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PSITE PEER! PReParE for OD Organization Development April 28-30, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "PSITE PEER! PReParE for OD Organization Development April 28-30, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSITE PEER! PReParE for OD Organization Development April 28-30, 2011

2 OD Concepts OD Defined Beckhard  “an effort, planned, organization-wide, and managed from the top, to increase organization effectiveness and health through planned interventions in the organization's processes, using behavioral-science knowledge."

3 OD Concepts (cont.) Organizational Development – refers to "individual" as the unit of analysis – Internal development in the organization a)Human Resources b)Hierarchy Development c)Infrastructure development Organization Development – "collective or wholesome" as the unit of analysis – It is the development of the organization in the market by comparing itself with previous year’s turnover etc. expanding the organization etc.

4 OD Concepts (cont.) Application of OD/Interventions – Social processes – Work designs – Human resources – Organization structures

5 OD Concepts (cont.) Psychological Foundations of OD – the nature of human beings in organizations – motivation that drives their behaviour – resistance of such behaviour to change – groups as the focus of organization change

6 OD Concepts (cont.) OD and Change OD involves both planned change and development of the organization itself (Cummings & Worley, 2001). OD focuses on changing and improving three key aspects of organizations: – Strategies – Design components – Processes OD focuses on improving organization effectiveness

7 OD Concepts (cont.) Rules of an Effective Organization (Gardner, 1965) Must have an effective program for the recruitment and development of talent Capable of continuous renewal is that it must be a hospitable environment for the individual Must have built-in provisions for self-criticism There must be fluidity in the internal structure Must have some means of combating the process by which men become prisoners of their procedures

8 OD Concepts? Organizational Change and Development Organization change is a departure from the status quo. In the simplest sense, change management means the process of helping a person, group, or organization change. In essence, OD is a planned system of change – Change management implies “a purposeful effort to bring about change.

9 OD Concepts (cont.) Definition of Organization – Organisations are bringing together activities so that in their coordinated action, they would produce a greater result.

10 Core Components of an Effective Organization Vision, Values and Mission Governance Strategic Thinking and Planning Program Development and Implementation Evaluation, Learning and Accountability Human Resource Management Organizational Culture Management Systems and Structures Legal Compliance, Fiscal Management and Public Accountability Resource Development Constituent Relationships Collaboration

11 OD Concepts (cont.) Definition of Organization – It would be more accurate to say that organization is to bring together SYSTEMS to work in union rather than activities.

12 What is a System In the simplest sense, a system is a series of interdependent components (Burke, 1980). A structure or organization of an orderly whole composed of a number of parts, elements or functions, related to each other and to the whole working together to accomplish a specific mission.

13 Systems Thinking

14 14 Systems Thinking (cont.) The term systems approach emerged in the 1950s to describe a holistic and analytical approach to solving complex problems. Three parts include: – Systems philosophy – Systems analysis – Systems management

15 Systems Thinking (cont.) Problem-solving approach: The analysis process 15

16 Systems Thinking (cont.) Problem-solving approach: The synthesis process 16

17 Characteristics of System Wholeness SystematizationCompatibility

18 Systems Thinking The Laws of the Fifth Discipline: Peter Senge 1.Today’s problems come from yesterday’s “solutions.” 2.The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back 3.The easy way out usually leads back in 4.The cure can be worse than the disease 5.Faster is slower 6.You can have your cake and eat it too—but not all at once. 7.Dividing the elephant in half does not produce two small elephants. 8.There is no blame.

19 Defining System Boundaries SYSTEM An integrated whole made up of interacting, interrelating and interdependent parts unified by design to achieve a set of goals or objectives. Focal System System of concern (e.g. your office or organization) Sub-system Parts or members of your office or organization.

20 Defining System Boundaries (cont.) Macro System Larger organization to which your office or organization belongs. Related System Other offices or organization which may be within or outside your larger organization Mega System The community at large

21 Systems Map (RS) MS SS Mega S (RS) FS

22 PSITE Systems Map Region 3  Professional Organizations  CHED/TESDA  Linkages (I/A)  Accrediting Agencies  Division/Luzon  Linkages  Extension  Members  HEI’s  Members Individual  Institutional  SSTIE chapter  Industry  Extension  Linkages  Research SS RS MEGA RS MACRO FS PSITE National MACRO  CHED  Linkages  Extension  Regional ICT Council  Research Internal PITJ MEGA

23 PSITE Systems Map? Activity

24 Why OD? People should care about organization development because it is rapidly emerging as a key business topic—if not the key business topic

25 PSITE PEER! PReParE for OD? Honestly, I do not have an answer now. What I can share with you is a PROCESS or a ROADMAP to take, to answer this question; to make the choices. As it is, PREPaRE for OD is a challenge. PSITE’s success will depend largely on how well those ideas and innovations account for the fact that organization change is essentially a social process requiring human beings to change their behavior and mental sets.

26 PSITE PEER! PReParE for OD? “The interdependent nature of our world calls for all of us to collaborate with others within and outside of our organizations each and every day. ‘Going-it-alone’ is often an ineffective, even damaging, strategy, particularly in light of the tremendous complexity of the challenges we face. The success of our organizations—and our individual and collective well-being—depends more and more on our ability to work with others to create a common understanding of the systems from which both problems and solutions emerge.” (Building Collaborations, 2004)

27 Jar of Priorities A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him:  Jar  Golf balls  Pebbles  Sand  2 cups of coffee


29 References SAIDI Organization Planning System module Organization Development & Change – T. Cummings & C. Worley Six Thinking Hats – Edward de Bono The Laws of the Fifth Discipline – Peter Senge

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