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This week’s spelling words Homophones Words that SOUND the SAME but are SPELLED DIFFERENTLY and have DIFFERENT MEANINGS.

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Presentation on theme: "This week’s spelling words Homophones Words that SOUND the SAME but are SPELLED DIFFERENTLY and have DIFFERENT MEANINGS."— Presentation transcript:

1 This week’s spelling words Homophones Words that SOUND the SAME but are SPELLED DIFFERENTLY and have DIFFERENT MEANINGS

2 Our Weekly Spelling List 1.whole 2.hole 3.its’s (it is) 5.hear 7.won 9.our 10.hour 11.their 12.there 13.fur 14.fir 15.road 16.rode 17.peace 18.piece 19.every 20.sing Color Codes *high frequency words= orange

3 whole/hole He was so hungry he ate the whole entire pizza. She has a hole in her sock.

4 its/it’s (it is) The dog hurt its paw. It’s almost Thanksgiving!

5 hear/here Can you hear that music playing? I am going to sit right here on this bench.

6 won/one The team won the championship. I only had one piece of candy left from Halloween.

7 our/hour Our class is doing their work. We have lunch in one hour.

8 their/there Their friends are coming over to play. Run over there and get the newspaper please!

9 fur/fir The puppies fur was so soft. We got a fir tree to decorate for Christmas.

10 road/rode The road was so bumpy. He rode his bike to the park.

11 peace/piece We had peace and quiet on our vacation. May I have a piece of pie?

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