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Foundations of the Roman Republic 509-343BCE. The Founding of Rome  Myth: Rome founded in 753BCE by Romulus and Remus (raised by a she- wolf). Romulus.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations of the Roman Republic 509-343BCE. The Founding of Rome  Myth: Rome founded in 753BCE by Romulus and Remus (raised by a she- wolf). Romulus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of the Roman Republic 509-343BCE

2 The Founding of Rome  Myth: Rome founded in 753BCE by Romulus and Remus (raised by a she- wolf). Romulus kills Remus after a dispute and he then establishes Rome.  Evidence: Archaeology tells us that by the mid-8 th C. BCE a settlement existed on the Palatine Hill (centremost hill of the seven hills of Rome).

3 Etruscans take control  Ruled from approx. 616- 509BCE.  Civilised people who controlled a large proportion of Italy.  Took control of Rome due to its prime location on the Tiber River.

4 The Founding of the Republic  Popular history suggests that around 509BCE the Etruscan kings were expelled by revolution and a Republic was established.  However, evolutionary change is just as plausible – Rome underwent a gradual process on its path to a Republic.

5 Conflict of the Orders  A class struggle between Patricians and Plebeians from 494-287BCE.  Plebeians well organised – collective action  A number of important positions are gained and laws are passed during this period (for the Plebeians).  This period can be defined as the Plebeian struggle for equality and justice.

6 The Italian Conquests 1. First Phase (509-390BCE)  Rome’s territory doubled.  Treaty signed with the Latin League – Rome has stable allies for 150 years 2. Second Phase (390-338BCE)  Rome controlled 7500 sq km and one million people. 3. Third Phase (338-290BCE)  Roman military tactics change from the Phalanx (Greek) to the Maniple (more flexible).  Road building becomes central to controlling the Latin and Roman colonies.

7 Rome takes control of Southern Italy – Pyrrhic Wars  280-275BCE – a series of battles with the Greek State of Epirus – King Pyrrhus  Rome wins and takes control of Southern Italy.

8 Roman gains following Italian campaigns

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