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The Study of Matter and Energy

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1 The Study of Matter and Energy

2 Energy A measure of the ability to produce change
Property of an object or system of objects Measured in Joules (SI system of measurement)

3 Energy Storage Mechanisms
Electrical Energy Elastic (Potential) Energy Kinetic Energy Gravitational (Potential) Energy Photon Energy Chemical (Potential) Energy Interaction Energy

4 Mechanical Energy Energy associated with an object (or system of objects) due to the object’s motion and or position. Usually includes Kinetic, Gravitational, and Elastic Energy

5 Gravitational Energy (Eg)
Energy stored in a system due to its position above a reference point (usually the lowest point possible)

6 Elastic Energy (Eela) Energy stored in a system due to the stretching or compression of an elastic material. Usually measured from a “at rest” position

7 Kinetic Energy (Ek) Energy stored in a system due to motion

8 Energy of Pendulum Describe the mechanical energy associated with the pendulum at positions A, B, and C A C B

9 Energy Transfer Energy can be transferred from a source object to a receiver object within a system Energy can also be transferred from a source within the system to a receiver outside the system

10 Energy Transfer The energy associated with an object can be transferred from one storage mechanism to another For example, the kinetic energy associated with the pendulum at position B is transferred to gravitational energy as it swings upward toward position C.

11 Dissipated Energy (Ediss)
Energy stored in a system due to random particle motion as a result of friction Considered “unrecoverable”

12 System Identification
Arbitrary but necessary to describe situation accurately Choosing a large system means more energy transfers within the system and less energy transfers across system boundaries.

13 Energy Transfer Energy can be transferred into or out of a system by three processes: Working, Radiating, and Heating

14 Heating (Q) Transfer of energy across a system boundary due to a temperature gradient (difference in temperature)

15 Radiating (R) Transfer of energy across a system boundary by photons (Electromagnetic waves)

16 Working (W) Transfer of energy across a system boundary by a force

17 Energy Conservation Energy cannot be created or destroyed
Energy of the universe is constant Any change in energy (ΔE) has to be accounted for

18 1st Law of Thermodynamics
The change in energy of an object or system is equal to the energy transferred into or out of the object / system

19 Energy Pie Charts Qualitatively represents changes in energy storage as a system undergoes some process Represent conservation of Energy and the 1st Law of Thermodynamics A bullet fired from a gun travels through the air and strikes a target Ek Ediss Energy of bullet after striking target Energy of bullet before striking target Rest of energy transferred to target

20 Energy Bar Graphs Energy of an object / system is illustrated using bars Energy transferred into or out of the object / system is illustrated using a energy flow diagram After striking Target Before striking Target Bullet Ek Eg Eela Ediss Ek Eg Eela Ediss To target

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