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The Geography of Rome The Mythical Founding of Rome: Romulus & Remus.

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Presentation on theme: "The Geography of Rome The Mythical Founding of Rome: Romulus & Remus."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Geography of Rome

3 The Mythical Founding of Rome: Romulus & Remus

4 Italy Latins Etruscans Greeks

5 Influence of the Etruscans Writing  Writing  Religion  Roads  The Arch  Metallurgy


7 The Twelve Tables, 450 BCE Provided political and social rights for the plebeians.

8 Republican Government 2 Consuls (Rulers of Rome) Dictator (ruled for 6 months, chosen by Consuls) Senate (Representative body for patricians) Assembly (Representative body for plebeians) fasces

9 Society Pater familia Women Slavery Cities and Urban Life Homes –atriums

10 Social Classes Patricians Plebeians Gravitas [Roman Values] discipline, strength, loyalty

11 Rome’s Early Road System

12 Military

13 The Roman Forum

14 Roman Roads: The Appian Way

15 Circus Maximus

16 Carthaginian Empire

17 Punic Wars First Punic War--264-241 BCE control of Sicily and Mediterranean Sea turning point of war--beached Carthaginian ship use of raven (iron hook) victory for Romans

18 Second Punic War 218-202 BCE Rome’s navy expands Hannibal and Alps Scipio –Battle of Zama

19 Hannibal’s Route

20 Third Punic War 149-146 BCE “Carthage must be destroyed.”- Cato

21 Collapse of the Republic Returning soldiers find land destroyed Landless move to Rome--often riot Wealthy gained spoils of war Slave Revolts

22 Reform Leaders Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus - the poor should be given grain and small plots of free land.

23 Civil and Social Wars Sulla declares himself Dictator Kills all enemies except-Caesar

24 First Triumvirate Crassus Pompey Julius Caesar

25 Gallic Wars Commentaries on the Gallic Wars--Caesar

26 Crossing the Rubicon, 49 BC

27 Caesar Dictator 46 BC Ten years not 6 months Roman citizenship granted in provinces Increased number of senators Ended Draft Public Works=decreased unemployment 20 new provinces=land to landless Julian Calendar

28 Beware the Ides of March! 44 BCE


30 The Second Triumvirate Octavian Marc Antony Marcus Lepidus


32 What group influenced Rome with its religion, metallurgy, roads, etc.? A.) Etruscans B.) Greeks C.) Latins D.) Huns

33 The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and Carthage over control of the A.) City of Rome B.) Mediterranean Sea C.) The Atlantic Ocean D.) The Black Sea

34 The plebians were successful in getting a written law code which became the basis for Roman Law. This law code was called. A.) Hammurabi's Code B.) Justinian's Code C.) The Twelve Tables D.) The Forum


36 Octavian Augustus: Rome’s First Emperor

37 Accomplishments of Augustus Encouraged trade Long-lasting system of government Buildings and monuments Common coinage Public works programs Civil Service

38 Pax Romana: 27 BCE – 180 CE

39 Pantheon

40 Roman Aqueducts

41 The Roman Colosseum

42 The Colosseum Interior

43 The Greatest Extent of the Roman Empire – 14 CE

44 Slavery Widespread Most were conquered peoples Children of slaves became slaves Property of owner

45 Culture and Philosophy Epicureanism Stoicism Marcus Aurelius

46 Literature Livy Aeneid –Virgil Tacitus –Satires –Annals

47 Science and Technology

48 Roman Baths

49 Imperial Roman Road System

50 Eurasian Trade



53 The Rise of Christianity

54 St. Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles

55 The Spread of Christianity

56 Early Christian Church

57 Diocletian Splits the Empire in Two: 294 CE

58 Constantine: 312 - 337

59 Constantinople: The 2 nd Rome Founded in 330

60 Theodosius Upon his death Empire Divided- 395 CE Western part—Roman Empire Eastern part—Byzantine Empire with capital in Byzantium [Constantinople]

61 Barbarian Invasions: 4c-5c

62 Attila the Hun: “The Scourge of God”

63 Fall of Western Roman Empire Political Social Economic Military

64 The Legacy of Rome  Republic Government  Roman Law  Latin Language—Romance Languages  Roman Catholic Church  City Planning  Romanesque Architectural Style  Roman Engineering - aqueducts - sewage systems - dams  - concrete - arch

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