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 The image above is a Triumphal Arch.  In Ancient Rome these arches were built to honour great leaders or military victories.  The image above is the.

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2  The image above is a Triumphal Arch.  In Ancient Rome these arches were built to honour great leaders or military victories.  The image above is the Arch of Constantine built in 315 AD.  Many of these structures were temporary last from a few days to a few years.  However, we have record of 36 permanent arches that were built during the Roman republic.

3  Today only 5 Roman arches remain.  Throughout history many leaders and nations have adopted the arch as a symbol of honour and power.  Today some of the most famous triumphal arches are located outside the boundaries of the former Roman empire.  For example: Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Arch of Triumph in Korea.  Canada has several smaller arches. Ex: National War memorial

4  Historians know that Rome grew out of a small farming village in the 10 th century BC (1000 BC).  However, the exact dates and timeline for the development of Rome is unknown.  Many historians use 509 BC as the start of the Roman empire.

5  There is evidence to suggest another date for the founding of Rome.  According to legend Rome was founded by two brothers, Romulus and Remus, who were descendants of a Trojan prince.  The date derived from some ancient sources is April 21, 753 BC.  It is said that the brothers (twins) were abandoned near the Tiber river and raised by a she-wolf.  As adults the brothers founded Rome in the same spot as they were found by the she-wolf.

6  The Roman empire started and developed slowly.  The Romans built their empire by slowly annexing (taking over) new territories.  The Romans followed the same type of expansion as the Persians.  However, their political system resembled that of the Greeks.

7  Previously to 509 BC Rome was nothing more than a city state.  It is believed that early in Rome’s history (before 509 BC) this area was inhabited by the Etruscans.  The Etruscans lived in Rome for a very long time roughly around 1200 BC.  Along with the Etruscans the Italian peninsula was shared by the Latins, Samnites and those from Campania.  Until 509 BC there was limited contact between these groups (War).

8  In 509 BC the Romans (a sub-group of the Latins) took over the city of Rome and forced out the Etruscans.  Once the city has been taken over the Romans started to expand its territory.  According to Roman law, war was only justified as defence.  This means that Roman armies would attack and conquer territory as a form of preventative measures.

9  Therefore, as Rome expanded it needed to attack and conquer more territory in order to protect their empire.  Rome conquered territory in order to prevent attacks against their empire

10  Once Rome had conquered all of the Italian peninsula they began expanding outward.  One of the first foreign opponents that Rome had to face was Carthage.  Carthage was a powerful city located in Northern Africa.  Today Carthage would be located in Tunisia.

11  Originally Rome and Carthage fought over control of Mediterranean trade routes.  Rome and Carthage fought three wars called the Punic Wars.  The First war started in 264 BC. The third and final war ended in 146 BC.  In 146 Carthage surrendered fully  As result Rome destroyed the city of Carthage and took over the surrounding territories.

12  Hannibal was the leader of Carthage during the Second Punic War.  The war lasted for 218 BC to 203 BC.  Hannibal was actually the most successful of all Carthaginian leaders.  Hannibal was a brilliant military leader and tactician.  He had a strategy that used very quick movement from place to place.

13  Hannibal was famous for his use of war elephants.  Hannibal landed in Gaul (France) and marched through the Alps.  This journey cost Hannibal many of his troops. Many died from lack of food and the cold.  Hannibal marched all the way to Rome defeating many of Rome’s armies along the way.  Hannibal was finally defeated at the Battle of Zama (203 BC)

14  The Romans were a naval superpower at the time.  The Carthaginians lost many ships to the Roman Navy.  By 146 BC Carthage had fallen and Rome expanded it’s empire.  However, Hannibal showed the Roman leaders major flaws in Rome’s defences and military mobilization.  Rome also acquired the understanding and use of war elephants.

15  Rome had a very powerful and well- organized army.  Rome was able to use this army to keep control over the territories that it had conquered.  Rome’s institution, government, and laws were constantly changing in order to meet the new needs of the state.  State: country or government of a country

16  Over the span of only a few centuries Rome had taken control of the entire Mediterranean area.  Many of the enemies that Rome faced were very strong.  Rome lost many battles during its history however, they ultimately won wars due to their persistence and organization

17  With every war that Rome had fought their army grew and became stronger.  This is because many enemies pledged their allegiances to Rome and joined the army.  Furthermore, Rome borrowed military tactics and weapons from their enemies.  For example: War elephants from the Carthaginians, short swords from the Spanish tribes.

18  Caesar started his public career as a senator.  It was during this time that he accumulated religious, political, and military powers.  Caesar was an extremely successful general and added much territory to Rome’s empire.

19  One of Caesar’s most famous military campaigns was the Gallic Wars.  From 58 to 51 BC the Romans were at war with the Gauls (modern day France). Rome was victorious  After these wars Caesar gained more power.  He became Rome’s first Emperor and was assassinated shortly after.  His adopted son Augustus took over as emperor.

20  Rome was led by kings until about 509 BC.  Eventually these kings were overthrown and a new system of government was put into place.  The new system was called the Republic.  Magistrates and senators were elected by the citizens of Rome, to hold very high offices and powers.

21  The republic lasted for approximately 450 years.  The republic was the pride of the ancient world.  The Romans prided themselves on the fact that their empire was ruled by the people.  For nearly 450 years the republic was able to prevent any one person from gaining too much power.

22  When a senator or magistrate was given a high ranking office it was customary for them to return power to the Republic.  Most high ranking offices had a term of 1 to 2 years.  Military offices were less defined. Usually power was given back at the end of a conflict.  If power was not returned people were put in jail or exiled.  Some like Caesar were assassinated.

23  During the Republic, Roman citizens elected magistrates.  There was a citizen assembly but it did not hold any official power.  The lowest office was that of Quaestor. This office was in charge of finance. There were 20 Quaestors.  The next office was the Aediles. There were 4 and were in charge of maintenance.

24  The next office was that of Praetor, there were 8 and were in charge of justice.  The final office was the most prestigious and most powerful. Which was the office of Consul.  There were 2 Consuls, and were in charge of the military.  All of these offices had a 1 or 2 year term.  Once the term was over these magistrates became senators.  There were 300 and were named for life. Their were in charge of foreign policy (war and trade with other territories)

25  The Senate also supervised the magistrates.  The made sure that no one person gained too much power.  There were 10 Tribunes. These offices were filled by plebeians only.  There role was to protect the plebeian citizens. They could veto any law of any magistrate if it proved to be unfair.  Veto: means to overrule, final say with any issue.

26  During the Empire the Emperor was the head of the government and army.  The Emperor appointed senators and governors to manage the empire and apply laws.  Citizens still voted for magistrates. However, the emperor could suggest people he thought could do the job  During the empire citizens could vote on laws proposed by the emperor.

27  The Tribunes lost their veto power.  The Emperor held the final say (veto power) on all matters.  Magistrates still kept their offices for a term of 1-2 years.  Basically the Roman emperors kept the structure of the government, but offices held no official power.  Emperors passed down their power when they died. Usually to their son or adopted son or close male relative.

28  During the height of the Roman Empire, Rome was home to about 1 million people.  Many elaborate building were constructed for religious, political, entertainment purposes.  All riches and wealth acquired during war was used to make the city more elaborate and luxurious.

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