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第三か 初めっての読むと書く. 今日は:本読む ひとまねこざろ 地図使う Reflection … How did you feel? What were you thinking? How much could you understand? What strategies did you use?

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Presentation on theme: "第三か 初めっての読むと書く. 今日は:本読む ひとまねこざろ 地図使う Reflection … How did you feel? What were you thinking? How much could you understand? What strategies did you use?"— Presentation transcript:

1 第三か 初めっての読むと書く

2 今日は:本読む ひとまねこざろ

3 地図使う

4 Reflection … How did you feel? What were you thinking? How much could you understand? What strategies did you use?

5 Old Business: Network … Talk to another teacher this week about reading in their classroom. Find out: What their favorite reading activity is What do they recommend for teaching reading Choose any subject area (not just Lang. Arts) Report to us on what they say …

6 Literacy Acq. Similarities: L1/L2 Complex process Learn printed forms Sequence of: letters, words, sentences Use for communicative functions Adjust for social contexts

7 Literacy Acq. Differences: L1/L2 L1 students are orally fluent L2 students can acquire both oral and written language simultaneously L1 students are enculturated for English L2 students may or may not be enculturated into their home language literacy

8 Readiness vs. Emergent Reading Readiness Still in practice in SC? Problems//Benefits? Emergent Literacy Gradual development No prerequisites Glory in the ‘ small steps ’

9 Emergent Stages Drawing Scribbling Letter-like forms Learned letters & letter strings Invented spelling Conventional spelling Continuum

10 Surround Students w/Literacy Ideas? From text? Not in text?

11 Concepts to Induce … Print carries meaning/message Spoken words get written Written words get spoken English = left to right, top to bottom Alphabetic principle = sound correlations Beware exceptions in the correlations Speech & writing both linear sequence

12 On Phonics Good if: Kids exhibit phonemic variation principle Based on words not yet fully acquired But on familiar words Meaningful (not isolated)

13 Non-Literate ESL Learner You tell me … What unique issues should you expect? How can these issues be addressed?

14 Home & School Why does the home matter? T/F: Illiterate families ignore literacy What can a teacher do to … Involve parents school-wide? Involve parents individually? Grants, donations, etc … ?

15 Early Literacy Goals Awareness of R/W in life Relationship R/W & speaking Knowledge of conventions Knowledge of correspondences Sight word recognition

16 Early Literacy Strategies Phonics Sight word development Holistic inclusion of literacy

17 Literacy-Rich Classes Books, Books, Books … Literacy in the daily routine Reading aloud Alphabet books Dialogue journals

18 Learning Words Big books Sight word development Word families Invented words Spelling development

19 Pre-phonetic Phonetic Transitional Conventional

20 Assessment Celebrate gradual change Charts of realistic expectations Writing: p. 200 Reading: p. 201

21 Homework: Network … Talk to another teacher this week about writing in their classroom. Find out: What their favorite writing activity is What do they recommend for teaching writing Choose any subject area (not just Lang. Arts) Report to us on what they say … Chapter 6: Process Writing

22 Extra Reading Working with 2 nd Language Learners: Answers to teachers ’ top 10 questions Stephen Cary © 2000 How do I support student ’ s first language when I don ’ t speak the language?

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