy prose style explains many Roman political oddities essential for anyone interested in Roman Republican politics and/or enrolled in CL341

MacDonald, Cicero Orationes vol.x In Catilinam I-IV, Pro Murena, Pro Sulla, Pro Flacco (Harvard University Press;1976) supplement our main text Cicero's own take on the Catilinarian conspiracy Catiline's conspiracy, one of the best documented events from the late Republic, gives us the rare opportunity to analyze not just one literary version of these events, but to think critically about the divergences between Sallust's and Cicero's accounts, and to try to make sense of "what really happened" during this chaotic period of Roman history. possible paper topic

8 Syllabus GRADING: Participation 25% Exam (10/3) 25% Paper (12/6) 25%
Final Exam (12/12)  25%

9 Sallust, Bellum Catilinae

10 literary historical political
approaches literary historical political Literary- style, genre Historical- both the time of event and publication Political-

11 historiography Definition- study of writing of history; history of historical writing Ancient Historiography- facts or argument, forebearers reliability Herodotus attempted to distinguish between more and less reliable accounts, and personally conducted research by travelling extensively, giving written accounts of various Mediterranean cultures. Although Herodotus' overall emphasis lay on the actions and characters of men, he also attributed an important role to divinity in the determination of historical events. Thucydides, on the other hand, largely eliminated divine causality in his account of the war between Athens and Sparta, establishing a rationalistic element which became defining of subsequent Western historical writings. He was also the first to distinguish between cause and immediate origins of an event, while his successor Xenophon (ca. 431ミ355 BC) introduced autobiographical elements and character studies in his Anabasis. What to pay attention to: style, phrasing, vocabulary, narrative, rhetoric, speeches Analysis (authorial voice) objectivity purpose

12 history What is it? purpose?
Events surrounding- sources literary but also epigraphical/numismatic Monograph-single protagonist-

13 context Is everything… so an understanding of history, but also of the society and its political structure is essential to fully appreciate BC. What came before, what happened during and between the time of the event and the works publication.

14 30 minute Review of roman history
April 21, 753BC Romulus 750 Greek colonies established in Italy 700 Etruscan civilization dominates Numa Pompilius Tullius Hostilius Ancus Marcius L. Tarquinius Priscus 600 Forum Romanum built Servius Tullius L. Tarquinius Superbus 578- cloaca maxima 550- Servian walls

15 30 minute Review of roman history cont.
509BC Establishment of the Republic 508 Creation of the position of Pontifex Maximus 494 First Secession of the Plebs in Rome. Creation of the tribunes of the plebs, two elected annually 471 Concilium Plebis created; office of tribune recognized 451 Decemviri establish code of 12 tables 449 Secession of the plebs lex Valeria Horatia grants tribunician inviolability. 447 Creation of position for two quaestors, elected by the tribal assembly. 445 lex Canuleia: consuls replaced by military tribunes with consular powers; allows plebeians and patricians to marry; 421 The number quaestors is increased to four, opened to plebeians. 409 Three of the elected quaestors are plebeians. 510-rape of Lucretia 509- overthrow of Etruscan kings, IOM built on Capitoline 483-The temple of Castor is completed and dedicated.

16 30 minute Review of roman history cont.
390 Gauls sack city of Rome, capitol saved. 7month siege; invaders are bought off. 367 Lex Liciniae Sextiae restores the Consulship, plebeians admitted to the office of consul. 366 Offices of Praetor and Aedile added to Cursus Honorum. First Samnite War, Rome occupies Campania 328 Etrurian & Campania annexed 312 rural tribes in Rome number 27 304 Second Samnite War Third Samnite War central & southern Italy under Rome 295 Rome expands north to Po Valley

17 30 minute Review of roman history cont.
war with Pyrrhus First Punic War 264 All of Italy under Roman control Second Punic War First Macedonian War Second Macedonian War Third Punic War First Sicilian Slave War

18 30 minute Review of roman history cont.
133 Tiberius Gracchus tribune Gaius Gracchus tribune Jugurthine War Marius consul 90-88 Social War 88 Sulla: First Mithridatic War 88 Sulla's march on Rome with his army 82 Sulla becomes dictator 71 Crassus crushes Spartacus 71 Pompey defeats Sertorius' rebellion in Spain 70 Consulship of Crassus and Pompey

19 30 minute Review of roman history cont.
63 Pompey defeats Mithridates 60 First Triumvirate: Pompey, Crassus, & Julius Caesar Caesar conquers Gaul 53 Crassus killed in (battle) of Carrhae 49 Caesar crosses the Rubicon 48 Pharsalus (battle); Pompey Killed In Egypt Caesar's dictatorship 44 End of Civil War 43 Second Triumvirate: Marc Antony, Lepidus, & Octavian 42 Philippi (battle) 31 Actium (battle) 27 Octavian becomes Augustus

20 Roman History recap 8th c traditional founding
7th c Etruscan domination 6th c Republic established 5th c Struggle of the orders 4th c Italy expansion 3rd c Punic wars 2nd c Mediterranean expansion 1st c Internal struggles

21 Sallust 86 Born at Amiternum 85-56 Sallust’s lost years… 55 quaestor?
Sabine municipium 85-56 Sallust’s lost years… Pythagorian cultist Strange puerile sacrifices Adulterous swine Fausta (Milo’s wife) and a host of other Roman matrons 55 quaestor? 52 tribune 50 expelled from Senate Political purge? novus homo Social wars & Sulla Silent 60’s

22 Sallust 49 Illyricum Setback at Curicta 47 praetor-elect
command of legion Setback at Curicta 47 praetor-elect mutiny mess up 46 Africa campaign regained Senate seat Cercina Governor of Africa 45 accused of res repetundae Municiple origin novus homo Sabine 85-56 Sallust’s lost years… Social wars & Sulla Silent 60’s

23 Sallust 44 retirement horti Sallustiani historian 35 death May 13

24 works Bellum Catilinae Bellum Iugurthinum Historiae after 43 41-40
Incomplete Epistulae ad Caesarem???? Hist books

25 Historiography Pre-Sallust Annalistic narratores rerum
not analy(s)tic narratores rerum brevity, truthfulness only virtues boring?? L. Cornelius Sisenna 67BC puerile quiddam Cicero de oratore 2.51 Social wars/civil wars Leg.1.7 Cicero-Lucceius write a monograph

26 Sallustian Style brevitas vocabulary infinitives run amok
archaisms neologisms infinitives run amok inconcinnitas Quintilian’s verdict Thucydides Cato the Elder Inconcinnitas-unusual, unexpected- word order, standard phrases, imbalance

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