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Rome: Importance n “successor” to Greece n “carrier” of Greek civilization n political model for later Europe n measure of success for nations and individuals.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome: Importance n “successor” to Greece n “carrier” of Greek civilization n political model for later Europe n measure of success for nations and individuals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome: Importance n “successor” to Greece n “carrier” of Greek civilization n political model for later Europe n measure of success for nations and individuals

2 Importance, con’t n model for later monarchies n model for later, mixed constitutions –Great Britain, U.S., etc. n model for most European legal systems n model for the concept of citizenship

3 Roman History n The Regal Age: ca. 779-509 B.C. n The Republic: 509-27 B.C. n The Empire: 27 B.C.-1453 A.D. –Early Empire: 27 B.C.-325 A.D. –Later Empire: 325 A.D.-1453 A.D.

4 Location n Italy n Tiber River n between Etruscan and Greek cities n part of the Latin League



7 Early history n Indo-European n entered Italy ca. 2000 B.C. n settled south of the Tiber n primitive institutions

8 The Kings n Seven kings n Romulus n historical kings? –the Etruscan kings –the last three

9 The Republic n revolution n patricians (2-4%) and plebeians (96- 98%) n constitutional government –influenced by Athens? –the constitution of Cleisthenes?

10 Offices n 2 consuls n 2 praetors n aediles n quaestors n dictator

11 Important institutions n the assemblies n the elective offices n patron-client relationships n The Twelve Tables

12 Struggle of the Orders n struggle for political participation n plebeian institutions: the tribunes n the secessions n the compromises –no political violence until 133 B.C.

13 Roman Expansion n conquest of Veii: Rome’s “Trojan War” n gradual expansion for a century n the Latin League –extension of citizenship –Romans, half-citizens, Latins, allies –continuous expansion n Celts, Samnites, etc.




17 Expansion, con’t n Etruscans n Greeks n Carthage ??? –three Punic Wars –254, 220, 146 B.C. n control of Western Mediterranean


19 Expansion, con’t n the Hellenistic Monarchies n the Greek Federal Leagues n lots of wars, Romans are dragged in...a lot n Romans get tired of it n control of most of the Med. basin by 100 B.C. n but still essentially a city-state

20 Roman Religion n rustic Italian cults n overlay of Greek religion n Etruscan influences n Romans as “pack rats”

21 Roman art n best we don’t even talk about that








29 Roman architecture n great skill n engineers and architects n roads, cities n concrete







36 Roman Literature n copied from Greek models n interests in rhetoric, law, and satire n Stoic and Epicurean philosophy

37 The Late Republic: 133-27 B.C. n introduction of violence into domestic politics n competition for status and recognition n civil war


39 Important Figures n Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus n Marius and Sulla n Pompey the Great, Marcus Crassus, Julius Caesar –First Triumvirate n Marc Antony, Marcus Lepidus, Octavian Caesar –Second Triumvirate


41 Gaius Marius

42 Gaius Julius Caesar

43 Pompey the Great

44 Cicero

45 Octavian Augustus

46 Octavian as pontifex maximus

47 Marc Antony

48 The Empire n unification of the Mediterranean basin and western Europe n extended citizenship n empire-wide commerce n Roman law n tolerance for local autonomy




52 The Julio-Claudians n Augustus n Tiberius n Caligula n Claudius n Nero

53 Changes n reduction of political competition n end to expansion n reduction in the army n further extension of citizenship

54 The Flavians n Year of the Four Emperors (69 A.D.) n Vespasian n Titus n Domitian

55 The Antonines: the Good Emperors n Edward Gibbon n the height of the Empire n the culmination of the pax Romana n succession by adoption of the most competent

56 The Good Emperors n Nerva n Trajan –strong military leader n Hadrian –excellent administrator –Hellenophile n Antoninus Pius n Marcus Aurelius –the embodiment of the philosopher king

57 The Rise of Christianity n Jesus of Nazareth –teacher, prophet, revolutionary –the Jesus Movement n Paul of Tarsus –cultural mixture: Jewish and Greek –founder of Christianity

58 Rise of Christianity, con’t n disappearance of Jewish followers: 70 A.D. n growth of the Pauline church n the poor, women, children, slaves n no success among men, the educated, etc. n benefits of Roman infrastructure and the pax Romana

59 Roman suspicion n the First Jewish War n “eastern religion” –corrupted the mos maiorum –that is, “traditional family values” n rumors of orgies and cannibalism n Second Jewish War n Trajan’s Rescript


61 The Crisis of the Third Century n End of the practice of adoption n The Severian Emperors –the army as a social class –abandonment of the Augustan constitution –collapse of the senate and other organs of state –collapse of the civil adminstration

62 Crisis, con’t n collapse of society –breakdown of social classes n collapse of the economy –collapse of trade and coinage n barbarian invasions n civil wars –Thirty emperors –The Danubian emperors (soldiers)

63 Crisis, con’t n Aurelian - restituor orbis n Decius - persecutions of those who corrupt traditional family values n Diocletian

64 Diocletian and Reform n The Tetrarchy n The Annona n The Edict of Maximum Prices n The “new provinces” n The “eastern frontiers” n The “new capitals” n The “persecutions” –Edict of Toleration, 311

65 Constantine n The divided empire, united n The Battle of the Milvian Bridge n The “conversion of Constantine” n The Edict of Milan - 314 n The First Ecumenical Council n The New Capital –Constantinople

66 Books for you to read n H.H. Scullard and M. Cary. A History of Rome to 325 n J.B. Bury. The Later Roman Empire n A.H.M. Jones. The Later Empire n J.J. Norwich. A Short History of Byzantium n E. Gruen. The Last Generation of the Roman Republic n Michael Crawford. The Roman Republic n Colin Wells. The Roman Empire n Averil Cameron. The Later Roman Empire

67 More Books n M. Gelzer. Caesar n C. Meier. Caesar n A. Everitt. Augustus n E. Gruen. Diaspora: Jews among the Greeks and Romans n W.G. Kummel. Introduction to the New Testament n Keith F. Nickle. The Synoptic Gospels

68 And more books…. n Joel Carmichael. The Birth of Christianity n A. Schweitzer. The Quest for the Historical Jesus n W. Barnes Tatum. The Quest for Jesus n M. Grant. Jesus: An Historians Review of the Gospels n M. Grant. The Jews in the Roman World n M. Grant. St. Paul n E.P. Sanders. The Historical Figure of Jesus n Paula Fredrickson. Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews

69 More…. n Bart Ehrman. Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millenium n Geza Vermes. Jesus the Jew n L. Michael White. From Jesus to Christianity n S.G.F. Brandon. The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth n Hyam Maccoby. Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity n Morton Smith. Jesus the Magician

70 And yet more… n m m n R. Helms. Gospel Fictions n R. Helms. Who Wrote the Gospels n H.Y. Gamble. The Canon of the New Testament n D.A. Carson. The King James Debate: A plea for realism

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